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       #Post#: 18152--------------------------------------------------
       Ancient Chinese Monk Describes India
       By: rp Date: February 26, 2023, 11:41 am
 (HTM) https://youtu.be/_zy1IowqaDE
       #Post#: 24895--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Ancient Chinese Monk Describes India
       By: rp Date: January 23, 2024, 11:05 am
 (HTM) https://sundayguardianlive.com/opinion/lord-ram-reached-china
       #Post#: 26198--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Turanian diffusion
       By: antihellenistic Date: May 1, 2024, 1:56 am
       Ancient Western Discriminative Racial Ideology
       [quote]...Second, although the Old Javanese Ramayana was a
       palace commissioned text, written for and by a male-dominated
       elite, it was read in public performances and thus became a
       popular work. This story is one of the most famous epic stories
       in Indonesia and India (Chatterji 1967, 69). In ancient India,
       the Ramayana was recited in public with the intention of
       improving the spiritual well-being of kings and their subjects
       as well as for political purposes (Saran and Khanna 2004, 10).
       Some researchers argue that the Indian Ramayana was composed to
       support [s]Aryan[/s] Western civilization (Vyas 1967, 3, 27, A.
       Sarkar 1987, 11). In the Indian Ramayana, Rama is represented as
       taking part in the spread of [s]Aryan[/s] Indo-European culture
       in southern India (A. Sarkar 1987, 8). In precolonial Indonesia,
       the Ramayana was used to revive the teachings of Hinduism
       because around the 7th century Buddhism had become a strong
       influence in Sumatra, West Java and Central Java (Sunoto 1992,
       50). So great was the influence of these Old Javanese texts from
       India that this influence is still felt today, and in many
       places in Java the heroes from Old Javanese texts remain more
       popular than Islamic heroes (Creese 2004, 23 -24; Zoetmulder
       1974, 23). Its popularity and political significance are what
       make the Ramayana an influential text
       In both versions of the Ramayana, evil characters are depicted
       as having dark skin color and are represented through objective
       correlations that symbolize darkness and imply negative
       feelings. First, dark and black skin colors are used to imply
       suffering. In the Ancient Javanese Ramayana, a female ascetic
       whose skin was "as dark as kohl" (Ramayana 97-98, 148) tells how
       her skin turned black as punishment for eating the flesh of the
       god Vishnu. He considers his conversion to black as "the origin
       of his suffering" (Ramayana 150). The use of darkness to signify
       someone's suffering can also be seen in the scene where Sita is
       sad because she is separated from her husband. In this scene he
       is represented "like a new moon darkened by his suffering"
       (Ramayana 300). Thus darkness and dark skin are combined in
       these scenes through a sense of suffering.[/quote]
       Source :
       White, Skin Color, Race, and Beauty in Transnational Indonesia
       by L. Ayu Saraswati Page 36 and 49
       #Post#: 26201--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Ancient Chinese Monk Describes India
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: May 1, 2024, 4:02 am
       "Ancient Western"
       Not traceable to Moses or Aristotle, therefore not Western. At
       most you can blame the Vedics.
       #Post#: 26204--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Ancient Chinese Monk Describes India
       By: rp Date: May 1, 2024, 8:29 pm
       This makes no sense. Most of the Vedics probably had dark skin.
       Yaduvanshi/Chandravanshi Krishna's name etymologically means
       "Black". The reason some villains in Hindu mythology are
       depicted darker is because the Vanavasi (non Aryans) most likely
       had darker skin compared to the Aryans (i.e. Ram, who was a
       Suryavanshi). More important than the skin color is the face
       shape, as you will see almost all "rakshasas" (demons) are
       depicted with a wide face and thick mustache. This is also a
       perfect caricature of the typical South Indian politician/thug,
       which is why it causes so much seethe in the vulgar plebian
       I don't know even know why Vedics would have preference for
       light skin, but I am willing to consider explanations.