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       #Post#: 21519--------------------------------------------------
       Western Neo-Colonial Mentality
       By: antihellenistic Date: August 16, 2023, 2:49 am
       Recent debates with westerners and rightist show that they are
       indifferent to what happened today in the "Global South" or
       "less-developed nations". They say that they doing crime only
       during colonial era. But they not aware that their recent
       government oppress the former victim of colonialism with any
       kind of new oppression, that is neo-colonialism. This is the
       definition of neo-colonialism :
       [quote]The methods and form of this direction can take various
       shapes. For example, in an extreme case the troops of the
       imperial power may garrison the territory of the neo-colonial
       State and control the government of it. More often, however,
       neo-colonialist control is exercised through economic or
       monetary means. The neo-colonial State may be obliged to take
       the manufactured products of the imperialist power to the
       exclusion of competing products from elsewhere. Control over
       government policy in the neo-colonial State may be secured by
       payments towards the cost of running the State, by the provision
       of civil servants in positions where they can dictate policy,
       and by monetary control over foreign exchange through the
       imposition of a banking system controlled by the imperial power.
       Where neo-colonialism exists the power exercising control is
       often the State which formerly ruled the territory in question,
       but this is not necessarily so. For example, in the case of
       South Vietnam the former imperial power was France, but
       neo-colonial control of the State has now gone to the United
       States. It is possible that neo-colonial control may be
       exercised by a consortium of financial interests which are not
       specifically identifiable with any particular State. The control
       of the Congo by great international financial concerns is a case
       in point.
       The result of neo-colonialism is that foreign capital is used
       for the exploitation rather than for the development of the less
       developed parts of the world. Investment under neo-colonialism
       increases rather than decreases the gap between the rich and the
       poor countries of the world.
       The struggle against neo-colonialism is not aimed at excluding
       the capital of the developed world from operating in less
       developed countries. It is aimed at preventing the financial
       power of the developed countries being used in such a way as to
       impoverish the less developed. - Kwame Nkrumah, Former President
       of Ghana (1909 - 1972)[/quote]
       Source :
       Neo-Colonialism, the Last Stage of imperialism - Kwame Nkrumah
 (HTM) https://www.marxists.org/subject/africa/nkrumah/neo-colonialism/introduction.htm
       Recall on what Professor of History Ken Hammond said about
       [quote]...Due to the fact that Western colonialism is still
       happening today. Arbitrary development by political units for
       example Kenya's state politics. You know, there was no country
       for British colonization, and the British got together with the
       previous communities and said, "You're going to be British East
       Africa". When they're independent, political arbitrariness
       continues to complicate Kenyan political life until now. So
       European colonialism. and its devastating consequences for
       African society and its economy continue to this day.
       Source :
       China and Africa: The Real Story of Western Hypocrisy (2
       December 2021)
 (HTM) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4AlyyPplkY
       (Minute 13: 15 to 17: 38)
       #Post#: 22071--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Western Neo-Colonial Mentality
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: September 12, 2023, 5:41 pm
 (HTM) https://www.yahoo.com/news/australian-travel-vlogger-slammed-going-173329963.html
       [quote]Australian travel vlogger slammed for going inside
       ‘women-only’ train carriage in Japan
       An Australian travel vlogger is now in hot water after filming
       himself going inside a “women-only” train carriage in Japan and
       calling himself a “women inspector.”
       What happened: TikTok user @ShearingShedVlogs, whose real name
       is Turan William Salis, posted a video of the incident on TikTok
       last week. He wrote in the post's description that Japan’s
       “women-only” carriage was “the last thing I would expect to see
       in such a free country like Japan.”
       The video starts with the travel vlogger entering a women-only
       train carriage, even noting how it is “like Saudi Arabia in
       here.” He then proclaims in the video that he is a “women
       inspector” checking whether the carriage only has women inside
       “It really is a women-only carriage, guys,” he says before the
       video ends.[/quote]
       Not anymore. He is in it! But he doesn't count himself because
       "whites" do not need to follow rules in "non-white" countries
       because "whites" can unilaterally appoint themselves as
       [quote]How people reacted: Several TikTok users criticized the
       travel vlogger for his actions, with one user commenting, “It’s
       for women’s safety. You literally made the whole train
       uncomfortable by not following the rules written IN HUGE
       Woke comments:
       [quote]Just another loser white person who thinks they have
       something to say. Nothing new.[/quote]
       [quote]Some people are full of themselves and rules don’t apply
       to them.[/quote]
       [quote]Australian version of a MAGA for sure. Same ignorant,
       entitled behavior.[/quote]
       [quote]same white degenerates[/quote]
       [quote]Same Anglo culture sense of Anglo white male entitlement.
       British law historically viewed women as chattel (property -
       like cattle and slaves) of their fathers or husbands.  Although
       those laws are gone, the cultural sense of male entitlement over
       women is still there. [/quote]
       [quote]Australians are the lowest of the low.[/quote]
       [quote]He is white so he thinks he is privileged to go anywhere
       where he wants...what a shameless loser  who has no respect for
       other country's culture....Australia is full of white ex-cons
       offsprings and a fine example is provided by him!!!! [/quote]
       [quote]Western entitlement.[/quote]
       Salis (who also looks like what we would expect) does similar
       stuff in other non-Western countries:
       [img width=719
 (HTM) https://external-preview.redd.it/cHVtamttcGdxNGJiMXUv1f6ecrohXLR0U-FHfmdy5zg3nOWyRx_DASNjE9oH.png?format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6732e1f18ce0e3925c71378b22f1b8b3f4705a37[/img]
       including parts of the US (Blue states of course):
 (HTM) https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2023/03/21/00/68920857-11883501-image-m-13_1679358123434.jpg
 (HTM) https://trueleft.createaforum.com/enemies/australia/
       Similar behaviour:
 (HTM) https://trueleft.createaforum.com/colonial-era/when-it-comes-to-palestine-france-can't-shake-off-its-colonial-past/msg16487/#msg16487
       #Post#: 22234--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Western Neo-Colonial Mentality
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: September 19, 2023, 10:02 pm
 (HTM) https://incels.is/threads/seamaxxing-english-teacher-arrested-in-thailand-for-repeatedly-fucking-jb-student.527162/
       [quote]Media reports have shown blurred images that are clearly
       associated with Luke Rockwell, who taught English at the school
       the girl attended and goes by English_With_TeacherLuke on
       TikTok, where he has a following of about 1.3 million followers.
       His TikTok mostly consists of his English-language lessons.
       a former colleague told Coconuts that Rockwell was previously
       forced to resign due to many instances of his inappropriate
       “He would show us pictures of women he’d slept with that
       obviously were taken without consent.
       According to Thanrachada, they began dating and met for sexual
       liaisons on multiple occasions. She told her mother that she had
       unprotected sex because she trusted him.[/quote]
       See also:
 (HTM) https://trueleft.createaforum.com/human-evolution/telegony/
       [quote]Rockwell’s videos have invited controversy. A hashtag
       circulated in 2021 called #CancelTeacherLuke due to videos
       deemed racist.
       In some videos, Rockwell has framed racist talking points as
       educational. In one, he used racial slurs and quizzed his
       viewers on whether they were real terms.[/quote]
       He also looks like what we would expect:
 (HTM) https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2023/09/04/10/75033995-12478249-image-m-11_1693821350516.jpg
       #Post#: 22351--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Western Neo-Colonial Mentality
       By: f Date: September 24, 2023, 5:56 pm
       The "rules based international order" should be more accurately
       called the deception based western order.
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberal_international_order
       the rules-based international order (RBIO),[1] or the
       rules-based order (RBO),[2] describes a set of global,
       rule-based, structured relationships based on political
       liberalism, economic liberalism and liberal internationalism
       since the late 1940s.[3] More specifically, it entails
       international cooperation through multilateral institutions
       (like the United Nations, World Trade Organization and
       International Monetary Fund) and is constituted by human
       equality (freedom, rule of law and human rights), open markets,
       security cooperation, promotion of liberal democracy, and
       monetary cooperation.[3][4][5] The order was established in the
       aftermath of World War II, led in large part by the United
       #Post#: 22451--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Western Neo-Colonial Mentality
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: September 28, 2023, 8:15 pm
 (HTM) https://www.yahoo.com/news/video-foreigner-japan-claims-lie-222245799.html
       [quote]Video: Foreigner in Japan claims he has to lie to get
       into local gyms
       A foreigner in Japan claimed during a man-on-the-street
       interview that he must conceal his tattoos and tell lies just to
       gain access to local gyms.
       Hiding ink: The unnamed foreigner shared in an interview with
       YouTuber Takashii from Japan that he finds himself compelled to
       deceive gym staff about his tattoos just to gain entry into
       Why not just not go instead?
       [quote]He added that he endures the discomfort of wearing long
       sleeves and trousers inside gyms even in hot weather just to
       maintain this fitness routine.[/quote]
       And we are supposed to sympathize with him for this?
       [quote]"I like to go to the gym every day, so if I like to go to
       the gym, I need to cover myself, and I need to lie to them," he
       He also looks like what we would expect:
 (HTM) https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/qjpxM5PY0MsUVOzcYWhk_g--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTIwNDg7aD0xMTUyO2NmPXdlYnA-/https://media.zenfs.com/en/nextshark_articles_509/e069faa896ab121509f8083b7332ec67[/img]
 (HTM) https://trueleft.createaforum.com/human-evolution/non-aryan-treachery/
       [quote]“On the trains, they don't want to sit by my side,” he
       added. “We, from outside Japan, tend to use perfumes, you know.
       We are large, and people don't like it.[/quote]
       You have inferior blood, and people don't like it:
 (HTM) https://www.gnxp.com/WordPress/2014/05/15/why-the-japanese-think-westerners-smell-bad-well-one-reason/
 (HTM) https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/vw6bx7/do_white_people_find_their_own_natural_body_smell/
       #Post#: 23811--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Western Neo-Colonial Mentality
       By: antihellenistic Date: November 17, 2023, 11:08 am
       Exposing the Latent Dangers of White Nationalism in the IMF's
       Trade Relations
       [quote]The privatization program suggested by the IMF and World
       Bank is more accurately described as a form of new colonization.
       In it, there are elements of domination and coercion, which
       place the weakest community groups in a vulnerable position.
       This is not far-fetched, because after the World Bank and IMF
       recommended structural reform and privatization to ease the
       burden on the government budget and to restore the economy, it
       was not long before they were bought cheaply by foreign
       companies. So, although the IMF was originally designed for
       noble purposes, namely global economic stability and helping
       countries experiencing balance of payments difficulties, it has
       now turned predatory. Through structural adjustment policies and
       reducing subsidies and privatization, the IMF robbed state-owned
       companies in developing countries.
       ...Even though the IMF is a public institution funded by
       taxpayers around the world, it is the developed countries that
       control it, and the one with the most effective veto power is
       the United States. A dramatic change in the function of the IMF
       and World Bank to become agents of the interests of developed
       countries occurred during the era of the administrations of
       Ronald Reagan in the United States and Margaret Thatcher in
       Interestingly, even though they have many shortcomings, the IMF
       people are still arrogant. They also seem to work in secret,
       lacking democratic accountability. Even though all the
       activities of the IMF and World Bank are carried out in
       developing countries, these institutions are always led by
       developed countries. According to current custom, there is an
       unwritten rule that the IMF boss is European while the World
       Bank boss is from the United States. They were not chosen to
       represent the developing countries they wanted to help, but were
       chosen behind closed doors. Therefore, it is not surprising that
       the various policies taken are not for the sake of the country
       being represented, but are more focused on the commercial and
       financial interests of the "helping" donor countries.
       The IMF and World Bank have on various occasions always tried to
       ensure that liberalization and globalization will spur growth.
       In fact, there is no theory or evidence that market
       liberalization can actually stimulate growth (Stiglitz, 2001).
       Some experts actually believe that this system could result in
       inefficiencies if there are monopolistic parties. Market
       liberalization policies that are too forced in developing
       countries will only open up opportunities for the entry of
       imported products, resulting in domestic industrial products
       being squeezed out because they are unable to compete. As a
       result, what is happening is increasingly weakening growth and
       widespread unemployment in various economic sectors, especially
       in the agricultural and industrial sectors.[/quote]
       Source :
       POLITICAL ECONOMICS by Deliarnov pages 194, 195, 204
       #Post#: 23814--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Western Neo-Colonial Mentality
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: November 17, 2023, 2:58 pm
       "Exposing the Latent Dangers of White Nationalism in the IMF's
       Trade Relations"
       [quote]Market liberalization policies that are too forced in
       developing countries will only open up opportunities for the
       entry of imported products, resulting in domestic industrial
       products being squeezed out because they are unable to compete.
       As a result, what is happening is increasingly weakening growth
       and widespread unemployment in various economic sectors,
       especially in the agricultural and industrial sectors.[/quote]
       This would put pressure on people in Third World countries to
       migrate to First World countries, which is what WN does not
       #Post#: 23835--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Western Neo-Colonial Mentality
       By: antihellenistic Date: November 17, 2023, 11:24 pm
       [quote]This would put pressure on people in Third World
       countries to migrate to First World countries, which is what WN
       does not want.[/quote]
       WNs also want the "Third World" not to go strong to overpower
       their homeland by doing unethical economic cooperation with
       them. That's the point of their new way to colonize the world
       after the end of World War 2
       #Post#: 23836--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Western Neo-Colonial Mentality
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: November 17, 2023, 11:37 pm
 (HTM) https://vdare.com/posts/the-international-monetary-fund-imf-approves-black-south-african-government-confiscating-white-owned-farms
       Whose side are you on?
       #Post#: 23837--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Western Neo-Colonial Mentality
       By: antihellenistic Date: November 17, 2023, 11:57 pm
 (HTM) https://vdare.com/posts/the-international-monetary-fund-imf-approves-black-south-african-government-confiscating-white-owned-farms
       Whose side are you on?[/quote]
       Then, we must remove the westerners and Jewish element out from
       IMF to control it into totally siding with the "Third World".
       Most of Jews and Europeans still influence it, so the
       neo-colonial practice still ongoing without strong opposition.
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