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       #Post#: 25298--------------------------------------------------
       The Farmer's Mind and Jungian Analytical Psychology
       By: Schwartze Katze Date: March 2, 2024, 5:45 pm
       I have been studying quite a bit of Jungian Analytical
       Psychology as of late from a anti-MBTI (Meyers-Briggs) approach
       and have found it to be quite interesting. I have always been
       some what interested in the 16 personality types and the four
       sides of the mind from a Jungian perspective. I am obviously no
       where near mastery of this subject as of yet and have a long way
       to go before I get there. However, I was thinking that a full
       psychological analysis of the NSDAP is warranted because of all
       the western misinformation out there in that regard?
       Furthermore, perhaps we can pin down some concrete facts in
       regards to the original Aryan mind and personality type which
       made the Neolithic revolution possible?
       Does anyone here believe that the above would be a worthwhile
       effort for this movement?
       One of the masters on the internet I have been learning from who
       goes by CS Joseph on the internet has stated that when it comes
       to psychological temperaments Western Civilization is primarily
       concrete and affiliative, which means personality types that are
       abstract and pragmatic are going to have a rough go of it under
       such a system.
       There is already some psychological work from with in western
       culture that has broached the subject of the "farmer's mind",
       for example:
       The Farmer’s Mind
       [quote]How Farm Aid addresses economic and emotional needs of
       [quote]    “Rain on the scarecrow
       Blood on the plow
       This land fed a nation
       This land made me proud
       And son I'm just sorry there's no legacy for you now”
       —From “Rain on the Scarecrow” by John Mellencamp
       Farmers do not want help. Farmers do not need help. Farmers just
       want to be free to do what they love—grow the food that sustains
       Unfortunately, from the Soviet grain embargo that fueled the
       Farm Crisis of the ‘80s to the Trump administration’s current
       tariffs on products such as soybeans, there is a long history of
       government involvement that reduces farmers’ freedom to set what
       they consider to be a fair price. As a result, some
       farms—particularly smaller family farms—cease to be economically
       viable, such that farmers face not only severe financial
       distress, but also the emotional distress of losing their
       livelihood, home and community...[/quote]
       Entire article:
 (HTM) https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/brick-brick/201902/the-farmer-s-mind
       Just from the first paragraph of that article it already ties in
       so nicely to subjects we spend a lot of time already covering
       here, no? I think the first paragraph even points out the fact
       of how far western civilization has actually fallen from the
       original civilization builders during the neolithic period and
       I was thinking just as a first of personality typing exercise I
       would try and figure out Hitler's actual personality type using
       Jungian analytical psychology. Was Hitler and INFJ or an INTJ,
       or another personality type altogether? Just from the following
       Quora thread on that question alone we can see how Western
       disinformation and misinformation permeates this subject:
 (HTM) https://www.quora.com/Was-Adolf-Hitler-an-INFJ-or-an-INTJ
       When I personality type Hitler I will cite all of my sources and
       research material, including book passages, speeches, and known
       and confirmed actions.
       I would be willing to start a blog on another platform for all
       the above work. Again, would this be worth anything to this
       movement? Thoughts?
       #Post#: 25299--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The Farmer's Mind and Jungian Analytical Psychology
       By: Schwartze Katze Date: March 2, 2024, 5:48 pm
       Lest we also forget Jungian "blood memory" theory. This ties in
       nicely to the above as well does it not?