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       #Post#: 2214--------------------------------------------------
       Russia, the Last Colonial Empire 
       By: guest5 Date: November 14, 2020, 5:55 pm
       Russia, the Last Colonial Empire
       [quote]Russia should be counted among the European colonial
       empires—and as the only one left standing. That’s the key to
       comprehending its future.[/quote]
 (HTM) https://www.the-american-interest.com/2017/06/29/russia-last-colonial-empire/
       Empire of the steppe: Russia's colonial experience on the
       Eurasian frontier
       [quote]Historian Michael Khodarkovsky offered insight into
       Russia's colonial rule in the Eurasian steppe and its
       implications for the current crisis in Ukraine during a Eurasian
       Empires and Central Asian Peoples seminar.[/quote][quote] “In
       many ways,” Khodarkovsky contended, “Russia continues to be an
       ‘Empire of the Steppe’: an empire that is bitter about losing in
       1991 what it considers its territories, and is now trying to
       restore under the slogan of the Eurasian Union."[/quote]
       [quote]Continental or colonial?
       Russia is a colonial empire that has “persistently denied its
       colonial nature,” Khodarkovsky explained. He noted that in the
       mid-16th century, while Spain and Portugal were exploring and
       conquering the New World, Russia was embarking on its own
       imperialistic mission along the soft borders of the steppe, a
       huge swathe of land that runs roughly from Eastern Europe in the
       west through Central Asia to Mongolia and China in the east.
       Both Russian and foreign scholars have frequently disagreed
       about whether Russia’s policies in the Caucasus, Central Asia,
       Siberia and Asia can be considered colonial. Many scholars
       contend that Russia cannot be classified as a colonial empire
       because it expanded only within its own continent. Khodarkovsky,
       however, argued that Russia should be conceptualized as a
       “hybrid empire” because its expansion was both continental and
       colonial in nature.
       While comparisons between Russia and the West are inevitable,
       Khodarkovsky claimed that traditional Russian scholars and
       policy makers have been quick to differentiate the Russian
       experience in the steppe and Western colonialism in non-European
       states. “Similarities with the West were welcome,” he observed,
       “as long as they confirmed Russia’s equal greatness.”
       Traditionally, Russia has maintained that it came together as a
       country through peaceful and voluntary unification, instead of
       the violent means employed by European empires.
       Unlike Europe’s colonization of the New World, which resulted in
       bloody wars of independence and ultimately the expulsion of
       Spain, Portugal, France, and England from the Americas, many
       Russian historians have argued that Russia’s control of
       conquered territory resulted from a policy of “unite and rule.”
       These nuanced differences, said Khodarkovsky, give Russia
       grounds to deny the country’s imperialistic tendencies.
       The speaker argued that Russian history can indeed be classified
       as an imperial if one defines the main characteristic of
       colonialism as an unbalanced relationship between Christian
       conquerors and the non-Christian subjects of their civilizing
       mission. He added that the Russian empire was adept at using
       local elites in the lands it conquered to promote its imperial
       agenda long before the British attempted to do the same in
       Although Russia refused to define its own expansion as colonial,
       Khodarkovsky said it learned from, expanded upon and sometimes
       imitated the colonial experiences of its European counterparts.
       And although the USSR initially identified Russia as an imperial
       power, this criticism was soon muted.[/quote]
 (HTM) https://www.international.ucla.edu/euro/article/139315
       See also:
 (HTM) https://trueleft.createaforum.com/enemies/duginism/
       #Post#: 2217--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Russia, the Last Colonial Empire 
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: November 14, 2020, 10:27 pm
       See also:
 (HTM) https://trueleft.createaforum.com/colonial-era/alaska/
 (HTM) https://trueleft.createaforum.com/colonial-era/sakhalin/
       #Post#: 5125--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Russia, the Last Colonial Empire 
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: March 27, 2021, 11:42 pm
       For reference:
 (HTM) https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9c/Russia_1533-1896.gif/800px-Russia_1533-1896.gif
 (HTM) https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/8BK5l_0MLei3WNmJRf2wxOh44-8ELZv6gG1SDMkzuk3A1s2x8nduRa3XBPo1ZE8tUE_j22NrpPaXyQBRk3iExNZGZ_fLrC8LiIgx6pu8qp6nmcRMYq0[/img]
       #Post#: 7661--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Russia, the Last Colonial Empire 
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: July 22, 2021, 9:52 pm
       To elaborate on the point posted here:
 (HTM) https://trueleft.createaforum.com/questions-debates/aryanism's-hostility-towards-russia-and-eastern-european-people/msg7650/#msg7650
       [quote]"absorbing people of conquered territories to be part of
       Russian people"
       Like this?
 (HTM) https://trueleft.createaforum.com/colonial-era/sakhalin/
       [quote]In October 1946 the Soviets began to repatriate all
       remaining Japanese.[citation needed] By 1950 most had been sent,
       willing or not, to Hokkaidō, though they had to leave all
       of their possessions behind, including any currency they had,
       Russian or Japanese.[/quote]
       Or like this?
 (HTM) https://trueleft.createaforum.com/colonial-era/alaska/
       [quote]the Russian promyshlenniki forced the Aleuts to do
       the work for them, often by taking hostage family-members in
       exchange for hunted seal-furs.[5] This pattern of colonial
       exploitation resembled some of the Russian promyshlenniki
       practices in their expansion into Siberia and the Russian Far
       East.[6] As word spread of the potential riches in furs,
       competition among Russian companies increased and the Aleuts
       were enslaved.
       Hostages were taken, families were split up, and individuals
       were forced to leave their villages and settle elsewhere.
       As the Shelekhov-Golikov Company of 1783-1799 developed a
       monopoly, its use of skirmishes and violent incidents turned
       into systematic violence as a tool of colonial exploitation of
       the indigenous people.[/quote]
       Or like this?
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forced_settlements_in_the_Soviet_Union#Iranians_and_Assyrians
       [quote]in 1950 all Iranians, with the exception of persons
       of Armenian ethnicity, were resettled from Georgia, a population
       of some 4,776 persons, and in the same year thousands of
       Christian ethnic Assyrians were deported from Armenia and
       Georgia to Kazakhstan.[7][/quote]
       Or like this?
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_racism_in_Russia#Effects_on_Indigenous_groups_in_Russia
       [quote]The dispossession of Indigenous peoples from their
       lands throughout Russia for natural resource extraction has a
       long historical context of racism.[3]:44 According to Indigenous
       studies scholar Aileen Espiritu, "As non-European peoples, the
       Khanty, Mansi and Yamalo-Nenets were seen as inferior races by
       the Russians, and were therefore exploited for their goods and
       Or like this?
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deportation_of_Chinese_in_the_Soviet_Union
       [quote]By the 1940s, Chinese had become almost extinct in
       the Russian Far East, although there were more than 200
       thousands Chinese before the October Revolution in 1921.[1][2]
       The detailed history of how the Chinese became distinct still
       needs to be uncovered and deciphered from the Soviet records.[2]
       As local East Asians were forced to leave, Europeans were also
       forced to migrate to the Far East from Europe and Siberia, and
       eventually became dominant in the local population.[3][/quote]
       "you just making it up to vilify Russia"
       Jews say I am just making it up to vilify Israel. I don't take
       them seriously either.[/quote]
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deportation_of_Chinese_in_the_Soviet_Union
       [quote]By the 1940s, Chinese had become almost extinct in the
       Russian Far East, although there were more than 200 thousands
       Chinese before the October Revolution in 1921.[1][2] The
       detailed history of how the Chinese became distinct still needs
       to be uncovered and deciphered from the Soviet records.[2] As
       local East Asians were forced to leave, Europeans were also
       forced to migrate to the Far East from Europe and Siberia, and
       eventually became dominant in the local population.[3]
       In the Russian Far East, the repression against ethnic Chinese
       began early before the Great Purge. As the October Revolution
       evoked the Russian Civil War, ethnic Chinese were discriminated
       against and repressed by multiple parties in the war. According
       to Chinese diplomatic documents, ethnic Chinese (including
       civilians) who were captured by the White Army were executed and
       their bodies displayed in public as an act of intimidation.
       Chinese males were often rounded up and summarily executed by
       being shot or bayoneted. The Red Army was arguably even worse.
       Undisciplined Red Army soldiers looted and burned ethnic Chinese
       villages and towns, raping women, killing at random, imprisoning
       and torturing military aged males and interning women/children.
       When the Chinese were leaving the Soviet Union, they would need
       to pay an extra 14-ruble outbound fee and to be checked nakedly.
       Remittance of the Chinese was restricted. Extra taxation,
       including that of business license, business, income, profits,
       private debts, docks, poverty, school, etc., was assigned to the
       Chinese and their properties.
       In 1926, People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs resolved to
       use any means to stop Chinese and Koreans migrating into Soviet
       territory, as they were regarded to cause danger to the Soviet
       Union. Koreans began to be relocated from the Far East, while
       measures were taken to "squeeze out" the Chinese from the border
       In 1928, Arsenyev Mikhail Mikhailovich
       Staff Colonel of Red Army Headquarter, submitted a report to Far
       Eastern Commission, advising that free migration from China and
       Korea in the areas bordering the countries should be stopped and
       that the area should be filled with migrants from Siberia and
       Europe instead.[2][12]
       When they were to leave Russia, any Chinese to cross the border
       with more than 30 rubles in cash will need to pay the surplus to
       the authority. 1,000 rubles in cash to cross the border would
       make them arrested, with all the money confiscated.[19]:30
       The Chinese were massively detained according to the
       Shanghai-based newspaper Shen Bao. on 24 July 1929, the
       newspaper said, "around a thousand Chinese who lived in
       Vladivostok were detained by the Soviet authority. They were all
       said to be bourgeoisie."[22] On 12 August, the newspaper stated
       that there were still 1,600-1,700 Chinese in jail in
       Vladivostok, and that each of them was provided with a piece of
       rye bread daily and underwent various tortures.[23] On 26
       August, the newspaper continued that the detained Chinese in
       Khabarovsk only had a bread soup for meal daily, among which a
       lot of people had hanged them due to unbearable starvation.[24]
       On 14 September, the newspaper stated that another thousand of
       Chinese in Vladivostok were arrested, with almost no Chinese
       remaining in the city.[25] On 15 September, the newspaper
       continued that Vladivostok had arrested more than 1,000 Chinese
       during 8 and 9 September and that there were estimated to be
       more than 7,000 Chinese in jail in the city.[26] On 21
       September, the newspaper said, "the Government in the Russian
       Far East cheated the arrested Chinese, and forced them to
       construct the railway between Heihe and Khabarovsk. The forced
       workers only had two pieces of rye bread to eat daily. If they
       worked with any delay, they would be whipped, making them at the
       edge of living and dead."[27][19]:31
       On 10 November, the Republic of China Consulate in Chita
       reported to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that the Soviet was
       migrating 30,000 Europeans to Siberia and the Far East monthly
       to strengthen defence and economic construction in the region,
       and that to save space for the European migrants and to avoid
       Chinese or Korean collusion with Japan and Manchukuo, the policy
       to remove Koreans and Chinese was enforced.[30]
       Millionka, where there lived populous Chinese, was once
       destroyed in 1936 and rebuilt by Chinese migrants. On that
       night, shootouts broke out in the neighborhood, killing 7
       Soviets and 434 Chinese.[33]:174 The Soviet Government spent 7
       months to reconstruct the whole neighborhood after the conflict.
       Russian historian Oleg Khlevnyuk describes the night as "a
       racial massacre based on narrow Russian nationalism in the name
       of socialism".[33]:175 Corpses of the Chinese victims in
       Millionka were re-discovered on 8 June 2010.[36]
       On 29 December, Primorsky Krai launched a purge against the
       Chinese, leading to 853 arrests according to the Krai
       Governmental records.[37] The Republic of China consulates in
       Khabarovsk and Blagoveshchensk reported more than 200 and 100
       Chinese arrested respectively.[7] During 12–13 January 1938,
       another 20 and more Chinese were reportedly arrested in
       On 14th, the Chinese Consulate in Vladivostok reported to the
       Ministry of Foreign Affairs, "the Soviet robbed everything,
       especially money and possessions; if they are hidden somewhere,
       the Chinese would be extorted by tortures, numerous people
       killed by such detention, which was miserable and harsh to an
       extreme."[41] On 17th, the Chinese Consulate in Khabarovsk
       protested against the tortures during interrogation, calling for
       Soviet release of the Chinese. On 19th, the Central Daily News
       again protested against the Soviet abuse of the Chinese.[42] On
       21st, Hong Kong-based Kung Sheung Daily News re-posted a
       Japanese coverage of the Soviet brutality against the Chinese,
       to express its outrage against the deeds of the Soviet
       Union.[43] On 22nd, the Chinese Consulate in Khabarovsk reported
       another hundred of innocent Chinese arrested during the previous
       night by NKVD and that it was heard previously arrested Chinese
       were forced to work in those remote, cold areas.[44] On 2 March,
       the Chinese Consulate in Vladivostok reported, "the Soviet
       authority searched for the Chinese day and night, arresting the
       Chinese even when they were at work. The Soviet was so
       aggressive that there was no space for any concession. The deeds
       were as brutal as the exclusion of China in 1900, during which
       many were drowned in the Heilongjiang River. Recalling the
       miserable history makes people tremble with fear."[45]
       After times of massive arrests, there were only more than a
       thousand Chinese in Vladivostok. The Soviet authority stopped
       the search and arrest for a month. After the Chinese sheltered
       by the Chinese Consulate all left the consulate, the Soviet
       authority restarted to search and seize the Chinese. As the
       Soviet had established tremendous checkpoints around the Chinese
       Consulate, the Chinese were unable to return to the consulate
       for help, which made almost all the Chinese in Vladivostok
       arrested.[46][47] The second and third massive
       search-and-seizure operation arrested 2,005 and 3,082 Chinese
       respectively. On 7 May, the Chinese Consulate in Vladivostok
       reported 7 to 8 thousand Chinese in total under detention. Local
       prisons were filled by the Chinese, which, added by tortures
       during interrogation, often caused deaths.[48][/quote]
       And it wasn't just a Soviet practice either. Earlier:
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1900_Amur_anti-Chinese_pogroms
       [quote]Sixty-Four Villages East of the River
       Lieutenant-General Konstantin Nikolaevich Gribskiy ordered the
       expulsion of all Qing subjects who remained north of the
       river.[4] This included the residents of the villages, and
       Chinese traders and workers who lived in Blagoveshchensk proper,
       where they numbered anywhere between one-sixth and one-half of
       the local population of 30,000.[4][5] They were taken by the
       local police and driven into the river to be drowned. Those who
       could swim were shot by the Russian forces.[6][/quote]
       #Post#: 8566--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Duginism
       By: Dazhbog Date: September 3, 2021, 6:24 am
       Daily reminder that Duginism is not merely a recent phenomenon:
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russo-Japanese_War#Pre-war_negotiations
       [quote]The 1890s and 1900s marked the height of the "Yellow
       Peril" propaganda by the German government, and the German
       Emperor Wilhelm II (r. 1888–1918) often wrote letters to his
       cousin Emperor Nicholas II of Russia, praising him as the
       "saviour of the white race" and urging Russia forward in
       Nowadays, this label is applied to Putin.
       [quote]From November 1894 onward, Wilhelm had been writing
       letters praising Nicholas as Europe's defender from the "Yellow
       Peril", assuring the Tsar that God Himself had "chosen" Russia
       to defend Europe from the alleged Asian threat.[/quote]
       Nowadays, WNs praise Russia (as well as other
       Turandom-countries) as "defenders" against the "Islamic threat".
       Then there is this:
       [quote]Wilhelm had written to Nicholas stating that the question
       of Russian interests in Manchuria and Korea was beside the
       point, saying instead it was a matter of Russia "undertaking the
       protection and defence of the White Race, and with it, Christian
       civilization, against the Yellow Race. And whatever the Japs are
       determined to ensure the domination of the Yellow Race in East
       Asia, to put themselves at its head and organise and lead it
       into battle against the White Race. That is the kernel of the
       situation, and therefore there can be very little doubt about
       where the sympathies of all half-way intelligent Europeans
       should lie. England betrayed Europe's interests to America in a
       cowardly and shameful way over the Panama Canal question, so as
       to be left in 'peace' by the Yankees. Will the 'Tsar' likewise
       betray the interests of the White Race to the Yellow as to be
       'left in peace' and not embarrass the Hague tribunal too
       Nowadays, WNs (contrary to Hitler) increasingly engage in the
       same kind of anglophobia, which also forms their common factor
       with non-"white" Duginists like kameradbaren:
 (HTM) https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/the-eternal-anglo
       [img width=1280
 (HTM) https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/649/009/8d7.jpeg[/img]
       (In addition, note how the subtitle below the "Eternal Anglo"
       uses a typeface typically found in video games from the
       counterculture era, whereas the subtitle below the "White
       Europeans" uses a blackletter typeface banned by National
       Socialist Germany in 1941!)
       Of course, just like nowadays WN-ism, the sentiments expressed
       by colonial era-Germany's ridiculous "Kaiser" also had their
       echo within Russia itself:
       [quote]Nicholas held the Japanese in contempt as "yellow
       monkeys", and he took for granted that the Japanese would simply
       yield in the face of Russia's superior power, which thus
       explains his unwillingness to compromise.[/quote]
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Solovyov_(philosopher)#Life_and_work
       [quote]Solovyov's attempts to chart a course of civilization's
       progress toward an East-West Christian ecumenicism developed an
       increasing bias against Asian cultures which he initially
       studied with great interest.
       Solovyov spent his final years obsessed with fear of the "Yellow
       Peril", warning that soon the Asian peoples, especially the
       Chinese, would invade and destroy Russia. Solovyov further
       elaborated in his apocalyptic short story "Tale of the
       Antichrist" published in the Nedelya newspaper on February 27,
       1900, in which China and Japan join forces to conquer Russia.
       His 1894 poem Pan-Mongolism, whose opening lines serve as
       epigraph to the story, was widely seen as predicting the coming
       Russo-Japanese War.[/quote]
       So when will China and Japan finally join forces and realize
       Solovyov's vision?
       Also worthy of note:
       [quote]He dismissed the Buddhist concept of Nirvana as a
       pessimistic nihilistic "nothingness" which was antithetical to
       salvation, no better than Gnostic dualism.[/quote]
       [quote]As an active member of Society for the Promotion of
       Culture Among the Jews of Russia, he spoke Hebrew and struggled
       to reconcile Judaism and Christianity. Politically, he became
       renowned as the leading defender of Jewish civil rights in
       tsarist Russia in the 1880s. Solovyov also advocated for his
       cause internationally and published a letter in The London Times
       pleading for international support for his struggle. The Jewish
       Encyclopedia describes him as "a friend of the Jews" and states
       that "Even on his death-bed he is said to have prayed for the
       Jewish people".[/quote]
       The link between Duginism, anti-Gnosticism and
       Judeo-Christianity laid bare in one person!
       #Post#: 8568--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Re: Duginism
       By: guest55 Date: September 3, 2021, 4:10 pm
       Starting to wonder if vodka has anything to with the fact that
       so many Russians and Russophiles seem to have such terrible
       reading comprehension?
       #Post#: 8620--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Russia, the Last Colonial Empire 
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: September 7, 2021, 5:27 am
       "So when will China and Japan finally join forces and realize
       Solovyov's vision?"
       Let's not hold our breaths:
 (HTM) https://us.yahoo.com/news/kyoto-themed-shopping-street-china-071824978.html
       [quote]A Kyoto-themed shopping street in China was forced to
       shut down after social media users accused it of being a form of
       'Japanese occupation' and 'cultural invasion'[/quote]
       On the other hand:
 (HTM) https://www.the-sun.com/uncategorized/1659756/china-fake-copy-france/
 (HTM) https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/KH-COMPOSITE-CHINA-FRANCE-2.jpg?strip=all&w=960[/img]
 (HTM) https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/KH-COMPOSITE-CHINA-FRANCE-4.jpg?strip=all&w=960[/img]
 (HTM) https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/KH-COMPOSITE-CHINA-FRANCE-3.jpg?strip=all&w=960[/img]
 (HTM) https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/KH-COMPOSITE-CHINA-FRANCE-7.jpg?strip=all&w=960[/img]
 (HTM) https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/KH-COMPOSITE-CHINA-FRANCE-8.jpg?strip=all&w=960[/img]
 (HTM) https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2018/01/chinas-fake-european-cities-have-been-transformed-into-something-much-more-interesting.html
 (HTM) https://compote.slate.com/images/a42159a9-319e-4b0a-bfba-c2126469439f.jpeg?width=1280&rect=1560x1040&offset=0x0[/img]
 (HTM) https://compote.slate.com/images/e5a57ad9-8b34-4e06-8f96-9414732f3c0f.jpeg?width=1280&rect=1560x1040&offset=0x0[/img]
 (HTM) https://compote.slate.com/images/d66c8573-3705-4af0-ac0b-c88fed1a51a1.jpeg?width=1280&rect=1560x1040&offset=0x0[/img]
       No complaints about these. Why not? (Answer: Eurocentrism.)
       China and Japan will only join forces when they remember how
       they used to see the West:
 (HTM) https://supchina.com/2021/08/11/the-start-of-modern-sino-japanese-relations/
       [quote]On July 31, 1862, the Japanese steamship Senzaimaru
       arrived at Nagasaki, ending a two-month stay in China. Crewed on
       its voyage home by 10 Dutch sailors, the mission of “a handful
       of shogunal [government] officials, three merchants and other
       officials associated with the Nagasaki Commercial Hall, and a
       large number of young samurai attendants whose job description
       was never explicitly spelled out,” as historian Joshua Fogel
       described them in his book Maiden Voyage, the Senzaimaru was the
       first official overseas embassy sent from Japan to China in more
       than 300 years.
       In the 19th century, both China and Japan were grappling with
       expanding European maritime power, power that had made their
       previous trade policies unsustainable.
       With this in mind, Japan looked toward the nearby Chinese treaty
       ports to see what this new era of international trade might
       The most obvious and promising link to be made was between
       Nagasaki and Shanghai. Nagasaki — in the news this week on the
       anniversary of the second atomic bombing in 1945 — had been
       Japan’s only port open to international trade for centuries, a
       role it retained as commerce with the United States and Europe
       began to open in the 1850s. Shanghai, quickly emerging as
       China’s most cosmopolitan port, was also the closest point on
       the Chinese mainland to Nagasaki, just 500 miles away across the
       East China Sea.
       The Japanese observers were also keenly aware of the disparate
       situation of Chinese and Westerners in the city. “Although the
       harbor is all hustle-bustle, it is due entirely to the large
       number of foreign merchant vessels. Within and without the
       walled city are numerous foreign commercial houses which are
       thus thriving. The places where I have seen Chinese living are
       often poor and filthy.” The same samurai who had noted the
       port’s prosperity later corrected himself, writing, “Pray, do
       not say of Shanghai that this is a flourishing place, For how
       much of it is being transported home on barbarian ships?”
       “The main purpose of the mission of the Senzaimaru was to
       observe the Western world in microcosm in Shanghai,” he writes.
       “In this way, Shanghai was to serve a double role as microcosm
       both of the West and of China.” The Japanese observers came away
       from their time in Shanghai repulsed by Western racism and
       arrogance. They viewed the exploitation of China as a lesson for
       Japan: in particular, the Qing acceptance of Western aid to
       fight the Taiping rebels — the Senzaimaru arrived at the height
       of the Taiping War — as a deal with the devil that would lead
       China to ruin. They were not wrong.[/quote]
       #Post#: 8643--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Russia, the Last Colonial Empire 
       By: Dazhbog Date: September 8, 2021, 9:18 am
       [quote author=90sRetroFan link=topic=270.msg8620#msg8620
       date=1631010466]Let's not hold our breaths[/quote]
       If you prefer this:
 (HTM) https://compote.slate.com/images/a42159a9-319e-4b0a-bfba-c2126469439f.jpeg?width=1280&rect=1560x1040&offset=0x0[/img]
       ...over this:
 (HTM) https://www.air-golf.com/sites/default/files/article/images/kyoto%20head%20photo.jpg
       ...you deserve to be treated like this:
 (HTM) https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/75/Beheading_of_Leonard_George_Siffleet.jpg/433px-Beheading_of_Leonard_George_Siffleet.jpg
       [quote author=90sRetroFan link=topic=270.msg8620#msg8620
       date=1631010466]The most obvious and promising link to be made
       was between Nagasaki and Shanghai.
       The Japanese observers were also keenly aware of the disparate
       situation of Chinese and Westerners in the city.
       The Japanese observers came away from their time in Shanghai
       repulsed by Western racism and arrogance.[/quote]
       Daily reminder that Russians were an integral part of the
       Western colonial presence in Shanghai:
 (HTM) https://www.rbth.com/arts/2015/09/18/russian_noon_a_look_at_white_emigre_life_in_1930s_shanghai_49337.html
       [quote]The first Russians to move to Shanghai were the
       wealth-seeking tea merchants who boarded the ferries from
       Vladivostok to the Chinese metropolis, which had a large
       international settlement, set up after the Qing Dynasty lost the
       First Opium War to the British Empire.
       The Russian community in Shanghai began to grow from 300 in 1906
       to more than 10,000 with a decade, as revolutionary winds swept
       across Russia.[/quote]
       Also, daily reminder that once declared "white", you are always
       "white", no matter how low your socioeconomic status and how
       much wealthier "whites" look down on you based on that:
       [quote]Jinglei Wan, a historian based in Shanghai says the
       Russians in the city had a unique position in the race-based
       hierarchy in the city. “They enjoyed a status that was higher
       than the Chinese [...].
       “The poorer of the lot even became beggars, burglars and
       pick-pockets,” says Wan “When they were caught, they were tried
       under Chinese law since they lost extraterritorial protections
       when they refused Soviet citizenship.”  He adds that the poorer
       Russians were an “eyesore” for the Westerners who hated the
       sight of destitute drunken Europeans being arrested by the
       Unfortunately, Eurocentrism was by then already firmly
       entrenched in Chinese consciousness, hence why interwar China
       never even lifted a finger to liquidate this colonial cesspit.
       In fact, it was the Japanese who admirably cleared Shanghai of
       Western colonialists:
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shanghai_International_Settlement#Japanese_occupy_the_International_Settlement_(1941)
       [quote]Anglo-American influence effectively ended after 8
       December 1941, when the Imperial Japanese Army entered and
       occupied the British and American controlled parts of the city
       in the wake of the attack on Pearl Harbor. The British and
       Americans troops taken by surprise surrendered without a shot,
       with the exception of the only British riverboat in Shanghai,
       HMS Peterel, which refused to surrender: six of the 18 British
       crew who were on board at the time were killed when the ship was
       sunk when the Japanese opened fire at almost point-blank range.
       European residents of the International Settlement were forced
       to wear armbands to differentiate them, were evicted from their
       homes, and [...] were liable to maltreatment. All were liable
       for punitive punishments, torture and even death during the
       period of Japanese occupation. The Japanese sent European and
       American citizens to be interned at the Lunghua Civilian
       Assembly Center, a work camp on what was then the outskirts of
       Shanghai. Survivors of Lunghua were released in August 1945.
       Shanghai was notable for a long period as the only place in the
       world that unconditionally offered refuge for Jews escaping from
       the Nazis. These refugees often lived in squalid conditions in
       an area known as the Shanghai Ghetto in Hongkew. On 21 August
       1941 the Japanese government closed Hongkew to Jewish
       ...and ultimately restored Chinese sovereignty:
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shanghai_International_Settlement#Return_to_Chinese_rule
       [quote][...] in July 1943, the Japanese retroceded the SMC to
       the City Government of Shanghai, which was then in the hands of
       the pro-Japanese Wang Jingwei Government.[/quote]
       #Post#: 8653--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Russia, the Last Colonial Empire 
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: September 8, 2021, 10:53 pm
       "If you prefer this:"
       The problem is, they really do:
 (HTM) https://trueleft.createaforum.com/issues/decolonized-housing-(america-edition)/msg2003/#msg2003
       And worse, False Leftists try to pass it off with insincere
       explanations like: "China was closed off from the outside world
       during the Mao era, so now they are overcompensating with
       interest in foreign styles." Oh yeah? So where is China's Somali
       architecture? Where are China's fake Incan cities? Everyone
       knows explanations like the above are utter bullshit. Just admit
       they are Eurocentrists already!
       To be fair, Japan succumbed even earlier:
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_architecture#Meiji,_Taish%C5%8D,_and_early_Sh%C5%8Dwa_periods
       "Daily reminder that Russians were an integral part of the
       Western colonial presence in Shanghai:"
       Exactly. See also:
 (HTM) https://trueleft.createaforum.com/questions-debates/is-putin's-russia-duginist-autocracy/msg8418/#msg8418
       #Post#: 10712--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Russia, the Last Colonial Empire 
       By: guest55 Date: January 20, 2022, 1:28 pm
       Why the Russian Colonization of the Americas Failed -
       [quote]Kings and Generals animated historical documentary series
       on early modern history and economic history continue with a
       video on the Russian Colonization of the Americas, as we see how
       Russia tried to create colonies in California, Hawaii and Alaska
       during the late stage of the age of colonization, and why these
       colonization efforts failed.[/quote]
 (HTM) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVUbiefgVJQ
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