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       #Post#: 3110--------------------------------------------------
       Anti-Western resistance, from the Counterculture to 21st century
       By: Dazhbog Date: January 4, 2021, 7:06 pm
       I came across these excerpts from a 70s era interview of Alice
       Cooper the other day and quite liked what I read:
 (HTM) https://arroseinaprose.org/2018/06/14/alice-cooper-was-a-legit-gay-bi-pan-ally-back-in-the-70s/
       [quote][W]e get all these letters saying “Alice is a fag!” I’m
       sure you get them too. How do you account for that?
       To some extent, I must admit, we do encourage that impression.
       But I’m not a “fag” – you know I don’t like the word “fag”
       because it’s insulting to gay people.[/quote]
       [quote]Would you admit it if you were homosexual?
       Of course, and I wouldn’t just admit it, as if it were something
       you’re supposed to conceal. I’d just be it. I’d be natural about
       it, and I don’t see where it would be very much different for
       me, except I’d be making it with men instead of women.[/quote]
       [quote]Well, now you’re back to categories. You’re asking me if
       I could go from one category to another category. So far, my
       sexual desires and experiences have been orientated towards
       girls of my own race and age. But someday I might meet a guy
       that I’d flip out for, or an older person, or a black or yellow
       person. And I would hope that there would be no barriers between
       us, and that our feelings towards each other would just flow
       like water from a fountain. I’m not straining to make this
       happen – because that would be unnatural too. I’m just saying it
       might happen, and if it does, I’ll be open enough to take it as
       it comes.[/quote]
       He also senses that there might be something wrong with the
       traditional Western-style family:
       [quote]Then what happens to such institutions as marriage and
       the family?
       Look what’s happening to them now – they’re in terrible shape.
       More than half of all marriages end in divorce, and all families
       seem to end with the children wanting out by the time they’re
       14. These institutions are a mess, they need some shaking
       #Post#: 3114--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Alice Cooper vs. Homophobia
       By: guest5 Date: January 5, 2021, 9:13 pm
       The Judaic western family IS such a mess when taking an unbiased
       'from the outside looking in' look at it I cannot take anyone
       who promotes this institution as the end-all be-all to our
       problems, or who believe the family unit is the original
       building block of the nation-state, seriously in any matter.
       These types of people demonstrate with their praise of the
       western family the fact that they do not understand the root
       causes of most of our biggest problems as a society, whether it
       be cultural, spiritual, or mental\psychological. And lastly, to
       offer up the western family unit as the foundation block of the
       state and as the cure to all of our society's issues is founded
       in laziness and ignorance. We got to the place we are now
       BECAUSE of the western family unit, it certainly could never be
       the cure!!!
       #Post#: 3629--------------------------------------------------
       Anti-Western resistance, from the Counterculture to 21st century
       By: guest5 Date: January 25, 2021, 11:04 am
       David Bowie Calls Out MTV For Not Featuring Black Artists
       [quote]David Bowie called out MTV for a lack of diversity. Rick
       Strom breaks it down. Give us your thoughts in the comments
 (HTM) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-ebTMgiQ00
       #Post#: 3650--------------------------------------------------
       Re: David Bowie Calls Out MTV For Not Featuring Black Artists
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: January 25, 2021, 10:42 pm
       For reference, previous Bowie discussion on the old blog:
 (HTM) http://aryanism.net/blog/aryan-sanctuary/our-enemies-concede-that-judaism-is-rightist/comment-page-1/#comment-179999
       If anyone wants to continue the discussion here, please feel
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Bowie
       [quote]He declined the royal honour of Commander of the Order of
       the British Empire (CBE) in 2000, and turned down a knighthood
       in 2003.[440] Bowie later stated "I would never have any
       intention of accepting anything like that. I seriously don't
       know what it's for. It's not what I spent my life working
 (HTM) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZF--IfvbioQ
       #Post#: 3878--------------------------------------------------
       Re: David Bowie Calls Out MTV For Not Featuring Black Artists
       By: Dazhbog Date: January 31, 2021, 8:19 pm
       [quote author=90sRetroFan link=topic=407.msg3650#msg3650
       date=1611636132]For reference, previous Bowie discussion on the
       old blog:
 (HTM) http://aryanism.net/blog/aryan-sanctuary/our-enemies-concede-that-judaism-is-rightist/comment-page-1/#comment-179999
       If anyone wants to continue the discussion here, please feel
       Not sure whether this wasn't already featured on the old blog or
       the main site as well, but Bowie also once remarked about
       wanting to become Britain's fascist-nationalist leader:
 (HTM) https://www.bowiebible.com/1976/04/26/david-bowie-britain-could-benefit-from-a-fascist-leader/
       [quote]As I see it I am the only alternative for the premier in
       England. I believe Britain could benefit from a fascist leader.
       After all, fascism is really nationalism.[/quote]
       Also, his fascination with fascism, nationalism and National
       Socialism seemed to run deeper than mere banter:
       [quote]However, he had been making references to Nazism for some
       time, and earlier in April 1976 had been stopped at the
       Russia-Poland border where Nazi literature and memorabilia were
       confiscated by officials.[/quote]
       Finally, there is 'V-2 Schneider' of his classic 'Heroes'-album
       (I'd link it, but unfortunately YouTube isn't working at the
       moment. Check it out, it's a well arranged, largely instrumental
       piece backed by a cool marching beat). What does 'V-2' refer to?
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V-2_rocket
       [quote]The V-2 (German: Vergeltungswaffe 2, "Retribution Weapon
       2"), with the technical name Aggregat 4 (A4), was the world's
       first long-range guided ballistic missile. The missile, powered
       by a liquid-propellant rocket engine, was developed during the
       Second World War in Germany as a "vengeance weapon" and assigned
       to attack Allied cities as retaliation for the Allied bombings
       against German cities.[/quote]
       I love Bowie and his music.
       #Post#: 4120--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Alice Cooper vs. Homophobia
       By: Robertyoung7382 Date: February 11, 2021, 4:55 pm
       Alice Cooper is a defender of Johnny Depp, a wife-beating
       degenerate and drug-addict that refuses to live a frugal
       lifestyle. Cooper deserves no praise.
       #Post#: 4121--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Alice Cooper vs. Homophobia
       By: Robertyoung7382 Date: February 11, 2021, 4:58 pm
       Depp is, also, friends with Marilyn Manson, which alone says a
       #Post#: 4128--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Alice Cooper vs. Homophobia
       By: Dazhbog Date: February 11, 2021, 7:17 pm
       [quote author=Robertyoung7382 link=topic=364.msg4120#msg4120
       date=1613084107]Cooper deserves no praise.[/quote]
       I wasn't praising him. I like what he has to say about being
       attracted to the individual, not their gender, ethnicity, age et
       al., as well as his stance on the traditional family. That is
       #Post#: 10946--------------------------------------------------
       Anti-Western resistance, from the Counterculture to 21st century
       By: Zea_mays Date: January 31, 2022, 9:26 pm
       Fighting back against Western Civilization works, and fighting
       spirit was not limited merely to the pre-Counterculture era!
       (Also, Western Civilization didn't become any less bloodthirsty
       after the colonial era ended. It is still willing to bayonet
       14-year-olds in order to build a golf course.)
       [quote]The Oka Crisis (French: Crise d'Oka),[8][9][10] also
       known as the Kanesatake Resistance,[1][11][12] was a land
       dispute between a group of Mohawk people and the town of Oka,
       Quebec, Canada, which began on July 11, 1990, and lasted 77 days
       until September 26, 1990, with two fatalities. The dispute was
       the first well-publicized violent conflict between First Nations
       and the Canadian government in the late 20th century.
       In March 1989, the Club de golf d'Oka announced plans to expand
       the golf course by an additional nine holes. As the Office of
       Native Claims had rejected the Mohawk claim on the land three
       years earlier, his office did not consult the Mohawk on the
       plans. No environmental or historic preservation review was
       undertaken. Protests by Mohawks and others, as well as concern
       from the Quebec Minister of the Environment, led to negotiations
       and a postponement of the project by the municipality in August
       pending a court ruling on the development's legality.
       The SQ deployed their Emergency Response Team (ERT), a police
       tactical unit, which responded to the barricade by deploying
       tear gas canisters and concussion grenades[36][23] in an attempt
       to force the Mohawk to disperse. In response, gunfire ensued
       from both sides,[36] and after a 15-minute gun battle the police
       fell back, abandoning six cruisers and a bulldozer.
       Before the raid, there were approximately 30 armed Mohawk in and
       around the barricade; following the gun battle, this number grew
       to 60–70 and would later swell to 600.[2] The Mohawks seized six
       vehicles, including four police cars, and commandeered the
       front-end loader to crush the vehicles and use them to form a
       new barricade across Route 344.[37]
       This stand-down eventually contributed to the resolution of the
       original siege on the Kahnawake reserve, and on September 26 the
       Mohawks there dismantled and burned some of their weapons.
       During the surrender, as the military began arresting land
       defenders and some began to flee, 14-year-old Waneek Horn-Miller
       was stabbed near the heart by a Canadian bayonet, and nearly
       The golf course expansion that had originally triggered the
       crisis was cancelled and the land under dispute was purchased
       from the developers by the federal government for $5.3
       Anarchist author and activist Peter Gelderloos said that the Oka
       Crisis should serve as a model for activists to get what they
       want for four reasons.[49]
       "It succeeded in seizing space.
       It spread ideas of indigenous sovereignty and inspired
       many others in North America to fight back.
       It did not have elite support.
       The golf course expansion on their lands was defeated,
       and the conflict came to a dignified conclusion for the
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oka_Crisis
 (HTM) https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/3b/fb/d0/3bfbd03b0b99337247b45655160780b2.jpg
 (HTM) https://assets.vice.com/content-images/contentimage/no-slug/84c84548538c5fab5257ce3843c39274.jpg
 (HTM) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgYtF32ml5Q
       [quote]On Sept. 26, the day an end the standoff was negotiated,
       the teenager was leaving the treatment centre in Kanesatake
       carrying her 4-year-old sister, Kaniehtiio, when she was stabbed
       close to the heart by a soldier carrying a bayonet.
       Horn-Miller later launched a human rights complaint but was
       unsuccessful because, she says, she was unable to identify the
       After the stabbing her mother told her, “I never raised you to
       be anybody’s victim,” Horn-Miller recalls. “It was exactly what
       I needed to hear because if I had given up then I would be
       giving up my dream to that person who stabbed me.”[/quote]
 (HTM) https://www.thestar.com/news/insight/2015/07/10/pan-ams-waneek-horn-miller-an-oka-crisis-survivor.html
       [quote]The Rotisken’rakéhte,[2] also known as the Mohawk Warrior
       Society (Mohawk: Rotisken’rakéhte) and the Kahnawake Warrior
       Society, is a Mohawk group that seeks to assert Mohawk authority
       over their traditional lands, including the use of tactics such
       as roadblocks, evictions, and occupations.[3]
       The society was founded in 1971 in Kahnawake, Québec, Canada.[4]
       It first gained notoriety in 1973 when they, along with American
       Indian Movement activists, held a standoff with the Quebec
       Provincial Police at Kahnawake, and another in Oka, Québec in
       1990.[3] The members of this society are known as
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohawk_Warrior_Society
       #Post#: 13639--------------------------------------------------
       Sacheen Littlefeather
       By: guest55 Date: May 25, 2022, 2:58 pm
       ‘I Promised Brando I Would Not Touch His Oscar’: The Secret Life
       of Sacheen Littlefeather
       [quote]In 1973, she made history at the Academy Awards,
       appearing in place of Marlon Brando, declining his statuette and
       making a speech about Native American rights. She has been
       speaking out ever since.[/quote]
 (HTM) https://pocket-syndicated-images.s3.amazonaws.com/62841a6fbda6e.jpg
       [quote]When the presenter, Roger Moore, attempts to hand
       Littlefeather Brando’s Oscar she holds out her hand as if to
       push it away. She explains that Brando cannot accept the award
       because of “the treatment of American Indians today by the film
       industry”. The crowd interrupts her, half-applauding,
       half-booing. “Excuse me,” she says calmly, then continues: “And
       on television and movie reruns, and also with recent happenings
       at Wounded Knee.” At the time, Wounded Knee, in South Dakota,
       was the site of a month-long standoff between Native American
       activists and US authorities, sparked by the murder of a Lakota
       man. Littlefeather ends her speech begging that “in the future,
       our hearts and our understandings will meet with love and
       [quote]However valid Brando’s charge of the way Hollywood
       stereotyped Native Americans, it did not go down well that
       night. John Wayne, serial slaughterer of Native Americans
       on-screen and self-professed white supremacist off it, just
       happened to be in the wings during Littlefeather’s speech.
       “During my presentation, he was coming towards me to forcibly
       take me off the stage, and he had to be restrained by six
       security men to prevent him from doing so.” Presenting best
       picture soon after (also for The Godfather), Clint Eastwood
       quipped: “I don’t know if I should present this award on behalf
       of all the cowboys shot in all the John Ford westerns over the
       years.” When Littlefeather got backstage, she says, there were
       people making stereotypical Native American war cries at her and
       miming chopping with a tomahawk. After talking to the press, she
       went straight back to Brando’s house where they sat together and
       watched the reactions to the event on television.[/quote]
       Entire article:
 (HTM) https://getpocket.com/explore/item/i-promised-brando-i-would-not-touch-his-oscar-the-secret-life-of-sacheen-littlefeather?utm_source=pocket-newtab
       Marlon Brando's Oscar® win for "The Godfather"
 (HTM) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QUacU0I4yU
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