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       #Post#: 178--------------------------------------------------
       Western Revisionism of WWI and WWII
       By: guest5 Date: July 8, 2020, 11:56 am
       Westerners obviously feel the need to revise their own history,
       especially in regards to WWI and WWII. (Why do westerners always
       project their own racism onto their perceived enemies?) Also, it
       seems westerners often just read the title of a book and then go
       about pretending they know what the entire book is about. Nor do
       they seem all that capable of asking the right questions either.
       Here are some of many examples:
       Bush, Rockefeller, Rothschild & Hitler
       By Michael Collins Piper
       [quote]Some AMERICAN FREE PRESS readers were upset by the first
       two articles in this series reflecting on the proliferation of
       myths, phony documents and fraudulent “quotations” muddying
       serious research into big issues of the current day and events
       of the past.
       However, AFP’s job is to report the facts.
       This week, we take a look at one particularly ubiquitous myth—a
       combination of myths—which has excited many: A variety of claims
       the Bush, Rockefeller and Rothschild families and a host of
       “Jewish bankers”—together or independently—helped finance
       Hitler’s rise to power.
       The most cited source for the story Jewish bankers paved the way
       for Hitler is Hitler’s Secret Backers, supposedly by a Jewish
       banker named Sidney Warburg.
       First of all, there was no Sidney Warburg. But those who
       actually read the spurious book (and most who cite it haven’t
       read it) will find the unknown author says—in contrast to what
       people think he said—that Jewish bankers didn’t finance Hitler.
       Instead, the book claims some naughty non-Jewish bankers did so.
       But even that isn’t true. An accurate assessment by James Pool
       in Who Financed Hitler absolutely refutes the legend big banking
       or industrial interests played a substantial role funding
       Hitler. Most of the Nazi Party’s money came from small
       contributions and sales of literature.
       No Rothschilds backed Hitler. That’s a myth. One banker, a
       practicing Christian of one-quarter Jewish descent, was said—by
       one source, passing on a rumor—to have donated money to Hitler.
       And that’s it. The one Jewish banker known to have given money
       to any Nazis gave it to elements in the Nazi party—the Strasser
       brothers—who were trying to stop Hitler.
       And Hitler wasn’t descended from any Rothschilds or
       Frankenbergers. If he had any Jewish blood, it has never been
       authoritatively traced.
       One proponent of the claim Hitler was Jewish cites Brigitte
       Hamann’s Hitler’s Vienna as proof, pointing out the book
       describes stories of Hitler’s Jewish heritage. In fact, Hamann
       dissects the legends, refuting them in detail. Scholars such as
       Carolyn Yeager and Veronica Clark, in Warwolves of the Iron
       Cross, have also demolished the rumors.
       Some claim Hitler was pro-Zionist. They are wrong. For a brief
       period Hitler did encourage some Zionists in efforts to promote
       Jewish immigration from Germany to Palestine, as described in
       Edwin Black’s The Transfer Agreement. However, at the same time,
       other Zionist forces were calling for war against Hitler as
       early as 1933.
       The legendary “Nazi-Zionist collaboration” was a tiny blip of no
       geopolitical consequence. But it makes for great Internet
       Others are hysterical over the fact American banks and
       corporations worked with the Nazi regime, yet—despite the
       frenzy—this is neither a major revelation nor is it
       These were well-known arrangements, sometimes going back
       decades, with whatever German government was in power.
       Many think that Antony Sutton “proved” in Wall Street and the
       Rise of Hitler that Rockefeller-controlled Standard Oil funded
       Hitler. However, in his book, Sutton says flatly: “Standard Oil
       apparently did not finance Hitler’s accession to power.”
       Some cite that same book as evidence the Bush family, with the
       Harriman banking interests, funded Hitler. In fact, Sutton says
       only that the Harrimans—like many American financial groups—had
       connections to corporate interests in Germany. And he concludes
       that this “does not suggest that the Harrimans directly financed
       Hitler.” He never mentions the Bushes at all.
       Another rumor claims the Bushes were part of a “fascist plot” to
       overthrow Franklin Roosevelt, often citing Jules Archer’s The
       Plot to Seize the White House. While there was a scheme to
       dislodge FDR—which many patriots believe to have been a good
       thing—the book never mentions the Bushes, nor is there any other
       evidence they had anything to do with that plot.
       As Detective Sergeant Joe Friday used to say: “Just the
 (HTM) https://americanfreepress.net/bush-rockefeller-rothschild-hitler/
       The real question westerners should have been asking themselves
       is: Why would the Rothschild international banking family fund a
       supposed communist revolutionary as in the likes of Karl Marx?
       Not, was Hitler a Rothschild....
       See also:
 (HTM) https://trueleft.createaforum.com/issues/monetary-wealth/
       #Post#: 182--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Western Revisionism of WWI and WWII
       By: guest5 Date: July 8, 2020, 7:03 pm
       This is what I mean when I say "westerners always project their
       own racism on their perceived enemies":
       Who were the real racists of WWII?
       Tales Of The Red Tails
       [quote]Alexander Jefferson, a small, trim man with a silver
       mustache, told of being shot down on Aug. 12, 1944. He was
       strafing German radar stations when his plane was hit. He lost
       consciousness after the crash, and awakened to a German pointing
       a gun at him and shouting, "Naeger! Naeger!"
       "I thought, 'Oh, crap — even in Germany!' " Jefferson laughed,
       shaking his head. "But it turned out he wasn't saying the other
       word — that was their word for negro."
       In fact, the German soldier's commanding officer saluted
       Jefferson when he took the pilot into custody. "I was treated
       like an officer the whole time I spent in POW camp," Jefferson
       A Delayed Salute
       [quote]Coming back on the boat, got to New York Harbor, the
       flags waving, the Statue of Liberty. Walked down the gangplank,
       and a little soldier at the bottom said, 'Whites to the right,
       niggers to the left.'[/quote]
 (HTM) https://www.npr.org/2011/04/11/135177510/tuskegee-airmen-rock-stars-of-american-history
       The above fact helps make sense of this Third Reich propaganda
       poster also:
       #Post#: 230--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Western Revisionism of WWI and WWII
       By: guest5 Date: July 10, 2020, 12:05 pm
       Westerners see the following meme and it leads them to believe
       that Goebbels lied to the German people. If westerners actually
       bothered to research and read what Goebbels really said about
       propaganda, they would quickly realize that Goebbels believed
       that a propaganda that lies cannot be successful in the long
       [quote]Goebbels at Nuremberg — 1934
       by Joseph Goebbels
       It is difficult to define the concept of propaganda thoroughly
       and precisely. This is especially true since, in past decades,
       it was subject to unfavorable, and in part extraordinarily
       hostile, definitions, on the part of us Germans. First, then, we
       must defend it. Those abroad sometimes claim that in the past we
       Germans were particularly knowledgeable in this area, and knew
       how to apply it, but that unfortunately is not consistent with
       the facts. We learned the consequences of our neglect all too
       clearly during the World War. While the enemy states produced
       unprecedented atrocity propaganda aimed at Germany throughout
       the whole world, we did nothing and were completely defenseless
       against it. Only when enemy foreign propaganda had nearly won
       over the greater part even of the neutral states did the German
       government begin to sense the enormous power of propaganda. It
       was too late. Just as we were militarily and economically
       unprepared for the war, so also with propaganda. We lost the war
       in this area more than in any other.
       The cleverest trick used in propaganda against Germany during
       the war was to accuse Germany of what our enemies themselves
       were doing. Even today, large parts of world opinion are
       convinced that the typical characteristics of German propaganda
       are lying, crudeness, reversing the facts, and the like. One
       needs only to remember the stories that were spread throughout
       the world at the beginning of the war about German soldiers
       chopping off children’s hands and crucifying women to realize
       that Germany then was a defenseless victim of this campaign of
       calumny. It neither had nor used any means of
       [quote][size=10pt]All propaganda has a direction. The quality of
       this direction determines whether propaganda has a positive or
       negative effect. Good propaganda does not need to lie, indeed it
       may not lie. It has no reason to fear the truth. It is a mistake
       to believe that the people cannot take the truth. They can. It
       is only a matter of presenting the truth to people in a way that
       they will be able to understand. A propaganda that lies proves
       that it has a bad cause. It cannot be successful in the long
       run. A good propaganda will always come along that serves a good
       cause. But propaganda is still necessary if a good cause is to
       succeed. A good idea does not win simply because it is good. It
       must be presented properly if it is to win. The combination
       makes for the best propaganda. Such propaganda is successful
       without being obnoxious. It depends on its nature, not its
       methods. It works without being noticed. Its goals are inherent
       in its nature. Since it is almost invisible, it is effective and
       powerful. A good cause will lose to a bad one if it depends only
       on its rightness, while the other side uses the methods of
       influencing the masses. We are, for example, firmly convinced
       that we fought the war for a good cause, but that was not
       enough. The world should also have known and seen that our cause
       was good. However, we lacked the effective means of mass
       propaganda to make that clear to the world. Marxism certainly
       did not fight for great ideals. Despite that, in November 1918
       it overcame Kaiser, Reich, and the army because it was superior
       in the art of mass propaganda....[/quote]
       — Joseph Goebbels, Der Kongress zur Nürnberg 1934 (Munich:
       Zentralverlag der NSDAP., Frz. Eher Nachf., 1934), pp. 130-141.
       German Propaganda Archive Calvin College
       Why are westerners so dumb and ignorant, especially in the
       middle of an "information age"?
       #Post#: 231--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Western Revisionism of WWI and WWII
       By: guest5 Date: July 10, 2020, 12:25 pm
       Living in Hitler’s Germany
       A letter from Hans Schmidt of GANPAC
       Published in the Hoskins Report, Dec. 1993
       Richard Kelly Hoskins, publisher
       You asked for someone who had lived in Hitler’s Germany to tell
       what it was like. Permit me, someone who lived under the
       Swastika flag from 1935, when the Saar was reunited with
       Germany, to 1945, to give a short answer.
       To be a boy or girl at that time was wonderful. In the Hitler
       Youth the differences between Christian denominations or the
       different German states didn’t count. We all truly felt that we
       were members of one body of people – one nation. Youth hostels
       were opened all over the Reich, enabling us to hike from one
       beautiful town to another seeing our fatherland. Every effort
       was made to strengthen our minds and bodies. Contrary to what is
       said today, we were encouraged to become free in spirit, and not
       to succumb to peer (or authority) pressure. In peacetime, NO
       military training was allowed by the Hitler Youth leadership;
       scouting yes.
       Incidentally, to “snitch on our parents” was frowned upon.
       At the very time when America’s allies, the Soviets, destroyed
       most of the Christian churches in Russia and Ukraine, about 2500
       new churches were built in Germany. NOT ONE Christian church was
       closed. It was the law that school and church had priority over
       service in the Hitler Youth. As late as the fall of 1944, the
       Waffen SS barracks in Breslau supplied two buses to take youth
       to either the nearest Catholic or Protestant church every
       Sunday. To be a registered member of a Christian church did not
       prevent advancement in the National Socialist Party. Germany was
       National Socialist, but free enterprise flourished during the
       entire Hitler years. No company was nationalized. No small
       businessman was stopped from opening up his own store. I myself
       worked during the war for a company that can only be called part
       of international capitalism. If you owned shares, nobody
       confiscated them, like the allies did in 1945.
       The accomplishments of the ‘Nazis’ were incredible. Starting
       without money and with six million unemployed (a third of the
       workforce), they constructed the entire German Autobahn road
       network in a short span of 6 years – almost without corruption –
       while seeing to it that the new road system did not
       unnecessarily destroy either the German landscape, or wildlife
       habitats and forests. Two years after the NS were elected to
       power, conditions were so improved that workers had to be hired
       in nearby friendly countries to help alleviate the worker’s
       shortage in Germany. Germany was booming while Britain, France
       and the US were in the depths of depression.
       To help the workers get cheap transportation, the VW was
       designed and a factory was being built for their manufacture
       when the war started. Also, for the common people, villages of
       small single family homes were erected. The monthly payments
       were set so low that almost anyone could afford his own house.
       In Hitler’s Germany there were no homeless; no beggars. Crime
       was almost non existent because habitual criminals were in
       concentration camps. All this was reported in the newspapers and
       was known by everybody.
       The German press during the Third Reich had fewer taboos than
       the American press today. The only taboo I can think of evolved
       around Hitler, and, during the war, there was a law that
       prohibited “defeatism”. This was because of the negative role
       the German press played in the German defeat of 1918.
       [size=12pt]It bears remembering that the ‘European Economic
       Community” was first coined by the Third Reich government. I
       remember many articles, both pro and con about this subject. One
       should also not forget that during the war at least seven
       million foreign nationals (nearly 10% of the population) worked
       in Germany, either as voluntary workers (Dutch, Danes, French,
       Poles, Ukrainians come to mind), or as forced laborers or as
       prisoners. I know of no instance where foreigners were attacked
       or molested (much less killed) because they were foreigners.
       Speaking of the press, I have an article from 1943 in my
       possession that spells out how necessary friendship is between
       the German and Russian peoples. Between 1933 and 1945 there was
       a tremendous emphasis on culture: theatres flourished; the
       German movie industry produced about 100 feature films per year
       (of which not one was anti-American. Only 50 of them can be
       considered pure propaganda movies). Some the best classical
       recordings still extant were made in Hitler’s Germany. Actors
       from all over Europe, but mainly from France, Sweden and Italy
       were stars in German movies.
       Germany always loved sports, and there was no lack of
       opportunities to partake in any sport one liked. The 1936 Berlin
       Olympics was merely a showcase of what transpired all over the
       Reich. In a book on these Olympics issued by the Hitler Youth
       that is still in my possession, Jesse Owens is shown several
       times and mentioned favorably. During the Schmeling boxing
       fights, we kids all knew of Joe Louis, the brown bomber. Nowhere
       did I ever read derogatory remarks about other races. Certainly
       the accomplishments of Germany and the Germans were given
       prominence, similar to ‘the ad nauseum’ statements of today that
       the U.S. is the land of the free, etc. In my ten years in the
       Hitler Youth (actually 8, since I obviously couldn’t attend
       while a soldier), the Jews were never mentioned. Other sports
       that gripped our attention were flying (there was Hitler Youth
       flying training with their own sail planes), car races (British
       and Italian drivers dominated) and riding.
       Frequently I am asked about gun control during the Hitler era.
       Claims are made that Hitler could take power because he disarmed
       the German people. That is nonsense. In Germany gun ownership
       was never as prevalent as it is in America. I would say that for
       hundreds of years one needed a gun license in order to keep a
       weapon. On the other hand, my father owned an old pistol
       clandestinely (about which we children knew), and there were gun
       clubs all over the Reich. Furthermore, Germany was always a
       country with many excellent gunsmiths. It is doubtful that they
       could stay in business if the laws were too stringent. I would
       surmise that while Germany was Germany (before it was
       ‘liberated’ by the allies) gun ownership probably was far more
       widespread than is acknowledged today. Laws on the books were
       mainly to give....[/size][/quote]
       #Post#: 1146--------------------------------------------------
       Yahweh, Tribal g-d of The West, The NWO, British Israelism, and 
       Christian Identity
       By: guest5 Date: September 13, 2020, 5:00 pm
       Right-Wingers in general across the globe should abandon Hitler
       as their hero, that is if they wish to continue their
       anti-immigration stance?:
       [quote]Hitler the “Foreigner”
       “Hitler is a foreigner, a Czech!”
       He was born in Braunau in Lower Austria. Braunau on the Inn —
       not to be confused with Braunau in German Bohemia —is a small,
       purely German town on the Bavarian border, part of the “Inn
       district” that was cut off from Bavaria and given to Austria in
       1779. Three generations before Adolf Hitler’s birth it was still
       Bavarian, and it is only the result of dynastic disputes that it
       is today part of Austria.
       Even so, are not the Austrians our blood brothers whose return
       to the Reich is longed for with the same intensity on each side
       of the accursed border markers? Adolf Hitler himself writes of
       this in the first chapter of his book Mein Kampf:
       “Today it seems to me providential that Fate should have
       chosen Braunau on the Inn as my birthplace. For this little town
       lies on the boundary between two German states which we of the
       younger generation at least have made it our life work to
       reunite by every means at our disposal.”
       Adolf Hitler was born on 20 April 1889 in the customs house at
       Braunau, the son of an Austrian customs official, only a few
       minutes from the border. Hitler’s grandfather was a poor
       cottager from the Forest Quarter.
       No one can claim that Hitler’s ancestry sowed the seeds for his
       later development. As a simple son of the people, he has risen
       only because of the strength of his brilliant personality and
       soon will hold the highest office in the Reich.[/quote]
 (HTM) https://research.calvin.edu/german-propaganda-archive/adolfhitler-frontsoldat.htm
       It is in fact Israel and it's colonial immigration policies that
       should be the sole inspiration of all rightists worldwide:
 (HTM) https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-0_D9kM61nng/WoMRPA7pgsI/AAAAAAAAKkY/ZkH8gj1kx1YwL-6wThifJpQJit1LEJjLwCLcBGAs/s1600/27867220_945900265568440_270130165808370913_n.jpg
 (HTM) https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1227827581l/2217868.jpg
       Israeli firm chosen to build protoype of US border wall with
       [quote]Israel Aerospace Industries subsidiary company among
       eight to develop technology for 2,000 mile-long barrier[/quote]
 (HTM) https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-firm-chosen-to-build-protoype-of-us-border-wall-with-mexico/#gs.g2rlsk
       If Germany would have had in place the immigration policies most
       rightists advocate for today Hitler would never have risen to be
       the Fuhrer of the Third Reich and Bolshevism would have
       swallowed Europe whole.
       [img width=527
 (HTM) https://anaannblog.files.wordpress.com/2017/08/c64d4d0c91ebc10e3b54c44c3a3d9c5555d1ac44ecb27a2fdec5b1bd29c0543a.jpg[/img]
       You don't find it odd that today's right-wingers are using
       Marxist terminology?
 (HTM) http://aryanism.net/wp-content/uploads/cuck.jpg
 (HTM) http://aryanism.net/wp-content/uploads/neonazi.jpg
       Hitler speaks on the plight of the Palestinians and of USA and
       British hypocrisy 1939
 (HTM) https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x309bue
       Hitler Youth Palestine:
 (HTM) http://aryanism.net/wp-content/uploads/semites.jpg
       #Post#: 1335--------------------------------------------------
       Yahweh, Tribal g-d of The West, The NWO, British Israelism, and 
       Christian Identity
       By: guest5 Date: October 1, 2020, 9:28 pm
       British Israelism:
       [quote]British Israelism (also called Anglo-Israelism) is a
       pseudoarchaeological belief that the people of the British Isles
       are "genetically, racially, and linguistically the direct
       descendants" of the Ten Lost Tribes of ancient Israel.[1] With
       roots in the 16th century, British Israelism was inspired by
       several 19th century English writings such as John Wilson's 1840
       Our Israelitish Origin.[2] Numerous British Israelite
       organisations were set up throughout the British Empire as well
       as in America from the 1870s onwards; a number of these
       organisations are independently active as of the early 21st
       century. In America, the idea gave rise to the Christian
       Identity movement.
       The central tenets of British Israelism have been refuted by
       evidence from modern archaeological,[3] ethnological,[4]
       genetic,[citation needed] and linguistic research.[5][6]:33–34
       [quote]By 1886, the "Anglo-Israel Association" had 27 affiliated
       groups throughout Britain.[9]:9 Hine later departed for the
       United States, where he promoted the movement.[14]:56 [7]:176
       The 1906 edition of the Jewish Encyclopedia stated that British
       Israelism's adherents "are said to number 2,000,000 in England
       and the United States",[17] an unreliable figure if association
       membership and journal subscription numbers are any guide; the
       number of passive Protestant sympathisers is almost impossible
       to determine.[/quote]
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Israelism
       See also: Balfour Declaration
       [quote]The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by
       the British government in 1917 during the First World War
       announcing support for the establishment of a "national home for
       the Jewish people" in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a
       small minority Jewish population. The declaration was contained
       in a letter dated 2 November 1917 from the United Kingdom's
       Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lord Rothschild, a leader of
       the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist
       Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. The text of the
       declaration was published in the press on 9 November
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration
 (HTM) https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8e/Balfour_declaration_unmarked.jpg/800px-Balfour_declaration_unmarked.jpg
       [quote]Christian Identity (also known as Identity
       Christianity)[1] is a racist,[2] anti-Semitic,[2] and white
       supremacist interpretation of Christianity which holds the view
       that only Germanic, Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Nordic, [s]Aryan
       [/s]people and those of kindred blood are the descendants of
       Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and hence the descendants of the
       ancient Israelites.[/quote]
       [quote]The Christian Identity movement emerged in the United
       States in the 1920s and 1930s as an offshoot of British
       Israelism.[1][6] The idea that "lower races" are mentioned in
       the Bible (in contrast to Aryans) was posited in the 1905 book
       Theozoology; or The Science of the Sodomite Apelings and the
       Divine Electron by Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels, a volkisch writer
       seen by many historians as a major influence on Nazism.[citation
       needed] Adolf Hitler, however, did not subscribe to the belief
       that the Israelites of the Bible were Aryans; in a speech he
       gave in Munich in 1920 titled "Why We Are Anti-Semites", he
       referred to and disparaged Abraham as racially Jewish.[/quote]
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Identity
       [quote]The Phineas Priesthood, also called Phineas Priests, are
       American domestic terrorists who follow the ideology which was
       set forth in the 1990 book, Vigilantes of Christendom: The Story
       of the Phineas Priesthood by Richard Kelly Hoskins.[1]
       The Phineas Priests are not an organization, and they have no
       discernible leadership or institutional structure. For
       ideological adherents, a "Phineas Priest" is someone who commits
       a "Phineas action" - this means they follow the example of
       Phineas, a Hebrew man who, according to the Old Testament, was
       rewarded by God for killing an interfaith couple.The term
       "Phineas action" is broadly used by white supremacists, not only
       as a term for murders of interracial couples, but also as a term
       for attacks on Jewish people, members of other non-white ethnic
       groups, "multiculturalists," and anyone else who they consider
       their enemy.[/quote]
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phineas_Priesthood
 (HTM) https://m5.paperblog.com/i/122/1226505/no-religion-has-a-monopoly-on-terrorism-L-CjNMih.jpeg
 (HTM) https://i.pinimg.com/originals/8b/35/6a/8b356a113153c2dac35ab9b66d2b5c39.jpg
 (HTM) https://authenticnationalsocialismmemes.files.wordpress.com/2015/08/mythofgoodjew.jpg
 (HTM) https://shareverythingworld.files.wordpress.com/2015/05/10947272_10152958180653673_8337875676887945275_n.jpg?w=640[/img]
       Gotta love that Abraham though huh!?  ;D
 (HTM) https://www.americamagazine.org/sites/default/files/styles/article_image_750_x_503_/public/main_image/abraham285_1.jpg.png?itok=I_iB7_zU[/img]
       Then Yahweh said to Abraham: Calm down bro, it was only a joke.
       Besides, that's what non-humans are for!
       [quote]a Jewish sacrificial offering that is burned completely
       on an altar.[/quote]
       #Post#: 1769--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 2020 US presidential election
       By: guest5 Date: October 25, 2020, 3:15 pm
       Why Trump Winning 2020 Is A Doomsday Scenario
 (HTM) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BycYTvfT6E4
       [quote]Guest: "How did the German people allow what happened in
       Germany to happen?"[/quote]
       For one, the German people were much better informed than
       westerners could ever dream of! These same ridiculous westerners
       will then go onto argue how the western "deep state" is full of
       warmongers, and most western states are run by corrupt, lying,
       politicians, yet will believe everything this same corrupt
       political class tells them about WWI and WWII. This is the
       double-think most westerners participate in on a daily basis.
       This is why to non-westerners with any discernment and truth on
       their side view most westerners as mind-**** zombies who are
       destroying this planet. Having said that even this non-westerner
       who wrote this article falls for western ignorance in regards to
       WWII, that is a demonstration of how pervasive western
       double-think and ignorance truly is, if nothing else:
 (HTM) https://trueleft.createaforum.com/colonial-era/ignorance-and-indoctrination-of-westerners-kills-millions/
       See also:
 (HTM) https://trueleft.createaforum.com/colonial-era/western-revisionism-of-wwi-and-wwii/
       As long as westerners continue to play into this nonsensical and
       delusional "thinking" they will never be capable of destroying
       the system that has caused them and the rest of the world SO
       MUCH suffering and turmoil. They are literally driving
       themselves insane with double-think.
       #Post#: 1770--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Western Revisionism of WWI and WWII
       By: guest5 Date: October 25, 2020, 3:28 pm
       How many times did Hitler try and make peace with the west and
       it's "allied" forces?:
 (HTM) https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcTeBVuO0rR1EnS4LETrrnLAxmPFOlRR8XYW9g&usqp=CAU[/img]
 (HTM) https://static.toiimg.com/imagenext/toiblogs/photo/blogs/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/article-2.jpg
       Westerners and their colonial subjects wanted nothing of
       Hitler's peace, did they? Neither did Judea!
       [img width=1280
 (HTM) https://external-preview.redd.it/YaXVtGb40IwykjywOVUAyIHmWsAU7b8HbM6PkzkFFOw.jpg?auto=webp&s=b220b5f35e7c37f563dffc5bfb65deccc2b526a4[/img]
       See also:
 (HTM) https://trueleft.createaforum.com/colonial-era/secret-societies-and-occult-forces/
 (HTM) http://aryanism.net/politics/national-socialism-and-fascism/
       #Post#: 1778--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Western Revisionism of WWI and WWII
       By: guest5 Date: October 25, 2020, 5:08 pm
       Westerners love to think of themselves as the 'good guys' who
       vanquished the evil anti-western Third Reich. Here is another
       example of western ignorance:
       GOP Candidate Exposes Himself As Hitler Youth
       [quote]This GOP candidate’s history raises some serious
       concerns. He’s basically a Hitler youth. [/quote]
 (HTM) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCPtEgeLXcc
       It only takes one Hitler speech and one Hitler Youth photo to
       expose John's ignorance and idiocy. John obviously knows nothing
       about the Hitler Youth, but he likes to, as most other
       westerners also do, use Hitler's name to make others think he
       must be a good person because Hitler was clearly evil, everyone
       knows that right? John will forever be the 'good guy' like all
       other westerners because the west helped destroy the Third
       Reich, when in reality westerners have always been the 'bad
       guys' and one need only research western colonialism to realize
       this. Western thought and western culture is self-delusion at
       it's finest and multiplied x100!
       Hitler speaks on the plight of the Palestinians and of USA and
       British hypocrisy 1939
 (HTM) https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x309bue
       Hitler Youth Palestine:
 (HTM) http://aryanism.net/wp-content/uploads/semites.jpg
       #Post#: 1783--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Western Revisionism of WWI and WWII
       By: guest5 Date: October 25, 2020, 7:09 pm
       My response to the replies to my comment on the above video are
       suspiciously not showing. Western cowardice, I'm used to it.
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