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       #Post#: 3818--------------------------------------------------
       The ancient rolemodels of our enemies
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: January 29, 2021, 11:39 pm
       The best way to know how our enemies of today think is to know
       the historical figures whom they hold in high regard. Let's
       get started:
       [quote]Spring in Europe is a green time, a time of planting and
       rebirth of the earth. It was also, for thousands of years, the
       start of the campaigning season when armies which had been
       closed in by the brutal European winter could break out, raid,
       conquer and take new lands.
       The spring of 449 AD brought the campaigning season with perhaps
       the longest lasting impact in human history. Two German
       brothers, Hengist (“stallion”) and Horsa (“horse”), chiefs of
       the tribe of the Jutes, sailed for the devastated Roman province
       of Britain after being hired by the Romanized Celtic British
       leader, Vortigern, to fight his Celtic opponents, the Picts and
       the Scots. For their service, Vortigern offered them monetary
       rewards and the island of Thanet.
       That first landing in 449, 1570 years ago this spring, led to
       the landtaking of the Anglo-Saxons, and the birth of the English
       nation. Britain, in the early Dark Ages, was to the North
       Germanic tribes what North America would be to their descendants
       a thousand years later—a land to be conquered, tamed and remade
       in their own image. They were proud to be a nation of
       conquerors, proud to have settled a new land and to have made it
       their own. They had a healthy sense of self and no feelings of
       guilt towards those who they had conquered. They went so far as
       to refuse even to live in Celto-Roman settlements, leaving them
       to rot.
       Within several years after the landing, the brothers were at war
       with Vortigern. Horsa died in battle against him in 455, at a
       place recorded as Aegelsthrep, which is possibly present-day
       Aylesford in Kent.
       The native British were so terrified that they left Britain in
       large numbers as refugees and settled in the areas that are now
       Wales, Ireland and Brittany, France, giving the region its name
       and the Celtic dialect that survives to this day.
       The Saxons also used treachery to gain the upper hand, and were
       not in the least ashamed of that fact, since all is fair in love
       and war, and their main God, Woden, was a treacherous God.
       According to Gildas, after Horsa was killed in battle with the
       Celts, “The remaining Saxon leader, Hengist, called for a peace
       conference, which took place on Salisbury Plain. In an event
       known as 'the Night of the Long Knives', on their
       arrival the Celts were treacherously massacred:
       And Hengistus ordered the whole of his household that each one
       should hide his knife under his foot in the middle of his shoe.
       'And when I shall call out to you and say "Eu nimet saxas" (
       draw your swords!), then draw your knives from the soles of your
       shoes, and fall upon them, and stand strongly against them. And
       do not kill their king, but seize him for the sake of my
       daughter whom I gave to him in matrimony, because it is better
       for us that he should be ransomed from our hands.' And they
       brought together the conference, and the Saxons, speaking in a
       friendly way, meanwhile were thinking in a wolfish way, and
       sociably they sat down man beside man. Hengistus, as he had
       said, spoke out, and all the three hundred elders of King
       Vortigern were slaughtered, and only he was imprisoned, and was
       chained, and he gave to them many regions for the ransom of his
       soul, that is Est Saxum, Sut saxum , Middelseaxan, with other
       districts under his control which they named.”
       In a strange quirk of history, it is not the actual ancestors of
       the English people who are celebrated, but the Romanized Celtic
       British losers.
       A new awakening of the unbreakable Germanic spirit of Hengist
       and Horsa, an honoring of the heroes who conquered and stayed
       without guilt, could help save England and the Anglosphere for
       their posterity. A good spark to such an awakening would be to
       set aside a day in spring, the beginning of the campaigning
       season in old Europe, to commemorate the coming of the English
       race to Britain.
       May 5 will do just fine.
       A people with a pride in their history, with an identity, cannot
       be conquered or bred out of existence. That pride starts with
       recognizing who our real heroes are, who we owe a debt to—one
       that can never be repaid. Two such heroes were Hengist and
       So now we know: if our enemies ever offer us peace while
       retaining their separate identity, it means they plan to sucker
       us into lowering our guard whereupon they can easily massacre
       us. Indeed, such behaviour was repeated frequently during the
       colonial era. But now we see that it goes further back.
       #Post#: 4609--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The ancient rolemodels of our enemies
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: March 4, 2021, 9:25 pm
 (HTM) https://www.yahoo.com/news/why-white-supremacists-qanon-enthusiasts-222625204.html
       [quote]Displays of Crusader shields and tattoos derived from
       Norse and Celtic symbols are of little surprise to medieval
       historians like me who have long documented the appropriation of
       the Middle Ages by today’s far right.
       But amid all the expected Viking imagery and nods to the
       Crusaders has been another dormant “medievalism” that has yet to
       be fully acknowledged in reporting on both the far right and
       conspiracy theorist movements: the Byzantine Empire.
       In September 2017, Jason Kessler, an American neo-Nazi who
       helped organize the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville,
       Virginia, inaugurated a new supremacist group called “The New
       Byzantium” project.
       Kessler’s “New Byzantium” is intended to preserve white
       dominance after what he calls “the inevitable collapse of the
       American Empire.”
       Kessler isn’t alone in appropriating the empire. Through my
       research, I have monitored references of Byzantium in online
       forums. Mentions of Byzantium are scattered across message
       boards frequented by both white supremacists and QAnon
       For many on the far right, talk of Byzantium is cloaked in
       Islamophobia – both online and in tragic real-life events.
       A white supremacist who killed more than 50 worshippers at
       mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, in 2019 railed against the
       Turks and the conquest of Constantinople in a 74-page manifesto.
       “We are coming for Constantinople, and we will destroy every
       mosque and minaret in the city. The Hagia Sophia will be free of
       minarets and Constantinople will be rightfully Christian owned
       once more,” the shooter wrote. Throughout QAnon message boards,
       the reconquest of Hagia Sophia is emblematic of the destruction
       of Islam and the restoration of a mythic white Byzantium. One
       post stated: “When we free Constantinople and the Hagia Sophia,
       maybe we can talk.”
       This “reconquest” of Constantinople had even been tied in some
       online posts to the presidency of Donald Trump, with images
       circulated online seemingly prophesying that it would happen
       under his tenure. In one image, Trump is seen congratulating
       Russian President Vladimir Putin “on the retaking of
       Putin himself is not averse to drawing on the symbolism of
       Byzantium. The Russian state has long tried to position itself
       as the rightful successor to the Byzantine Empire, with Moscow
       as the “Third Rome.” This forms part of a religious and
       political doctrine tied to Russian territorial expansion that
       can be traced back as far as the late 15th century.
       The far-right appropriation of Byzantium in the U.S. appears to
       be influenced by this Russian interpretation. Indeed, Russian
       proponents of the “Third Rome” doctrine have been cited as
       influences by prominent figures on the American right.[/quote]
 (HTM) https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/sunset-over-istanbul-silhouette-its-name-written-over-photo-istanbul-turkey-february-sunset-over-istanbul-silhouette-109988368.jpg
 (HTM) https://www.thegreatcoursesplus.com/media/catalog/product/3/1/3160.jpg
       #Post#: 12770--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The ancient rolemodels of our enemies
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: April 12, 2022, 9:59 pm
       Our enemies want to revive Aristotelianism:
 (HTM) https://vdare.com/articles/ancient-wisdom-for-modern-dissidents-guillaume-durocher-s-the-ancient-ethnostate
       [quote]Aristotle expressed himself plainly in his Politics on
       the subject of diversity and mass immigration; i.e., it was, in
       the end, disastrous for the host nation:
       Dissimilarity of stock is conducive to factional conflict, until
       a cooperative spirit develops. For just as a city does not arise
       from any chance multitude, so it does not arise in any chance
       period of time. Hence those who have admitted joint settlers or
       late settlers [of different stock] have for the most part split
       into factions.[Politics, Book 5, Chapter 3]
       Aristotle cites eight examples of ethnic conflict that arose
       from the imprudent admission of “dissimilar stocks” to Greek
       Aristotle also emphasizes that xenophilia is a mark of tyranny:
       It is characteristic of the tyrant to have foreigners rather
       than persons from the city as companions for dining and
       entertainment, the assumption being that the latter are enemies,
       while the former do not act as rivals.[Politics, Book 5, Chapter
       This is especially important in regard to the tyrant’s
       The guard of a [legitimate] king is composed of citizens:
       that of a tyrant is composed of foreigners.[Politics, Book
       Three, Chapter 14]
       Slaves, on the other hand, ought to be of varied stock in order
       to make it more difficult for them to cooperate and thus to
       minimize the danger of revolt.
       These concerns were reflected even in the religion of the
       ancients, which was short on recommendations of good
       Samaritanism toward strangers and long on duties to one’s
       ancestors. The chief duty was to produce descendants.
       In other words, the democratic regime gave ordinary men a stake
       in the system, thus motivating them to defend it.[/quote]
       #Post#: 12773--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The ancient rolemodels of our enemies
       By: guest55 Date: April 12, 2022, 11:46 pm
       [quote]Aristotle expressed himself plainly in his Politics on
       the subject of diversity and mass immigration; i.e., it was, in
       the end, disastrous for the host nation:[/quote]
       How does the author explain the success of Ancient Rome then,
       for example?
       What was ‘race’ in ancient Rome?
       [quote]There have been a number of stories in recent months
       about the intersection of race and classics, and most of them
       address issues in the discipline that are inextricably linked to
       this narrative about the ancient world. In truth, it is
       anachronistic to think of the ancient Greeks and Romans as
       White; after all, contemporary racial categorizations,
       especially the concepts of “Whiteness” and “Blackness,” are
       fundamentally products of the modern era.[/quote]
       More precisely, "Whiteness" and "Blackness" are products of
       colonial America:
 (HTM) https://trueleft.createaforum.com/colonial-era/the-'black'-and-'white'-identity-politics-scam/
       The question of whether race existed in some form in the
       premodern past, especially in the ancient world, is extremely
       murky. We know that the Greeks and Romans would never have
       thought of themselves as part of an identity group with others
       solely because they shared a skin color, nor should we assume
       that all Greeks and Romans even had the same skin tone. But does
       denying the existence of race in the ancient world sanitize our
       view of ancient people, who could be just as xenophobic and
       oppressive — does it have to be this concept of race to be
       “race”? Or does trying to apply the term too broadly water down
       its impact and merely serve to reinforce inaccurate ideas about
       the similarity between our culture and those of people who lived
       millennia ago? There is no answer, in part because the type of
       evidence we would want to understand the structural impacts of
       race in the ancient world is largely gone. We cannot truly know,
       for example, what it meant to live in Athens as a person marked
       as “non-Greek,” or how that person would have defined their own
       identity. All we have are elite male Greeks and Romans writing
       about other peoples.
       This is why I wanted to use a teaching gallery in the course.
       Art often reveals the implicit assumptions of a culture that are
       not explicit in the literary evidence. In the gallery, I have
       included a sample of some of the ancient materials from the
       Kemper collection to show the range of colors used to depict
       skin, from a deep black glaze to pale white marble. It can be
       hard for modern audiences to unthink our own tendency to use
       skin color as the ultimate signifier of racial identity. For
       most of these objects, the color of the skin doesn’t mean
       anything about the person’s race.[/quote]
 (HTM) https://humanities.wustl.edu/features/kathryn-wilson-constructing-race-in-ancient-world
       Ancient Rome Thrived When the Empire Welcomed Immigrants. We
       Should Remember What Happened When That Changed
       [quote]Instances of xenophobia shook the cities, each one worse
       than the next, in the anxious years of the early fifth-century
       Roman Empire. Doors were slammed in immigrants’ faces when they
       asked for food, immigrant family members were kidnapped and
       beaten on the road, an immigrant house of worship was set on
       fire. One commentator, taking up his stylus to decry the foreign
       “pestilence” ravaging his comfortable way of life, won instant
       applause from Latin-speaking audiences. He twittered about
       contemporary events with matter-of-fact indifference. “Everyone
       insults the immigrant,” the poet Claudian said.[/quote]
 (HTM) https://time.com/5850622/rome-immigrants/
       #Post#: 12775--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The ancient rolemodels of our enemies
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: April 13, 2022, 12:34 am
       "How does the author explain the success of Ancient Rome then,
       for example?"
       In Aristotle's time, Rome was not yet dominant even within
 (HTM) https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/85/Italy_IV_century_BC_-_Latina.svg/477px-Italy_IV_century_BC_-_Latina.svg.png
       therefore it is likely that Aristotle would have considered Rome
       a minor player, especially compared to his own student's
 (HTM) https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/40/MacedonEmpire.jpg/1024px-MacedonEmpire.jpg
       #Post#: 12776--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The ancient rolemodels of our enemies
       By: guest55 Date: April 13, 2022, 12:39 am
       I see your point. Still, Ancient Rome was one of the most
       successful empires that has ever existed. You're suggesting that
       the author is allowed to disregard any argument from a time
       period outside of the one he specifically designated in his
       #Post#: 12779--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The ancient rolemodels of our enemies
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: April 13, 2022, 12:59 am
       If you mean the VDare blogger, that's another matter. I was
       referring to Aristotle himself, who did not live to see Rome
       become more historically important than Macedonia. But you are
       correct that our enemies are rarely inspired by Rome. (Which is
       why stupid for False Leftists to call our enemies "fascists".)
       While on the subject of Aristotle, however, here is someone else
       who thought highly of him:
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aristotle#On_medieval_Judaism
       [quote]Maimonides also considered Aristotle to be the greatest
       philosopher that ever lived, and styled him as the "chief of the
       philosophers".[174][175][176] Also, in his letter to Samuel ibn
       Tibbon, Maimonides observes that there is no need for Samuel to
       study the writings of philosophers who preceded Aristotle
       because the works of the latter are "sufficient by themselves
       and [superior] to all that were written before them. His
       intellect, Aristotle's is the extreme limit of human intellect,
       apart from him upon whom the divine emanation has flowed forth
       to such an extent that they reach the level of prophecy, there
       being no level higher".[177][/quote]
       #Post#: 12903--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The ancient rolemodels of our enemies
       By: Blue Kumul Date: April 19, 2022, 6:33 am
       Rome was destroyed by the Vandals, who were "more white" than
       the Romans. Racists see the Vandals as both racially superior
       and more successful, which means they are unlikely to identify
       with the Romans.
       #Post#: 13011--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The ancient rolemodels of our enemies
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: April 22, 2022, 11:16 pm
 (HTM) https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-10743827/White-supremacists-claim-ownership-Hollywood-blockbuster-Northman.html
       [quote]White supremacists have claimed ownership over the new
       Viking Hollywood blockbuster The Northman, which stars Nicole
       Kidman and Anya Taylor-Joy.
       'Northman is a based [agreeable] movie, all white cast and
       shows pure raw masculinity.'
       The connection between white supremacy and an interest in Viking
       culture is not new.
       He added: 'American white supremacists want to make Vinland
       great again, laying out an imagined past in which Vikings are
       the rightful conquerors of North America, locked in eternal
       battle with the Skraelings, the Viking slur for indigenous
       With its 'positive portrayal of heterosexual relationships and
       sex' as well as 'intense portrayals of white female beauty', the
       blockbuster fits into a criteria of content users of
       white-nationalist site Stormfront would 'watch repeatedly'
       Social media users have also expressed concern about the film,
       with one person writing on Twitter: 'Does the Northman look like
       white supremacy fan fiction to anyone else?'
       Another commented: 'The alt right completely co-opted the movie
       300. Imagine what they're going to do with The Northman.'
       I had a post on the old forum answering a question about
       Vikings, which I will repost here:
       "Were the vikings Aryan? Or is their sheer brutality a result of
       Giant admixture?"
       Vikings did not begin to exist until long after the Neolithic
       era, therefore ancestrally they would be mixed like everyone
       In terms of genetic quality, the Viking lifestyle would have
       selected for those who found raiding and commerce appealing.
       Thus I would estimate that those who chose to stay in
       Scandinavia would have had on average more Aryan blood than
       those who chose to join the Viking expeditions. This would be
       consistent with the Vikings being opposed to centralized states
       and to Christianity.
       I find it noteworthy that the Viking raids (which left (probably
       mostly patrilineal) genetic imprint on the raided populations)
       never reached Occitania, which was where the Cathars later
       appeared. Racially, we could speculate that Occitania had more
       Aryan blood than the rest of medieval Christendom in part due to
       absence of Viking genetic imprint, hence not coincidentally came
       up with the most Gnostic form of Christianity.
 (HTM) https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/50/Viking_Expansion.svg/1200px-Viking_Expansion.svg.png
 (HTM) https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/3718df7f-b821-4eb5-a14d-fa1db5091c41/d93l0zc-08942931-2645-4743-ae13-9e0d1488be5f.png/v1/fill/w_591,h_350,strp/ah__vichy_occitania_by_gouachevalier_d93l0zc-350t.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTkwMiIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzM3MThkZjdmLWI4MjEtNGViNS1hMTRkLWZhMWRiNTA5MWM0MVwvZDkzbDB6Yy0wODk0MjkzMS0yNjQ1LTQ3NDMtYWUxMy05ZTBkMTQ4OGJlNWYucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTMyMDkifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.olWe9XAJRSUKZRIV9CTFT6Y3XWFobkASyhVBlCpCTxk[/img]
       #Post#: 13012--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The ancient rolemodels of our enemies
       By: guest55 Date: April 23, 2022, 12:01 am
       [quote]Racially, we could speculate that Occitania had more
       Aryan blood than the rest of medieval Christendom in part due to
       absence of Viking genetic imprint, hence not coincidentally came
       up with the most Gnostic form of Christianity.[/quote]
       Sounds like good speculation to me.
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