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       #Post#: 4089--------------------------------------------------
       True Left Breakthrough: Anti-Whiteness
       By: rp Date: February 10, 2021, 3:13 pm
 (HTM) https://youtu.be/bmHct5IHxrA
       #Post#: 4274--------------------------------------------------
       Re: True Left Breakthrough: Anti-Whiteness
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: February 17, 2021, 12:19 am
 (HTM) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/wp-content/uploads/white-identities-spectrum.jpg
 (HTM) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/wp-content/uploads/white-identities.jpg
       (This can equally accurately be used to describe Jewishness with
       a simple word substitution.)
       #Post#: 4352--------------------------------------------------
       Re: True Left Breakthrough: Anti-Whiteness
       By: rp Date: February 20, 2021, 9:37 am
       White confessionalism in action:
 (HTM) https://twitter.com/flak_kari/status/1358971463445970944?s=19
       #Post#: 4356--------------------------------------------------
       Re: True Left Breakthrough: Anti-Whiteness
       By: guest5 Date: February 20, 2021, 3:00 pm
       #Post#: 4456--------------------------------------------------
       Re: True Left Breakthrough: Anti-Whiteness
       By: rp Date: February 25, 2021, 12:21 am
       "(This can equally accurately be used to describe Jewishness
       with a simple word substitution.)"
       No worries. Our enemies have already done that for us:
 (HTM) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frA2xvmjQOU&lc=UgwlPO4S-9zirqZMQQx4AaABAg
       Just replace "white" with "Jew" and this looks like something
       straight out of Nazi Germany.
       #Post#: 4625--------------------------------------------------
       Re: True Left Breakthrough: Anti-Whiteness
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: March 5, 2021, 12:11 am
       Finally more leftists are using the argument we first developed
       about figuring out who is racist by examining who invented the
       tribal identity:
 (HTM) https://eand.co/does-white-america-understand-what-racism-really-is-66b402f3905b
       [quote]A Whole Lot of White People Still Don’t Seem to
       Understand What Racism Really Is
       Me saying “eff off white people, you brutalised and enslaved the
       world for centuries and you still haven’t made amends” is not
       racism. What is it? It is a fact. White cultures did enslave and
       brutalise the world for centuries.
       When I say “white people,” you will note that I never say
       “race.” I say “social group.” Why is that? Because when we talk
       about racism, it is really only something white people can do.
       Why is that?
       The explanation that’s often offered is something like this:
       they have all the power. It’s not a bad one. I can’t call the
       cops on a white person over nothing and wreck their life — my
       chances aren’t good — but a white person very much can on a
       minority, and the chances are pretty good indeed.
       But there is an even deeper reason that racism is something,
       really, that belongs to white people. It’s so simple it hides in
       plain sight. Whiteness is something white people invented. In
       America, white people are constructed as “Caucasian.” Do they
       all come from the mountains of the Caucasus? Of course not. You
       see how ridiculous the idea of “race” really is.
       Whiteness exists because white people made it exist.
       And that is the world we are still in. I don’t get to be white
       because I’m not Caucasian. But neither is the “white” person —
       not really. They’re just able to be part of this fiction because
       it’s generally agreed by other white people that they should be.
       Not so long ago, Irish and Italian people weren’t fully “white.”
       These categories are mutable — but they are mutable precisely to
       establish one central claim: who is white is the “master race,”
       the one possessed of superior reason and rationality and logic,
       which dates back to the Enlightenment.
       That is all what racism really is. White people invented it, and
       it’s about whiteness, in those ancient and strange terms. I
       can’t really engage in it. If I say “eff off, white people,”
       that’s not racism, that’s irritation. There’s a very, very big
       I want to explain to you why minorities can’t be racists to
       white people. That’s an idea that often frustrates and
       infuriates white people, because on its face it seems
       maddeningly illogical, and like a double standard. But it isn’t.
       I want to prove this to you in a way that maybe you havent
       thought about before.
       Minorities can’t be racists to white people for a very simple
       reason. Because the whole point of the idea of “the white race”
       was to denote supremacy. All that we’re doing when we single out
       white people is to say that this old assumption of supremacy is
       toxic and backwards. We don’t have what racial scholars call
       whiteness to begin with. We didn’t make these categories, white
       people did.
       When we single out “white people,” we are saying that certain
       groups have created categories in which they still think about
       themselves as supreme and might not even know it. That isn’t
       racism — it’s antiracism, as the scholar Ibram X Kendi has put
       And so we cannot express racism, at least upwards. We can,
       downwards. What we can be is racist to other minorities who are
       lower down in the hierarchy of privilege and power than we are —
       the way that there’s a racial ladder internalised by even many
       non-whites, the way Asians look down on Black people sometimes,
       the way that Latinos think they are closer to whiteness than
       Black people. That’s racism, too.
       But me — or anyone like me — saying things like “white Americans
       as a social group are pretty backwards — the majority still
       voted for Trump!” isn’t racism. What is it? A fact. It isn’t a
       pretty fact. It’s an ugly fact. But I didn’t make it true. I
       didn’t even define them as white people — they did. And therein
       begins the problem.[/quote]
       Exercise: is hostility towards Jews racism or anti-racism?
       (Hint: who invented Jewishness?)
       #Post#: 4944--------------------------------------------------
       Re: True Left Breakthrough: Anti-Whiteness
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: March 19, 2021, 12:08 am
       I like this type of language:
 (HTM) https://verysmartbrothas.theroot.com/whiteness-is-a-pandemic-1846494770
       [quote]Whiteness is a public health crisis. It shortens life
       expectancies, it pollutes air, it constricts equilibrium, it
       devastates forests, it melts ice caps, it sparks (and funds)
       wars, it flattens dialects, it infests consciousnesses, and it
       kills people
       A line can and should be drawn from the actions of the white
       supremacist who walked into three Atlanta-area massage parlors
       yesterday, and allegedly killed eight people—six of whom were of
       Asian descent—to the relentless anti-Asian rhetoric pollinating
       national discourse over the past year. The former president, and
       the party of the former president, can and should be blamed for
       this and the sudden increase of racist violence against Asian
       Americans. The line doesn’t stop there, though. It extends back
       400 years
       to gentrification, to red-lining, to racial profiling, to
       gerrymandering, to voter oppression, to mass incarceration, to
       the war on drugs, to the subprime mortgage crisis, to the vast
       disparities in both COVID deaths and who receives COVID
       vaccinations, to how the men and women who stormed the capitol
       just went home and had dinner with their families afterward.
       While we were still processing and recovering from what we
       witnessed, they were already back on their couches, watching
       Criminal Minds.
       White supremacy is a virus that, like other viruses, will not
       die until there are no bodies left for it to infect. Which means
       the only way to stop it is to locate it, isolate it, extract it,
       and kill it. I guess a vaccine could work, too. But we’ve had
       400 years to develop one, so I won’t hold my breath.[/quote]
       No, a vaccine will not work:
 (HTM) https://trueleft.createaforum.com/true-left-vs-false-left/superiority-cannot-be-taught/
       #Post#: 4959--------------------------------------------------
       Re: True Left Breakthrough: Anti-Whiteness
       By: rp Date: March 19, 2021, 12:04 pm
       Jews are right on cue to criticize the article:
 (HTM) https://youtu.be/NbdQeriYi9c
       #Post#: 5074--------------------------------------------------
       Re: True Left Breakthrough: Anti-Whiteness
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: March 25, 2021, 12:17 am
       Duckworth and Hirono demonstrate how to play hardball against
 (HTM) https://www.rt.com/usa/518967-duckworth-diversty-vote-nomination/
       [quote]President Joe Biden’s administration is too white and
       heterosexual – at least in the view of two Democratic senators –
       who vowed to vote down any non-LGBTQ white nominee, until the
       White House commits to more diversity.
       Senator Tammy Duckworth (Illinois) and Mazie Hirono (Hawaii)
       told reporters on Tuesday that they'll vote to approve only
       non-white or LGBTQ nominees until Biden starts appointing more
       "I am a no vote on the floor on all non-diversity nominees,"
       Duckworth said. "You know, I will vote for racial minorities and
       I will vote for LGBTQ, but anybody else, I'm not voting for."
       Hirono said that the senators would vote against any white and
       straight candidates until they have a commitment from the
       administration that more positions will soon be filled by
       minority candidates, including black, Hispanic and AAPI
       “I’m joining her in that, which means that we would like to have
       a commitment from the White House that there’ll be more
       diversity representation in the cabinet, and in senior White
       House positions,” Hirono said.[/quote]
       As usual, rightists pretend not to understand:
       [quote]"If a white senator said what Senator Tammy Duckworth
       said but changed it to, they would only vote for white
       candidates, their career would be over," writer Carmine Sabia
       said. "And frankly, I'm over this 'It's OK to be racist against
       white people' BS. Duckworth should resign immediately."[/quote]
       But Duckworth isn't voting for "AAPI" candidates only (what
       would be comparable to a "white" senator voting for "white"
       candidates only), which if she were would indeed be racist
       (racism = ethnotribalism). What Duckworth is actually doing
       voting for anyone except "white" candidates, in other words
       practicing anti-"whiteness", which is anti-racism. (Even our
       dead enemy Bob Whitaker agrees on this point!)
       It is in fact rigorously provable that Duckworth is not
 (HTM) https://images.ctfassets.net/cnu0m8re1exe/49UbU0pmodE4rlJYJV59BO/a32aa796357288d99d0dab068c0c358c/eurasianorigin2.png?w=650[/img]
       There is no possible ethnotribe definition from an "AAPI" origin
       that includes "blacks" but excludes "whites" (since the former
       is more ancestrally distant from "AAPI" than the latter)!
       Therefore Duckworth's motive for including "blacks" but not
       "whites" may be many things but it LOGICALLY CANNOT BE
       #Post#: 5081--------------------------------------------------
       Re: True Left Breakthrough: Anti-Whiteness
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: March 25, 2021, 10:38 pm
       Our enemies are in panic mode:
 (HTM) https://vdare.com/letters/a-retired-military-man-asks-if-anti-white-racist-senator-tammy-duckworth-can-lose-her-reserve-commission-for-extremism
       [quote]Aren’t we supposed to expel “extremists” from the Army?
       “Racism” has always been against Army policy even in the bad old
       days when I was on active duty.
       I think Senator Duckworth still has a Reserve commission.
       If she is advocating racism in government hiring could that be a
       reason to take administrative action against her officer
       Duckworth wasn't the one who started calling some people
       "whites" to mark them as the outgroup! It was "whites" who
       started calling themselves "whites" to mark their own ingroup!
       She is merely retaliating against the ingroup that "whites"
       decided to form. Anti-"white"ism is anti-racism. (Again, ask Bob
 (HTM) https://trueleft.createaforum.com/human-evolution/old-content/msg6514/#msg6514<br
       Hirono explains in her own words what I explained in the
       previous post:
 (HTM) https://vdare.com/posts/two-asian-female-democrat-senators-commit-to-voting-against-all-straight-white-male-nominees-by-president-biden
       [quote]“This is not about pitting one diversity group against
       another. So I’m happy to vote for a Hispanic, a Black person, an
       LGBTQ person, an AAPI person. I’d just like to see more
       diversity representation,” Hirono said.[/quote]
       (Best of all, Hirono did not mention Jews among her "diversity
       And our enemies respond with:
       [quote]I’m not exactly sure how adding more Hispanic, black, and
       LGBTQ candidates help get more Asian Americans involved, but
       there you have it.[/quote]
       It's NOT ABOUT getting more "Asians" in! It seems our enemies
       are too primitive to wrap their heads around this idea: that
       anti-racism is not about benefiting one's own ethnic group.
       Indeed, we would even be willing to a take a hit to our own
       ethnic group for the sake of anti-racism. For example, if there
       was currently two "white" (including Jewish) nominees and one
       "AAPI" nominee and we could change it to three "black" nominees,
       we would do so without hesitation. Or if there were currently
       two "white" (including Jewish) nominees and one "black" nominee
       and we could change it to three "AAPI" nominees, we would do
       that too. This is what true anti-racist solidarity looks like.
       Nothing in anti-racism is about self-interest. Everything in
       anti-racism is about doing whatever it takes to destroy the
       enemy, including hurting our own ethnic group if necessary.
       So long as we hold to this fundamental principle, our enemies
       will not succeed in tempting us to put self-interest before
       anti-racism as they are already trying to do with articles like
       this one:
 (HTM) https://www.amren.com/blog/2021/03/blacks-wont-be-better-off-when-whites-are-a-minority/
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