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       #Post#: 273--------------------------------------------------
       Non-Aryan maturity
       By: rp Date: July 12, 2020, 7:46 pm
       Example of Jewish non-neoteny:
 (HTM) https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ecw74LhUcAIJlu2?format=jpg&name=medium[/img]
       #Post#: 461--------------------------------------------------
       Non-Aryan maturity
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: July 24, 2020, 12:52 am
       I have seen False Leftists insult rightists such as Ben Shapiro
       (Jew) by calling him “short” and “pre pubescent”. As True
       Leftists, this is unacceptable given our aesthetic standards
       that value neoteny. IMO this is a slavish attitude that seeks to
       uphold Western aesthetics, similar to how a bullied boy gets
       “revenge” by bullying others.
       This was particularly appalling to me as I have dealt with this
       type of behavior; my parents would take out their frustration on
       me, and kids in school would exclude me because the same was
       done to them. What’s worse is soon I found myself nearly acting
       the same way towards my younger siblings!
       Back then, I didn’t want to sound too “whiny”, but now I realize
       that the tactics false leftists use are remarkably similar, and
       how this attitude is fundamentally Judaic. This illustrates the
       False Left’s deference to authority. Their superficial
       opposition to authority only extends insofar as it serves their
       self interest, after which point they will lash out as those
       perceived to be “lesser” than them. Thoughts?
       "IMO this is a slavish attitude that seeks to uphold Western
       You are correct. Not that Shapiro is even that neotenous in
       reality (which just makes the False Left insult all the more
       absurd)! Most obviously, look at his huge facial hair area
       (entire lower cheek and jawline) and forearm hair:
       A neotenous man should not have to shave his cheeks/jawline.
       (Eventually I want men to be selectively bred until they have no
       facial hair at all.)
       But this is not even the main point. The main point is about why
       rightists and False Leftists each consider the other immature. I
       believe it is schematically equivalent to how men and women
       typically each consider the opposite gender less mature than
       their own gender (according to their own gender's conception of
       maturity). Basically rightists stereotype False Leftists
       similarly to how men stereotype women (ie. as girls), whereas
       False Leftists stereotype rightists similarly to how women
       stereotype men (ie. as boys).
       "similar to how a bullied boy gets “revenge” by bullying others"
       It is not revenge (which must be directed at the initiator of
       violence); what you are describing is tradition in the truest
       sense of the phenomenon: each generation being taught to accept
       being bullied now in exchange for a chance to be the bully in
       the future.
       Revenge is in fact the best antidote to tradition: instead of
       the present generation taking out the frustration accumulated
       from being bullied by the previous generation by bullying the
       next generation in turn (thereby passing on the frustration to
       them, and ensuring the cycle continues), simply take out the
       frustration by retaliating against the previous generation
       (thereby breaking the cycle)!
       For reference:
       [quote]our research on beards and voices shows that beards
       probably evolved at least partly to help men boost their
       standing among other men.
       Compared to males and females of many other primates, men and
       women on average look very different from each other – partly
       thanks to men’s facial hair. And when we see differences between
       males and females, the explanation often boils down to evolution
       through sexual selection – the process that favours traits that
       boost mating opportunities.
       a number of studies have suggested that both men and women
       perceive men with beards as older, stronger and more aggressive
       than others. And dominant men can get more mating opportunities
       by intimidating rivals to stand aside.
       Beards aren’t the only feature that can convey dominance –
       voices do too. People tend to vote for leaders with
       lower-pitched voices, and during competitive tasks men lower the
       pitch of their voice if they think they are more dominant than
       their opponent. Like facial hair, voice pitch also easily
       distinguishes men and women.[/quote]
       In other words, the less a culture values dominance, the weaker
       would be the selective pressure for large facial hair area (as
       well as low voice pitch) among men. Thus the racial ideal
       corresponding to the kind of culture we want would include
       minimal facial hair area and minimal vocal sexual dimorphism.
       Both of these are associated with high neoteny, since
       prepubescent boys and girls both have no facial hair and
       insignificant difference in vocal pitch.
       [quote]Hanson and Gluckman, who respectively head the Centre for
       the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) at the
       University of Southampton, and the Liggins Institute at the
       University of Auckland, New Zealand, researched the age of
       puberty stretching back beyond the Stone Age.
       They found that Paleolithic girls arrived at menarche - the
       first occurrence of menstruation - between seven and 13 years.
       This is a similar age to modern girls, which suggests that this
       is the evolutionarily determined age of puberty in girls.
       'This would have matched the degree of psychosocial maturation
       necessary to function as an adult in Paleolithic society based
       on small groups of hunter-gatherers,' they write.[/quote]
       Now you understand why non-Aryans have so called "coming of age"
       rituals, where they learn to "act their age" and chastise others
       for not doing the same (effectively revitalizing the Paleolithic
       era where immature individuals would be considered unworthy and
       would be excommunicated from the tribe), be it Bar mitzvahs in
       the case of Jews, or other rituals such as hazing in the case of
       "So, one can have non-neoteny appearance like the supreme
       leaders, yet can be Aryans from their actions, right?"
       An individual can be noble in actions*. This does not imply that
       the same individual can reliably produce biological descendants
       who will also be noble in action. Aryan (as used to describe
       blood) refers to the latter phenomenon, or what we call
       heritable nobility.
       (* This can also be simulated to a high degree of credibility by
       any sufficiently cunning individual who wants to pretend to be
       “ * This can also be simulated to a high degree of credibility
       by any sufficiently cunning individual who wants to pretend to
       be noble.)”
       This must be why many Hollywood movies feature Jews playing the
       role of noble characters, precisely because they are good at
       feigning their personality on screen.
       I told you so:
       [quote]Statistical analysis revealed that age at menarche was
       negatively correlated with endomorphy and mesomorphy components
       (r = -0.22 and r = -0.123, respectively), but positively
       correlated with ectomorphy component (r = 0.207). Conclusion:
       The findings indicated that age at menarche increases with
       increasing ectomorphy, but decreases with endomorphy and
       mesomorphy components. Thus, girls with high endomorphy and
       mesomorphy attained menarche earlier than did girls with high
       "Could the philosophies of pre-modern peoples outside the West
       reflect a childlike stage of cognitive development?"
       "Why did Europeans reach Piaget's final stage of “formal
       operational reasoning” long before the Rest?"
       [quote]Montagu said that the "Mongoloid skull generally, whether
       Chinese or Japanese, has been rather more neotenized than the
       Caucasoid or European...,"[52] and Montagu added that "Chinese
       peoples" are "perhaps" the best representatives of neoteny out
       of the Mongoloids.[53] ... Montagu also observed that "the
       skeleton of the classic Mongoloid type is very delicately made,
       even down to the character of the sutures of the skull which,
       like those of the infant skull, are relatively smooth and
       Montagu said that Negroids have the following neotenous traits
       relative to Caucasoids: flattish nose, flat roof of the nose,
       small ears, narrower joints, frontal skull eminences, later
       closure of the premaxillary sutures, less hairy, longer
       eyelashes and cruciform pattern of the lower second and third
       #Post#: 866--------------------------------------------------
       By: Starling Date: August 21, 2020, 4:41 am
       Why Asians Look Cute - a bit about neoteny here, though from a
       materialist perspective.
 (HTM) https://youtu.be/COkvq7WKy9Q
       Still, the science is confirmed. Neoteny is inheritable and it's
       almost universally deemed attractive.
       So, go figure that an industry like modelling and pop star
       manufacture use it for millions of dollars.
       Still time for some idealistic interpretation about this? And
       more universal, not just "Asians."Plus, it's hard to believe
       with South Korean pop stars, too many of then have had surgery
       to be taken on their word as bearing genuine neoteny. Average
       people with childhood and early 20s pics compared in S. Korea or
       most people in N. Korea would be better. The thumbnail, for one,
       has people who have definitely been under the knife and are
       wearing a lot of make up with studio lighting/photo filter, etc.
       #Post#: 868--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Neoteny
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: August 21, 2020, 6:03 am
       As usual, the mainstream treatment fails to distinguish between
       neoteny and paedomorphy (or, to use Zea_Mayz's helpful
       terminology, gracilization vs reduction). Worse, this video gets
       sexual dimorphism wrong as well, claiming "men with low sexual
       dimorphism look more feminine". No, they look less masculine. It
       seems only Westerners have trouble understanding this. Less
       masculine =/= more feminine, and less feminine =/= more
       masculine FFS!
       Related topic:
 (HTM) https://trueleft.createaforum.com/human-evolution/re-sexual-dimorphism-preferences/
       "with South Korean pop stars, too many of then have had surgery
       to be taken on their word as bearing genuine neoteny"
       Yes, and moreover, their surgery really does make them look more
       feminine (as opposed to less masculine), further confusing the
       issue when they are used as examples. Some of their features are
       actually quite robust, but merely artificially smoothed. This is
       why they look so disturbing (and ugly) in our eyes. In many
       cases the faces obviously do not fit the bodies they are
       attached to.
       "Still time for some idealistic interpretation about this?"
       Those with a truly neotenous appearance often have a tragic air
       to them, a visual impression that they do not really belong in
       this world. This impression is utterly absent from the K-Pop
       aesthetic, which is wholly a product of worldliness and carries
       no sense of tragedy whatsoever. This is also reflected in the
       #Post#: 7138--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Non-Aryan maturity
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: June 14, 2021, 12:00 am
       These days, our enemies are so onboard with Duginism that they
       praise virtually anything done by Serbs:
 (HTM) https://vdare.com/posts/big-serb-wins-nba-mvp-award
       But at least we get a side view of a low, sloping forehead plus
       heavy brow ridge and nose (all low neoteny traits) out of it:
 (HTM) https://vdare.com/public_upload/publication/featured_image/55103/maxresdefault_1_.jpg
       #Post#: 7139--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Non-Aryan maturity
       By: rp Date: June 14, 2021, 12:08 am
       I was just thinking about Jokic, but couldn't decide which
       thread to post in. Jokic as an individual has not demonstrated
       Gentile behavior (yet), so I didn't know whether to even talk
       about him. But now that our enemies are, we get a chance to view
       Turanian genetics.
       #Post#: 7162--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Non-Aryan maturity
       By: rp Date: June 15, 2021, 6:28 pm
       Jokic's brother demonstrates non-Aryan agressiveness:
 (HTM) https://youtu.be/ghwGgwbopWY
       For the record:
       [B]Nuggets' Nikola Jokic's Brother Strahinja Arrested on
       Suspicion of Assault[/b]
 (HTM) https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2856227-nuggets-nikola-jokics-brother-strahinja-arrested-on-suspicion-of-assault
       Strahinja Jokic, who is the brother of Denver Nuggets big man
       Nikola Jokic, was arrested on suspicion of assault after
       allegedly choking and pushing a woman in an apartment on
       Thursday night.
       Elise Schmelzer of the Denver Post reported the news, noting
       police said Jokic—who had been drinking—shoved a woman he
       wouldn't let leave the apartment they were in. [/B]They also
       said he [b]grabbed and choked her when she went to call for help
       from a balcony, threatening to do so "until she fell asleep."
       See also:
 (HTM) https://trueleft.createaforum.com/human-evolution/non-aryan-aggressiveness/
 (HTM) https://trueleft.createaforum.com/mythical-world/turanian-sexism/
       #Post#: 7737--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Non-Aryan maturity
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: July 27, 2021, 4:27 am
       Returning to the distinction between neoteny and paedomorphy
       (see above), a good example of the latter just appeared:
 (HTM) https://us.yahoo.com/news/tiktok-star-xiao-qiumei-dies-122938104.html
       [quote]Xiao Qiumei, an influencer from China, reportedly died
       after falling from a 160-foot crane while recording herself for
       a social-media post in Quzhou, China.
       The Sun reported that the 23-year-old was speaking into a camera
       in what appeared to be a crane cabin when she fell.
 (HTM) https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/K02x86UfvONdj5Zh36LpFQ--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTI0MDA7aD0xODAwO2NmPXdlYnA-/https://media.zenfs.com/en/business_insider_articles_888/843e901794a377b9f31fc075f9ab5979[/img][/quote]
       And the best evidence that paedomorphy is indeed not neoteny is
       the following line:
       [quote]Xiao had two children.[/quote]
       The truly neotenous do not reproduce so early, as (by definition
       of the term) our youth is extended. Many of us never reproduce
       at all. Padeomorphs, on the other hand, tend to be highly
       fertile (and possessing high sex drive). This confirms what I
       explained a long time ago: paedomorphy is a mere superficial
       effect not caused by neoteny, and even whose physiognomy (e.g.
       round face with reduced features) is very different from that
       produced by neoteny (e.g. oval face with gracilized features).
       Of course, paedomorphs should eventually be prohibited from
       #Post#: 9055--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Trump disapproval
       By: acc9 Date: September 26, 2021, 1:26 am
 (HTM) https://nypost.com/2021/07/08/barron-trump-shows-off-his-6-foot-7-height-in-nyc/
       Trump is so proud of his son Barron being 6'7" at 15, saying his
       37-year-old son's a short guy at 6'6".....
       #Post#: 10121--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Non-Aryan maturity
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: December 15, 2021, 10:23 pm
 (HTM) https://www.yahoo.com/news/12-she-just-became-youngest-010854109.html
       [quote]On Wednesday, Sawsan, who towers at nearly 5-foot-8 like
       some of her peers, but wears ponytails and other hair-dos
       carefully styled by her mom, graduated from Broward College, the
       youngest graduate in the school’s 61-year history. A 15-year-old
       previously held the record.
       The now-12-year-old earned an associate’s degree with a
       concentration in biological science and a 4.0 GPA. In January,
       she will go on to the University of Florida, where she will
       study microbiology and cell science.
       On the professional side, Sawsan dreams of working with
       artificial intelligence in medicine.[/quote]
 (HTM) https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/NRn5urAxXgb4T53v9.CQDQ--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTcwNTtoPTUyOTtjZj13ZWJw/https://s.yimg.com/uu/api/res/1.2/M8xFkhKlPva81GVL9E4..w--~B/aD04NTU7dz0xMTQwO2FwcGlkPXl0YWNoeW9u/https://media.zenfs.com/en/miami_herald_mcclatchy_975/1b18e5fb20f40331992ea2e3328d4de9[/img]
       We previously covered another prodigy here:
 (HTM) https://trueleft.createaforum.com/true-left-vs-right/if-western-civilization-does-not-die-soon/msg7509/#msg7509
 (HTM) https://trueleft.createaforum.com/true-left-vs-right/if-western-civilization-does-not-die-soon/msg7528/#msg7528
 (HTM) https://trueleft.createaforum.com/true-left-vs-right/if-western-civilization-does-not-die-soon/msg7516/#msg7516
 (HTM) https://img.olhardigital.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Laurent-Simons.jpg[/quote]
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