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       #Post#: 5385--------------------------------------------------
       True Left breakthrough: non-economic explanations
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: April 6, 2021, 11:44 pm
       The theory that all politics is reducible to economics is
       Marxist. One of our objectives has always been to undermine this
       False Left worldview, which implicitly sees all people as
       fundamentally similar units all in pursuit of material gain. Our
       True Left worldview, in contrast, is one which sees people as
       fundamentally different. It is a worldview of moral dualism, of
       Good vs Evil:
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dualism_in_cosmology#Moral_dualism
       A war of Good vs Evil will not be ended by making both sides
       more wealthy. It will only end when one side has totally
       exterminated the other.
       More leftists are starting to get it:
 (HTM) https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/research-states-obvious-white-racist-224500201.html
       [quote]New Research States the Obvious: White Racist Fears, Not
       Economic Anxiety, Likely Drove the Capitol Insurrection
       Some mainstream (re: white) writers and thinkers have
       instinctually sought to find a way to point to ‘economic
       anxiety’ as an explanation for why hundreds of mostly white
       Trump supporters attacked the U.S. Capitol in January. Now, at
       least one expert is conceding the obvious: it was the racism.
       We previously LOL’d at a Washington Post suggestion that the
       largely middle-class, gainfully employed members of the Jan. 6
       MAGA mob were driven to storm the Capitol because they are
       victims of economic anxiety.
       But Robert A. Pape, a professor of political science at the
       University of Chicago and head of the Chicago Project on
       Security and Threats, has amassed and analyzed demographic data
       on the Capitol insurrectionists that he says show a curious
       commonality in their background.
       The Capitol mob, made up almost 95% of white people, had a
       significant percentage of people who “typically hail from places
       where non-White populations are growing fastest,” the researcher
       wrote in an op-ed published in the Washington Post on Tuesday.
       The study’s findings were based on the CPOST’s evaluation of the
       profiles of 377 of the Capitol insurrectionists, said Pape, who
       added that the collection of people came from all over the
       country—most notably from counties whose electorates are
       diversifying and going blue.
       From the Washington Post:
       By far the most interesting characteristic common to the
       insurrectionists’ backgrounds has to do with changes in their
       local demographics: Counties with the most significant declines
       in the non-Hispanic White population are the most likely to
       produce insurrectionists who now face charges.
       For example, Texas is the home of 36 of the 377 charged or
       arrested nationwide. The majority of the state’s alleged
       insurrectionists — 20 of 36 — live in six quickly diversifying
       blue counties such as Dallas and Harris (Houston). In fact, all
       36 of Texas’s rioters come from just 17 counties, each of which
       lost White population over the past five years. Three of those
       arrested or charged hail from Collin County north of Dallas,
       which has lost White population at the very brisk rate of 4.3
       percent since 2015.
       Speaking with the New York Times about the CPOST study, Pape
       said his initial expectation going into the study was that
       leftover pain from the 2008 recession would emerge as a
       motivator of the Capitol attack. But then he explained that
       additional analysis of the data shows that what really drove the
       insurrectionists’ violence is the age-old racist idea that white
       people not having societal dominance—or the impression of
       dominance—justifies them violently lashing out so as to hold
       onto power.
       From the New York Times:
       “If you look back in history, there has always been a series
       of far-right extremist movements responding to new waves of
       immigration to the United States or to movements for civil
       rights by minority groups,” Mr. Pape said. “You see a common
       pattern in the Capitol insurrectionists. They are mainly
       middle-class to upper-middle-class whites who are worried that,
       as social changes occur around them, they will see a decline in
       their status in the future.”[/quote]
       See also:
 (HTM) https://www.theroot.com/thats-a-reach-washington-post-claims-financial-problem-1846242278
 (HTM) https://www.theroot.com/the-whitest-insurrections-of-all-time-1846048266
       #Post#: 5454--------------------------------------------------
       Re: True Left breakthrough: non-economic explanations
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: April 10, 2021, 1:42 am
 (HTM) https://www.yahoo.com/news/why-anyone-still-shocked-fear-153650869.html
       [quote]Why is anyone still shocked that fear propels white
       hostility and violence?
       In his initial findings, detailed in an op-ed for The Washington
       Post, Pape determined the rioters to be 95 percent white, 85
       percent male, middle and upper middle class, and — significantly
       — to hail mostly from counties where the white population is
       shrinking fastest and the non-white growing most aggressively.
       Such counties were six times more likely to produce rioters than
       counties where demographic change was least dramatic, a
       disparity that held even when controlled for various variables.
       Coincidence? Pape says the chances are less than one in a
       thousand. So assuming his findings hold, we may conclude that,
       while there was anxiety here, economics had nothing to do with
       it. This anxiety was racial.
       And another word for anxiety is fear.
       We seldom discuss the degree to which that primal emotion has
       driven U.S. history where race and tribe are concerned. And yet,
       it has always been there. It ripped the Choctaw, the Cherokee
       and the Creeks from their ancestral lands. It awakened Jefferson
       “like a firebell in the night.” It forced George, Noriyuki and
       Norman out of their homes and into camps ringed by barbed wire.
       It got Emmett maimed, Sam skinned and Mary hanged upside down
       and set afire.
       This fear has only grown more acute since we learned that these
       are the last days of that majority, that soon, no racial group
       will be able to claim numerical dominance. Some white people
       find it frightening to envision a nation without white people
       calling all the shots. And bad things tend to happen when white
       people — particularly white men — get scared. Hence, the tea
       party and the birthers. Hence, Pittsburgh, Charlottesville and
       Charleston. Hence, the spike in voter suppression. Hence Donald
       And, hence a mob of mostly white, mostly men, smashing through
       the sacred space of the U.S. Capitol. Economic anxiety? Who’s
       more economically anxious than Black and brown people? And how
       many Capitols have they breached?
       To answer that question is to understand why there is something
       vaguely insulting in Robert Pape’s surprise. History tells us
       what’s happening here. Previous studies have quantified what’s
       happening here. Some of us have spent years declaiming what’s
       happening here.
       So how is it a learned man is surprised by what’s happening
       A disruptive demographic change is upon us. It represents a
       challenge, yes, but also an opportunity. To meet the one and
       seize the other will require a clear-eyed view of what we are
       and some strategy that delivers us to what we ought to be. The
       particulars of that are beyond the scope of this column, but
       there’s one thing we must do at a minimum. When frightened white
       people act out?
       Stop being surprised.[/quote]
       Also, shoot them.
       #Post#: 7589--------------------------------------------------
       Re: True Left breakthrough: non-economic explanations
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: July 18, 2021, 10:06 pm
 (HTM) https://us.yahoo.com/news/opinion-jayne-poor-white-voters-140100477.html
       [quote]Explaining why people vote how they do is a complex task
       with no simple answers. But the questions above are at the core
       of "The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone."
       The book, published this year, was written by Heather McGhee,
       and it provides a damning item-by-item inventory of how systemic
       racism has held back this nation over the past several decades.
       But there is more to it. The gist, if it is possible to
       summarize a 300-page book in one sentence, is that many white
       [s]Americans[/s] vote against their own self-interest because
       policies that might help them would also help minorities.
       Which doesn't make sense. White [s]Americans[/s], after all,
       make up the largest cohort of the uninsured and impoverished and
       minimum-wage workers — even if people of color are more likely
       to fall into those categories. Yet whites, including poor
       whites, comprised the bulk of Donald Trump supporters.[/quote]
       Of course it makes sense. "Whites" are acting in their
       self-interest: it's just that their self-interest is on a larger
       scale than that of individual economic security. To put it
       another way, "whites" are acting in their self-interest not as
       individuals (which is what False Leftists consider to be the
       only valid self-interest) but as "whites" ie. as members of the
       "white" tribe. Until more leftists stop complaining that
       "whites" are acting "irrationally" and instead understand they
       are acting very rationally, but merely with priorities other
       than their own pocketbooks, they cannot understand what is
       required to stop rightism.
       [quote]To illustrate this, McGhee writes about swimming pools.
       In the mid-1900s, American cities commonly had grand community
       swimming pools, developed as a testament to civic funding and
       civic pride. When pools were desegregated, countless communities
       chose to close those facilities; it would be better for
       everybody to have nothing rather than provide a service that
       includes Black people.[/quote]
       This is what I mean. If "whites" thought as individuals, then
       obviously keeping the pool open would be rational. But "whites"
       were not thinking as individuals. They were thinking: "If the
       pool becomes a venue where multiethnic interaction becomes
       psychologically normalized, this will threaten the survival of
       white identity in the long-term." Once you realize what their
       actual objective is, not as individuals but as "whites", their
       choices turn out to be rational, but in service of a tribal
       objective. You cannot fight them effectively until you realize
       what their objective is.
       [quote]Such thinking has diminished our society and fractured
       our sense of community. And it answers the overriding question
       posed by McGhee's book: Why can't we have nice things?[/quote]
       Because the most inferior fraction in our society would rather
       have "whiteness".
       Which brings us onto the next question: should the left be
       merely about getting nice things, or should the left be about
       permanently getting rid of most the inferior fraction of society
       #Post#: 8393--------------------------------------------------
       Re: True Left breakthrough: non-economic explanations
       By: Zea_mays Date: August 27, 2021, 4:19 pm
       Another report acknowledging rightists aren't driven by
       "economic anxiety", but pure tribalism:
       [quote]A terrifying new theory: Fake news and conspiracy
       theories as an evolutionary strategy
       Social scientist Michael Bang Petersen on why people believe
       outrageous lies — as a tool in violent group conflict
       But the ignorance perspective has a deep hold on us because it
       appeals to the Enlightenment notion that we are motivated to
       pursue truth. We are "the thinking animal," right? The important
       part of that expression may be "animal." Human beings have an
       evolutionary history, and deception is commonplace in the animal
       world because it confers evolutionary advantage. There's good
       reason to believe we're not so different, other than the fact
       that humans are ultra-social creatures. In ancestral and
       evolutionary terms, being part of a successful social group was
       every bit as essential as food and water. So deception among
       humans evolved from group conflicts. That's the thesis of a
       recent paper called "The Evolutionary Psychology of Conflict and
       the Functions of Falsehood" by the Danish political scientists
       Michael Bang Petersen and Mathias Osmundsen and American
       anthropologist John Tooby. [/quote]
 (HTM) https://www.salon.com/2021/08/08/a-terrifying-new-theory-fake-news-and-conspiracy-theories-as-an-evolutionary-strategy/
       #Post#: 8563--------------------------------------------------
       Re: True Left breakthrough: non-economic explanations
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: September 2, 2021, 11:33 pm
 (HTM) https://twitter.com/michelle_byoung/status/1432825399373975553
       [quote]Almost every problem we have in this country right now is
       about White people’s FEAR of demographic change & the GOP
       exploiting those fears for political gain. It’s ALL about race &
       racism. These dots are OBVIOUS & EASY TO CONNECT.[/quote]
       #Post#: 8668--------------------------------------------------
       Re: True Left breakthrough: non-economic explanations
       By: Zea_mays Date: September 9, 2021, 3:36 pm
       [quote]Extremist segregationalist beliefs rose in the postwar
       South even in times of plenty, because the Federal government
       was daring to enforce laws that undermined their sense of
       Contentness in life often depends on those social factors more
       than actual economic ones. So if people feel like they're "being
       replaced," especially by people they are used to looking down
       upon, they'll become extremists no matter what the reality is
       Even with Trumpists, they tend to be better off financially than
       the average American, not worse (google "Trump voters richer"
       for tons of articles). But they think things are getting worse
       because their sense of hierarchy and privilege are being
       attacked by those damn uppity egalitarians, thinking they can
       judge them, how dare they, etc. It should be no surprise then,
       that research repeatedly finds that the biggest predictors of
       Trump support are racial, ethnic, and notably gender
 (HTM) https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/pjekum/a_generation_of_american_men_give_up_on_college_i/hbyahdb/
       [quote]Status threat, not economic hardship, explains the 2016
       presidential vote
       Support for Donald J. Trump in the 2016 election was widely
       attributed to citizens who were “left behind” economically.
       These claims were based on the strong cross-sectional
       relationship between Trump support and lacking a college
       education. Using a representative panel from 2012 to 2016, I
       find that change in financial wellbeing had little impact on
       candidate preference. Instead, changing preferences were related
       to changes in the party’s positions on issues related to
       American global dominance and the rise of a majority–minority
       America: issues that threaten white Americans’ sense of dominant
       group status. Results highlight the importance of looking beyond
       theories emphasizing changes in issue salience to better
       understand the meaning of election outcomes when public
       preferences and candidates’ positions are changing.[/quote]
 (HTM) https://www.pnas.org/content/115/19/E4330
       [quote]Hegemonic masculinity predicts 2016 and 2020 voting and
       candidate evaluations
       Donald J. Trump’s history-making ascension from nonpolitician to
       president of the United States has been attributed to the
       antiestablishment, antielitist, and nativist populism of Trump
       voters, as well as to sexism, racism, homophobia, and
       xenophobia. Based on the findings of seven studies involving
       2,007 people, men’s and women’s endorsement of hegemonic
       masculinity predicted support for Trump over and beyond the
       aforementioned factors, even when controlling for political
       party affiliation. Results highlight the importance of looking
       beyond social identity–based conceptualizations of masculinity
       to fully consider how men’s and women’s endorsement of cultural
       ideologies about masculinity legitimate patriarchal forms of
       dominance and reify gender-, race-, and class-based
 (HTM) https://www.pnas.org/content/118/2/e2020589118
       #Post#: 8805--------------------------------------------------
       Re: True Left breakthrough: non-economic explanations
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: September 15, 2021, 1:19 pm
       We've all heard about immigrants being willing to work for lower
       pay and hence being preferred by employers; that is perfectly
       explicable by economics. The following, on the other hand:
 (HTM) https://www.yahoo.com/news/lawsuit-farm-hired-white-immigrants-195309719.html
       [quote]JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — Six Black farmworkers in
       Mississippi say in a new lawsuit that their former employer
       brought white laborers from South Africa to do the same jobs
       they were doing, and that the farm has been violating federal
       law by paying the white immigrants more for the same type of
       The lawsuit said the farm violated regulations of a foreign
       worker visa program, which requires equal treatment of U.S.
       workers and their immigrant counterparts. It seeks an
       unspecified amount in damages, including money the U.S. workers
       say they were shorted because of the uneven pay scale.
       Four of the plaintiffs — Andrew Johnson, Wesley Reed, Gregory
       Strong and Richard Strong — said they did agricultural work from
       February through November and Pitts Farm Partnership usually
       paid them the minimum wage of $7.25 an hour, with $8.25 an hour
       for weekend work.
       Two of the plaintiffs, Stacy Griffin and James Simpson, drove
       trucks for the farming operation during harvest time, usually
       from late July or early August through November. The lawsuit
       said they had been paid $9 an hour since 2018.
       The farm paid the white workers from South Africa $9.87 an hour
       in 2014 and that rate increased most years until it reached
       $11.83 an hour in 2020, the lawsuit said.
       The lawsuit said the Pitts family hired a white supervisor who
       gave employees their daily duties and had the power to hire and
       fire workers.
       “Occasionally, the supervisor used racial slurs,” the lawsuit
       said. “Pitts Farms was informed about the supervisor’s use of
       racial slurs and did nothing.”
       The lawsuit said the farm started bringing in white workers from
       South Africa in 2014, using a placement firm to hire seasonal
       labor, and that from 2014 to 2020, the farm did not make the
       same effort to recruit U.S. workers as it did to obtain
       immigrant workers.[/quote]
       #Post#: 8908--------------------------------------------------
       Re: State subverters
       By: guest55 Date: September 20, 2021, 9:06 pm
       Animosity toward minority groups predicts support for Donald
       Trump, regardless of party alignment
       [quote]New research published in the journal American Political
       Science Review revealed that people who expressed extreme
       dislike toward Democratically-aligned minority groups were more
       likely to approve of Donald Trump when he made his way into
       politics — regardless of their party alignment. Animosity toward
       these groups did not predict support for other Republican
       candidates, suggesting the effect is unique to Trump.
       Study authors Lilliana Mason and her colleagues note that
       [s]American[/s] U.S. political parties are becoming further
       divided on key aspects of identity such as race and religion. It
       follows that party support can potentially be influenced by a
       person’s affiliation with social groups, as well as their
       feelings toward outgroups. (In other-words, TRIBALISM not
       The researchers suggest this to be especially true in the case
       of support for former president Donald Trump, whose political
       campaigns were heavily centered around vilifying outgroups.
       Trump was known for his unapologetic and hateful rhetoric
       directed at numerous marginalized groups — notably, marginalized
       groups that were Democratically-aligned. Mason and her team
       wanted to explore whether animosity toward these minority groups
       may be partly driving support for Trump.[/quote]
 (HTM) https://www.psypost.org/2021/09/animosity-toward-minority-groups-predicts-support-for-donald-trump-regardless-of-party-alignment-61874
       Trump is a tribalist and a barbarian as are his supporters!!!
       See also:
 (HTM) https://trueleft.createaforum.com/true-left-vs-false-left/trump-a-fascist/
       #Post#: 9035--------------------------------------------------
       Re: True Left breakthrough: non-economic explanations
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: September 24, 2021, 9:58 pm
 (HTM) https://www.amren.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Table2.png
       #Post#: 9101--------------------------------------------------
       Re: True Left breakthrough: non-economic explanations
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: September 28, 2021, 10:00 pm
 (HTM) https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-09-23/eu-nationalists-vow-to-keep-migrants-out-despite-boon-to-economy
       [quote]Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban hosted the leaders
       of the Czech Republic, Serbia and Slovenia at a
       demographic-focused forum in Budapest, where he said immigration
       was a threat to the survival of western civilization rather than
       an antidote.
       The stance also clashes with a raft of economic studies that
       show immigration boosts the economies and wages of countries
       that open their doors to foreign workers. The International
       Monetary Fund has said that for every 1 percentage-point
       increase in the inflow of immigrants relative to total
       employment in rich nations, output increases by 1% within five
       They will not be convinced by economic arguments because they
       care about being Westerners, not about the economy. Therefore
       they will only be persuaded to open their borders if threatened
       by something else that will make it even harder for them to be
       Westerners than open borders e.g. nukes. So long as
       nuclear-armed countries lack the stomach to nuke them, Turandom
       countries will keep their borders closed. There is nothing
       mysterious about this. Economic appeals will have no effect on
       those who do not care about economics, just like ethical appeals
       will have no effect on those who do not care about ethics.
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