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       #Post#: 2159--------------------------------------------------
       Indian attitudes
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: November 12, 2020, 11:16 pm
       OLD CONTENT contd.
 (HTM) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAXHXb-HLak
       Some people (unwilling to confront the ugly truth) say the
       problem in India is colourism (ie. positive discrimination for
       lighter-skinned people, negative discrimination for
       darker-skinned people). If this theory is true, then
       Northeasterners, who on average are among the lightest-skinned:
 (HTM) https://ojaifilmfestival.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/What-is-Your-Brown-Number.jpg
       should tend to receive positive discrimination. But since in
       reality Northeasterners tend to receive negative discrimination,
       then what is going on cannot be straightforward colourism. What
       I suggest is really going on is (as usual) Eurocentrism.
       Positive discrimination is not for lighter-skinned people per
       se, but for people who remind the discriminators of their
       colonizers "whites" (which Northeasterners do not).
       "What I suggest is really going on is (as usual) Eurocentrism.
       Positive discrimination is not for lighter-skinned people per
       se, but for people who remind the discriminators of their
       colonizers "whites" (which Northeasterners do not)."
       Unfortunately, mere sociological analyses put forth by
       mainstream media do not suffice to provide an adequate
       explanation for why such discrimination occurs. I theorize that
       there may be a genetic component that can be attributed to the
       behavior of such individuals, namely Turanian blood.
       For example, it is no coincidence that the conventionally
       "white" looking individuals (both in terms of skin color and in
       their approximation towards Eurocentrically ideal phenotypes) in
       India are the ones that will seek to emulate Western mannerisms,
       dress, food habits, communication, etc, all of which are not
       necessarily "American", but which are undoubtedly Western. One
       could interpret this phenomenon simply as a matter of
       individuals wanting to solidify their position in the social
       hierarchy, but it can also be viewed as them aspiring towards
       the Eurocentric archetypes which naturally appeal to them.
       The reason I bring up this point is because the sociological
       explanations can easily be used as a cop out (just as can the
       "colorism" explanations) by those who are inherently racist and
       seek to infiltrate anti-racist groups, be it Zionist agents or
       opportunistic False Leftists. Our message should be clear, if
       you are a racist, you are not welcome here, irrespective of what
       part of the world you are coming from.
       "For example, it is no coincidence that the conventionally
       "white" looking individuals (both in terms of skin color and in
       their approximation towards Eurocentrically ideal phenotypes) in
       India are the ones that will seek to emulate Western mannerisms,
       dress, food habits, communication, etc,"
       Picture examples would be helpful.
       To test your theory, if genes are causing this, then surely by
       the same token the Northeasterners who are bullied for looking
       "chinky") would be more likely to seek to emulate Sinosphere
       mannerisms/dress/etc.? Do they? (If not, the sociological
       explanation could account for this by noting that China never
       colonized India whereas Britain/Portugal/Netherlands did.)
       "One could interpret this phenomenon simply as a matter of
       individuals wanting to solidify their position in the social
       hierarchy, but it can also be viewed as them aspiring towards
       the Eurocentric archetypes which naturally appeal to them."
       Another way to investigate your theory is to consider which
       Eurocentric archetypes appeal most to the Indian Eurocentrists.
       For example, do they prefer British archetypes or Russian
       archetypes? If their behaviour is caused by Turanian blood as
       you propose, they should prefer the latter:
 (HTM) https://indo-european.eu/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/R1a-thegeneticatlas.png
       Do they? (Again, if not, the sociological explanation could
       account for this by noting that Russia never colonized India.)
       "Our message should be clear, if you are a racist, you are not
       welcome here, irrespective of what part of the world you are
       coming from."
       [quote]“Aap toh south Indian dikhti hai par aapki behen Indian
       dikhti hai.” (You look like a south Indian but your sister looks
       These words from a decades-old conversation with a Delhi
       beautician came back to me when Tarun Vijay, a former BJP MP and
       ex-editor of the RSS publication Panchjanya, recently tried to
       defend India against charges of racism. “If we were racist,” he
       said, “why would have all the entire south [India] which is
       complete… you know Tamil, you know Kerala, you know Karnataka
       and Andhra… why do we live with them? We have blacks, black
       people around us.” (sic) Many south Indians revealed their own
       white-skin fixation when they protested against Vijay’s comment
       by objecting to being termed black. It is just as telling that
       most north Indians would be aghast if they knew that the racial
       descriptor “black” is used by Europeans and Americans not for
       people of African origin alone but for Indians too, and not just
       the dark-skinned among us. The offensive aspect of Vijay’s
       statement is not in these sensitivities though, but in his
       condescension, the implication that the north can choose whether
       or not to “live with them”, and in the othering of the south.
       It was an attitude echoed all those years back by that woman who
       blurted out in shock on discovering that my comparatively
       light-complexioned companion was my sibling: “You look like a
       south Indian but your sister looks Indian.” Because in her view,
       the standard Indian is gora and from the north, a dark skin like
       mine could only belong to a southerner, and a southerner is, of
       course, ‘the other’.
       Being a Malayali-born and living in Delhi, I am used to such
       remarks. In my school years, I remember a reader of The
       Statesman writing to the editor: “south Indians are our guests”
       and “we” should be kind to “them”. “You southies have brains, we
       north Indians have looks,” said a neighbour to Mum one day.
       These comments, like the oily-haired, aiyyaiyyo-spouting,
       vibhuti-sporting ‘Madrasi’ stock character in old Hindi cinema,
       are relatively innocuous manifestations of a problem so deep
       rooted that most of us scarcely notice it.
       Take colour, for one, in the Indian mindscape. White is a
       reminder of our colonisers, black the colour of African slaves;
       white is the dominant colour of today’s superpowers, black we
       associate with a poverty-stricken wilderness; white is linked to
       Brahmins i.e. those who work in the shade, black to lower castes
       i.e. those who work under the sun. It’s complicated and
       convoluted. North Indians, who tend to consider themselves
       universally ‘gora-chitta’, bombard light-skinned ‘Madrasis’ with
       the inexplicable question, “How can you be south Indian?”, and
       are cruel to ‘kallus’ among their own. Priyanka Chopra once
       spoke to me in an interview of the ordeal of being black in a
       Punjabi household. South Indians too deem light lovelier than
       dark. Meanwhile, suicides have been reported in both regions by
       victims of colour-related oppression.
       Here though is a twist in my tale. My experience of colour
       prejudice pales in comparison with the crushing taunts thrown at
       one of my closest friends all his life. Kaala kauwa, kaala
       bhoot, kaala kaloota (black crow, black ghost, blacky), black as
       coal — he has heard it all, from classmates (in a respected
       Delhi school, mind you), neighbours, strangers, even relatives
       and friends. I saw his shoulders wilt in humiliation as a child,
       and each time my heart broke a little for him.
       While writing this piece, I asked him why I was not similarly
       traumatised. Stressing his conviction that the epithets would
       have remained unchanged if he had been north Indian, he reminds
       me too that most Indians would not consider me as dark as he is.
       True. On the Asian Paints Shade Card of Complexions in every
       Indian’s head, I am 3.946 ‘shades fairer’ than my friend and
       5.217 ‘shades darker’ than my sister. In the vocabulary of our
       contemptible version of racism, then, he is a ‘kaala kauwa’
       deserving ridicule, I merit sympathy, and my sister is crowned
       an ‘Indian’.[/quote]
       The correct way to undermine this is to keep exposing the extent
       of Eurocentrism/West-worship among a considerable fraction of
       Indians suffering from colonial trauma:
 (HTM) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVuudcpW-MY
       [quote]"I think maybe I'm a racist," writes Charu, 31, 14
       kilometres away, active 2 minutes ago. "I only want 2 **** u coz
       u r white."
       "I want u 2 pee on me. R u into that?"
       But Charu's invitation reminded me of a piece I'd read in MW by
       Dustin Silgardo, about how men packing more melanin than me felt
       they weren't getting their fair shakes on Indian Tinder. Like,
       zero hits, bro.
       In fact, Indian men were complaining the app was broken, or
       corrupted by a "no matches bug". What other explanation could
       there be for their datelessness?
       Huh. That's interesting. I hadn't noticed any bugs (beyond the
       one match, in making the kind of horrible snap judgment so
       frowned upon on Tinder, whom I suspect may've picked up a few
       pant-crabs along the way). My Tinder box was full of Indian
       girls. A fecund amount. Were my Indian brothers really having so
       much trouble with this?
       So as one might -- as one should, fellas -- like having been
       diagnosed with a sneaky case of pant-crabs, I contacted my
       recent Tinder matches to see if our relations had been somehow
       infec--affected, by my evolutionary lack of skin pigment.
       "Are you inclined to swipe right on a white guy more than an
       Indian?" I asked 28-year-old Sonali, a friend whose being on
       Tinder had initially made me consider that the whole thing might
       not just be for douche-tubes.
       ""I would lean towards the white guys," she said,
       She's done this six times since January, and has been on only 10
       dates -- one Indian, nine whites. "One led to sex and one was
       just heavy petting," she wrote. "Both were white."
       Meera said at one point she used to get 25-30 matches an hour
       and had to turn off notifications.
       Or maybe you shouldn't right-swipe quite so many dudes?
       "Ok," I typed. "How many of those Tinder matches turned into
       real dates?"
       "And how many of them led to sex?"
       "Just one. The white guy."
       "There are so many [women] on there that have really
       confrontational messages now," complained my 32-year-old Gujju
       friend Arjun, having noticed the Meeras of Tinder adding
       conditions and caveats to their profile descriptions recently.
       Well I guess you haven't matched with Charu yet, Arjun. In her
       case, those proscribed come-on lines above might be welcome. But
       no. Arjun wouldn't have matched with Charu. Our kinky little
       housewife is in it for the palefaces. Palefaces that'll **** on
       And some people think I exaggerate about Eurocentrism among
       former formerly colonized peoples.....
       It was just a matter of time before this obvious inconsistency
       was called out. Now is as good a time as any!
       [quote]Priyanka Chopra — whom Forbes called “arguably the most
       successful Bollywood actor to cross over to Hollywood” — Sonam
       Kapoor — winner of India’s prestigious Filmfare Award in 2017 —
       and Disha Patani — who starred alongside Jackie Chan in the film
       “Kung Fu Yoga” — were among those criticized for posts promoting
       social justice and arguing that all skin colors deserve respect.
       They previously served as brand ambassadors for Garnier, L’Oréal
       or Pond’s “fairness” creams, which are widely promoted in India
       as a means of reducing darker skin.[/quote]
       #Post#: 5712--------------------------------------------------
       Indian Attitudes
       By: rp Date: April 21, 2021, 1:39 am
       Wrong way to rebut Eurocentrists appropriating the word "Aryan":
 (HTM) https://twitter.com/vakyas001/status/1381834604580122626?s=19
       you must be either christian or stupid. oh wait, they're the
       same thing.
       still worshiping a rotting corpse on a stick. mlecchas gonna
       eat beef. drink alcohol. WE WUZ ARYANS N' SHIEEEEET says the
       corpse-like untouchable.
       This underestimates the enemy. By attacking them for being
       "Christian" you are simply leading them to embrace the Turanian
       Also it is important to distinguish between Judeo Christians and
       real Christians.
       At least he doesn't seem to be a racist (Eurocentrist) though:
 (HTM) https://twitter.com/vakyas001/status/1381769713471135746?s=19
       judaism is the fountainhead of abrahamic exclusivism and
       bigotry. what is with Hindus in the US/UK sucking up to these
       abraham is the adi-asura (a demon of old).
       #Post#: 5713--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Indian Attitudes
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: April 21, 2021, 2:51 am
       I am always disappointed to see Indian nationalists bashing
       Christianity, when they could be taking credit for it instead:
 (HTM) https://www.baltimoresun.com/news/bs-xpm-1994-12-25-1994359065-story.html
       [quote]"Jesus Lived in India."
       In a nutshell, he proposes that the son of Joseph and Mary
       traveled to India when young, imbibed the Buddhist philosophy
       and world view at the feet of Buddhist monks, then returned to
       propagate his findings among his people in Palestine.
       Mr. Kersten asserts that Christ did not die on the cross but
       survived and returned to India.
       In the remote Himalayan land of Kashmir, Jesus (known then as
       "Issa") lived to a ripe old age as a Buddhist monk, according to
       Mr. Kersten. His tomb, he says, appears to be situated in the
       Kashmiri city of Srinagar, where, in point of fact, it is
       venerated to this day.
       Whatever the truth about Jesus,the book is a reminder of the
       extraordinary importance India has exerted through the centuries
       the human spirit.
       Ritual baptism and monastic asceticism are among its exports.
       According to Mr. Kersten, even Jesus' parable of the widow's
       mite, cited in the Gospel according to St. Mark, seems to be a
       reworking of an older Buddhist story.
       Another work of Mr. Kersten, to be published in English next
       March, enumerates the parallels between the teachings of Jesus
       and Siddhartha Gautama, the Indian prince and ascetic who
       founded Buddhism.
       Mr. Kersten contends that Jesus' original message was hijacked
       by the Apostle Paul, who introduced new elements, including
       misogyny and the concept that Christ's death absolved others of
       their sins.[/quote]
       This interpretation would still allow them to attack Judaism.
       #Post#: 5905--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Indian Attitudes
       By: rp Date: April 26, 2021, 3:24 am
       "Indian" promotes Turanians
 (HTM) https://twitter.com/HinduLiberty/status/1386419692902916096?s=20
       [quote]No evidence our ancestors originated in Himalayas or
       Vedas were composed there.
       Veda-Shastras contain both spiritual and worldly aspects.
       Nothing shameful about studying both aspects.
       4000 years ago, there were no nation states. Nothing shameful if
       our ancestors came from steppe
       Turanians must be thought of as anti-Indian. Just because they
       didn't consider themselves "White" doesn't mean they were not
       racist against the indigenous Indians.
       Similarly, just because you don't consider "Whites" Aryan
       doesn't mean you aren't Eurocentric. Eurocentrism posits that
       the steppe subhumans were "Aryan", which you agree with.
       He also promotes the Turanian diet:
 (HTM) https://twitter.com/HinduLiberty/status/1349084000837455872?s=20
       [quote]It's ok to have a small portion of prasad. In traditional
       Vedic shrauta yajnas, animals are sacrificed and the officiating
       brahmin priests consume a small portion of the sacrificed animal
       #Post#: 5906--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Indian Attitudes
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: April 26, 2021, 4:12 am
       "Turanians must be thought of as anti-Indian."
       To promote this first requires cultivating pride in pre-Vedic
       "just because you don't consider "Whites" Aryan doesn't mean you
       aren't Eurocentric. Eurocentrism posits that the steppe
       subhumans were "Aryan", which you agree with."
       Strictly speaking, Eurocentric Turanists would believe that the
       Turanians who migrated west degraded less from mixing than the
       Turanians who migrated south did.
       I have encountered some Turanist Hindus who believe the
       opposite, which is their rationale for supposedly looking down
       on "whites": they think brahmins are purer Turanians than
       "whites", and won't shut up about brahmin average IQ test score
       (~120 ie. even higher than Jews (their emphasis)). These cannot
       be described as Eurocentric. Example:
 (HTM) https://www.aei.org/foreign-and-defense-policy/asia/the-ashkenazim-of-india/
       [quote]So Brahmins are not same and if you don’t know the IQ of
       Bengali Brahmins (average with half standard deviation) vary
       among 110-122 as we Kulin Brahmins(well my ancestors had surname
       Ganguly) of Bengal have upper limit of IQ 122 which is lot
       higher than Ashkenazi.BTW 2 most famous pure living Bengali
       Brahmins are Anandamohan Chakraborty,one of the greatest
       biologist of 20th century who is more famous for his epic patent
       win and another one is Anirban Banerjee who Nobel laureate
       signature award in 2007 in field of Chemistry and there are few
       inventors o here in USA but the number of highest patents is
       only 7 who is only 29 year old.
       Well Tam Brahmin compares them with Ashkenazi,But Bengali
       Brahmin-Baidya say they have produced 5-10 times more laurels in
       terms of population than AShkenazi Jew.10,00 population in US
       has produced so many names,so if you change it mathematically to
       7 million like Ashkenazi,then Bengali Brahmin-Baidya_brahmin
       have at least 10 times more achievements than Ashkenazi.
       So Ashkenazi Jew are far inferior than us Bengali Brahmin-Baidya
       Nevertheless, they measure superiority by Western standards.
       Western =/= Eurocentric.
       In any case, don't just respond here, use your Twitter account
       to challenge the guy directly too!
       #Post#: 5907--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Indian Attitudes
       By: rp Date: April 26, 2021, 6:17 am
       Another one of the comments:
 (HTM) https://www.aei.org/foreign-and-defense-policy/asia/the-ashkenazim-of-india/#comment-54303
       [quote]Well Bengali hall of fame american Amar Gopal Bose died
       but we have two other hall of fame inventors still
       alive-A.Chakraborty,Bedabrata Pain and we have more than 120 Us
       patents/10000 population.
       Tamil Brahmin-0 Hall of fame inventor,even rest of India has not
       produced any American Hall of fame inventor.[/quote]
       So even possessing a high IQ is not enough for him, he wants
       innovation! For the record, the Tamil Brahmins are vegetarians,
       whereas the Bengali Brahmins are not. The Tamil Brahmins also
       possess the lowest amount (among all other Brahmins) of the
       precious r1a1a haplogroup DNA favored by Turanists. Coincidence?
       Perhaps this could account for why Tamil Brahmins, despite
       possessing high IQs, do not use this intelligence to build more
       machinery. This is the difference between Aryan and non-Aryan
       "To promote this first requires cultivating pride in pre-Vedic
       The Twitter account I mentioned says the Vedics simply
       "peacefully" migrated and mixed with the Harappans, and decided
       to call themselves "Aryan". He is different from the unabashed
       Turanists who take pride in destroying the Harappan
       Civilization. While it may be true that some of the Harappans
       mixed with the Vedics and called themselves Aryan as the IVC was
       rapidly decaying (beef eating was prominent), it was far from a
       peaceful migration. Also, the word "Aryan" predates the arrival
       of the steppe peoples.
       "I have encountered some Turanist Hindus who believe the
       opposite, which is their rationale for supposedly looking down
       on "whites": they think brahmins are purer Turanians than
       "whites", and won't shut up about brahmin average IQ test score
       (~120 ie. even higher than Jews (their emphasis)). These cannot
       be described as Eurocentric."
       What else do they consider "pure Turanism" though (aside from
       IQ)? Ritual sacrifice? Turanian diet? "Caucasoid" features? High
       sexual dimorphism? I mentioned the reverential attitude toward
       innovation also, but I would like to know if there are others.
       #Post#: 5922--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Indian Attitudes
       By: rp Date: April 27, 2021, 2:15 am
 (HTM) https://twitter.com/BharadwajSpeaks/status/1382676126040879111?s=20
       [quote]Did you know?
       The word "Ādivāsi" meaning "original inhabitants" was
       coined by a Christian missionary in 1930.
       Such a word DID NOT EXIST in Sanskrit.
       The implication of word is that non tribal Hindus are ALL
       outsiders to India . They inserted this word even in
       It wasn't until reading Aryan Diffusion that I learned the
       so-called "Adivasi" were actually the Vanavasi. This makes sense
       considering that "Vanavasi" itself means "forest dweller" in
       Sanskrit, which obviously refers to the primitives whom the IVC
       people would have encountered.
       #Post#: 5923--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Indian Attitudes
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: April 27, 2021, 2:54 am
       I suggest using the term "IQ test score" instead. Using "IQ"
       makes it sound like it is something real, whereas "IQ test
       score" makes it clear that it is merely the score for a
       particular Western test known as an IQ test.
       "What else do they consider "pure Turanism" though (aside from
       IQ)? Ritual sacrifice? Turanian diet? "Caucasoid" features? High
       sexual dimorphism? I mentioned the reverential attitude toward
       innovation also, but I would like to know if there are others."
       I would like to suggest one: ornamentation.
       Before Turanian diffusion:
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harappan_architecture
       [quote]sculpture have no integral role in architecture. They
       found separately.[/quote]
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Architecture_of_India#Indus_Valley_Civilization_(2600_BCE_%E2%80%93_1900_BCE)
       [quote]Architectural decoration is extremely minimal[/quote]
 (HTM) https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c4/Archaeological_Ruins_at_Moenjodaro-108221.jpg/800px-Archaeological_Ruins_at_Moenjodaro-108221.jpg
 (HTM) https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e1/Other_side_of_Moenjodaro_by_Usman_Ghani.jpg/800px-Other_side_of_Moenjodaro_by_Usman_Ghani.jpg
       After Turanian diffusion:
 (HTM) https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/30/City_of_Kushinagar_in_the_5th_century_BCE_according_to_a_1st_century_BCE_frieze_in_Sanchi_Stupa_1_Southern_Gate.jpg/800px-City_of_Kushinagar_in_the_5th_century_BCE_according_to_a_1st_century_BCE_frieze_in_Sanchi_Stupa_1_Southern_Gate.jpg
       I find the contrast even stronger in sculpture.
       Before Turanian diffusion:
 (HTM) https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/12/WLA_brooklynmuseum_Harappa_Miniature_Votive_Images_2.jpg
 (HTM) https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/60/Valle_dell%27indo%2C_barca_a_forma_di_toro%2C_periodo_kot-dijan%2C_2800-2600_ac_ca._%28coll._priv.%29_02.jpg/800px-Valle_dell%27indo%2C_barca_a_forma_di_toro%2C_periodo_kot-dijan%2C_2800-2600_ac_ca._%28coll._priv.%29_02.jpg
       After Turanian diffusion:
 (HTM) https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0e/Indian_-_A_Votive_Figurine_-_Walters_25249_-_Three_Quarter_Left_%28cropped%29.jpg/483px-Indian_-_A_Votive_Figurine_-_Walters_25249_-_Three_Quarter_Left_%28cropped%29.jpg
 (HTM) https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c4/MET_DP253249_%28cropped%29.jpg/507px-MET_DP253249_%28cropped%29.jpg
       #Post#: 5924--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Indian Attitudes
       By: rp Date: April 27, 2021, 3:35 am
       "I suggest using the term "IQ test score"
       I see. So those who score high on IQ tests may or may not be
       Aryan depending on what they pursue. Those who score high on the
       test may merely view it as a means toward an end to obtain
       greater academic qualifications and thus more money, or they may
       view it as something worth valuing in and of itself, and hence
       will value the Western definition of "intelligence" and aspire
       toward proving the worthiness of this "intelligence" through
       #Post#: 6044--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Indian Attitudes
       By: rp Date: May 2, 2021, 2:13 am
       Hindus argue whether their culture is a product of Steppe or
       Valley blood, and which part they should embrace:
 (HTM) https://twitter.com/blog_supplement/status/1388017869661908995?s=20
       [quote]Something modern H will not like to hear: From the
       mahAbharata we learn that some of our founding fathers carried
       out mass hunts of wildlife for food (probably doubled for
       military training) v.similar to the Chingizid Mongols. That
       suggest it was possibly an old steppe thing.[/quote]
 (HTM) https://twitter.com/Hindu_OSINT/status/1388019064816103428?s=20
       [quote]Hindu OSINT
       Replying to
       It's amazing how memories of our Nomadic past still survive even
       in our second generation scriptures.
 (HTM) https://twitter.com/ImperiumHindu/status/1388119088153579527?s=20
       [quote]Hindus have history of indus valley civilization.
       They are not some barbarians from steppes.
       Deal with it man.[/quote]
       I believe there is hope for the third tweeter. While he
       incorrectly says in another tweet that Vedic culture is from the
       Indus Valley, he at least possesses enough nobility to reject
       steppe barbarism as "Hindu" culture. The correct narrative is to
       recognize that "Hindu" culture does indeed originate in the IVC
       as etymologically it refers to the religion practiced by the
       Indus people, but that Vedic culture does not, which by default
       makes Vedism necessarily anti-Hindu. So as a true Hindu, you
       should reject Vedism.
       Contrast this to the Turanists who are happy to claim steppe
       ancestry (and to add insult to injury claim this makes them
       "Aryan"), and are proud of the nomadic barbarism of Vedism.
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