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       #Post#: 260618--------------------------------------------------
       20 Dakika 1.Bölüm
       By: Sema Date: January 1, 2013, 3:03 pm
       <strong>Episode 1</strong>
 (???) I\'ll post the youtube video here as
       soon as it is available).
 (???) r via startv: <a href=\"\"
 (HTM) http://www.startv.com.tr/dizi/20-dakika</a>
       #Post#: 260631--------------------------------------------------
       20 Dakika 1.Bölüm
       By: Hilal - director Date: January 1, 2013, 5:06 pm
       Toprak ... thank you for starting this thread
       #Post#: 260634--------------------------------------------------
       20 Dakika 1.Bölüm
       By: Camden Date: January 1, 2013, 10:17 pm
       Here\'s one link  from Youtube for the 1.Episode.
 (IMG)  hope to
       watch it tonight...
 (???) a
 (HTM) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUzTO4C4qh0\"<br
 (HTM) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUzTO4C4qh0</a>
       #Post#: 260696--------------------------------------------------
       20 Dakika 1.Bölüm
       By: Karaday? Date: January 2, 2013, 3:00 am
       I am gonna watch too!!!then decide to continue or not!
       #Post#: 260780--------------------------------------------------
       20 Dakika 1.Bölüm
       By: michiper68 Date: January 2, 2013, 3:51 am
       Many thanks to our dear Arzu from huniliyiz team for the
       translation of the first episode, we will complete the
       translation as sson as she finish it.
 (PHO) 0 minutes episode
 (???) *
 (PHO) 0 minutes
 (???) pisode 1
 (???) oice: don’t worry. I know something
       you don’t know. It does not matter how long you have lived.
       Whatever you have gained. I can take it back in just 20 minutes.
       Man:don’t worry. I will leave early and come home. I will take
       you to someplace nice.
 (???) oy: do you want to buy a watch. I have
       great watches. Look at my watches. Look this one is Swedish.
       Man: how much is it?
 (???) oy: I cannot sell it here. There might be
       cops around. Look my friends are here. Come with me. 
 (???) ill you
       buy one more for your wife too?
 (???) *
 (???) ALI’s scene where he beats
       the guy and takes him to a house).
 (???) *
 (???) li: You are the woman I
       am going to marry
 (???) elek: they had told me about you. You came
       back to the university after being pardoned. 
 (???) ou have been
       going to university for 8 years. You could not even pass the
       byzantine lesson. You keep losing your books. I am too much for
 (???) li: we will have a happy home and lovely kids. 
 (???) elek:
       you are mad. We are both broke. We don’t have Money. How can you
       do all this?
 (???) li: I will find a way. I will find a way for you.
       Melek: and you did find it.
 (???) *
 (???) li: I am calling about a fire.
       A house is burning. There are children inside. I can hear them
       screaming. You have to come quick. 
 (???) *
 (???) li: Children calm down..
       please.. ok. Here’s a question what date was the last Seferi
       Humayun battle. If you know this you will get 100 for all of the
       tests from now on. 
 (???) oy: 200 Barcelona game!!! (Football
 (???) li: read chapter 4 in your books.
 (???) irl: Sir you
       told me to remind you.
 (???) li: what
 (???) irl: today. 20th of November
       Ali: thank you. 
 (???) *
 (IMG) t’s my turn. Sir. Lady could you tell
 (???) an: leave me alone. It’s my turn.. or do you want to get
       beaten up..
 (???) anking lady: Mr. Ali. You should have come to me.
       Your account is with me. 
 (???) li: I did not want to
 (???) anking lady: so you want the amount.  Well in total
       you will have to pay 1500 plus 300.
 (???) li: Oh I thought. That was
       the full amount. 
 (???) anking lady: It’s not a problem. 
 (???) li: here.
       100, and I had more change.
 (???) anking lady: ok. That is enough
       Ali: really I never owed anyone a penny until now. 
 (???) anking
       lady: that’s ok. I know you. 
 (???) li: ok. Accept your help in
       return of this book.
 (???) *
 (???) a??z: did you buy our house in return
       for a book?
 (???) li: no my son.. we both worked really hard and
       bought the house.
 (???) ook they are coming. Its a surprise. Don’t
       tell her anything.
 (???) uru: Is it done? 
 (???) li: yes. Don’t tell her
       anything she will understand  immediately. Just give a hint.
       Melek: Something has happened here? What happened? Tell me.
       So you want me to find what is going on?
 (???) k.  Ya??z don’t you
       have a clue for mom?
 (???) a??z: I am wearing a tie and I am very
 (???) elek: yes you are very handsome. So this must be a
       happy occasion.
 (???) uru?
 (???) uru: I bought new paint
 (???) elek: new paint?
       You are not going to paint your hair again are you?
 (???) uru: no..
       that was a mistake. 
 (???) elek: what did you do my man? Do you have
       a clue?
 (???) li: I kept my promise.
 (???) elek: so it was today? Now the
       house is ours?
 (???) li: no its yours. You bought it.
 (???) elek:
 (???) li: my love. 
 (???) *
 (???) li: Melek Melek, are you ok?
 (???) elek:
 (???) li: lets drop the children off to my parents.
 (???) elek: yes
       but they will want us to stay for dinner. 
 (???) li: no.. we will not
       stay. We will dine together you and me. I promise. We will be
       there for only 5 minutes.
 (???) *
 (???) and they are at dinner.)
 (???) li’s
       father wants TSUNAMI, he actually means TIRAMISU.
 (TN3) he parents go
       on about Ali not wanting a raise and how he should stand up for
       himself. Melek supports her husband. 
 (TN3) he mother in law thinks
       her son is the best and she does not want Melek to work.
 (TN3) he
       father in law defends Melek. And then the mother in law and
       father in law start arguing and they forget everyone else at the
 (???) o Melek and Ali start laughing.
 (???) *
 (???) elek: children take
       off your coats.
 (???) li: they can take it off in their rooms.
 (???) li: I
       am sorry I could not even take you out to a romantic dinner.
       Melek: Its’ ok. I am tired. Can you tuck the children to
 (???) li: no I am not going all the way up there. I want to lie
       down here for a bit.
 (???) elek:so I have to do that too?. Go to
       work. Pay the bills, cook the food. I can go to work tomorrow
       instead of you if you want too.
 (???) h no.. the electricity is off.
       Can you light a candle or do I have to do that too?
 (???) li: I will
       light the candle. 
 (???) *
 (???) elek: to our house
 (???) li: to the promise I
 (???) elek: yeah that promise. 
 (???) li: we are at laleli campus.
       You are with your friends who adore you.
 (???) elek: you have worn
       your cardigan the wrong way
 (???) li: no that’s how it is.
 (???) elek: the
       tag is out.
 (???) li: you are the woman I am going to marry.
 (???) elek:
       they had told me about you. You came back to the university
       after being pardoned. 
 (???) ou have been going to university for 8
       years. You could not even pass the byzantine lesson. You keep
       losing your books. I am too much for you. 
 (???) li: we will have a
       happy home and lovely kids. 
 (???) elek: you are mad. We are both
       broke. We don’t have Money. How can you do all this?
 (???) li: I will
       find a way. I will find a way for you. I was never sure of
       anything as much I was sure about that. I never wanted anything
       so bad except to marry you.
 (???) elek: and you did find a way my
 (???) *
 (???) a??z: what are they doing?
 (???) uru: you are too little to
 (???) elek: the kids are watching.
 (???) *
 (???) li: oh you are
       asleep I was just about to bring Icecream
 (???) a??z: no we are
 (???) uru: oh god you just fell for it.
 (???) a??z: oh I fell for
 (???) *
 (???) li tucks them into bed..he has bought the paint duru
 (???) oorbell rings... 
 (???) ELEK: ALI!!! ALI!!!
 (???) *
 (???) elek: leave
       me alone.. let go of me.
 (???) zan: you are under arrest for trying
       to murder Kerim Solmaz.
 (???) li: what? There is a mistake
 (???) elek:
       ali. Help me? Where are they taking me?
 (???) li: she is my wife. You
       cannot take her. Melek don’t be scared. There must be  a
 (???) zan: my name is Ozan. I am from Homicide. 
 (???) ook sir.
       We are the police. We are not kidnapping your wife. 
 (IMG) f there is
       a mistake she will be set free.
 (IMG)  know people like you. You are
       a history teacher. She is a cook. You have 2 children. You paid
       the last instalment on your mortgage. And had dinner with your
 (???) li: how do you know all this. What’s going on?
 (???) zan:
       your type of people cannot murder anyone.
 (???) nswer me. Was your
       daughter Duru with her mom today?
 (???) li: leave my daughter alone.
       I will talk to her myself I beg you. I beg you.
 (TN3) hank
 (???) *
 (???) li comes to explain to his kids.
 (???) *
 (???) li is telling a
       story until ya??z falls asleep.
 (???) *
 (???) zan: where were you around
       3-4 yesterday.
 (???) uru: I was coming out of school.
 (???) zan: did you
       go home?
 (???) uru: no I went to my mom’s workplace.
 (???) zan:was she
       there when you went ?
 (???) elek: ok. Help me out. Come on.
 (???) uru: my
       nails are long I cannot. 
 (???) elek: here. Cut your nails.
 (???) uru: you
       are carrying a nail clip?
 (???) elek: I heard that excuse before so I
       was prepared.
 (IMG)  am going to deliver a cake. Ozgur’s aunt died so
       I gave him time off.
 (???) uru: well you should have been prepared
       for that excuse too.
 (???) is aunt died 2 times before this.
 (???) elek:
       well his aunt is very unfortunate then?
 (???) uru: oh how funny.
 (???) zan: what time did she come back?
 (???) uru: at 5pm
 (???) zan: are
       you sure?
 (???) uru: oh it was 5.02pm. 
 (IMG)  was on the phone. When she
       came in.
 (IMG)  miss my mom. And you have not been kind to me. 
 (TN3) ell
       my mom to come here. 
 (???) *
 (???) li: are you ok. Don’t cry.
 (???) uru: I am
       not crying. I am fine.
 (???) li: you were putting on an act
 (???) hy?
 (???) uru: I did not want him to ask any more questions.
       Mom came in around 6pm. 
 (???) lashback: Mom. I could not clean
       the place. I know you are mad at me but.
 (???) elek: ok. Its not
       important. The workplace is not important.
 (???) uru: I did not like
       that man..dad. there is something about him. 
 (???) ad. Do you think
       my mom did something bad?
 (???) li: no way.. you go on to the car and
       take your brother with you.
 (???) *
 (???) zan: Mr. Ali.
 (???) li:
 (???) zan: wait here.
 (???) k. Lets here it one more time.
 (???) elek:
       how many times do I have to tell it?
 (???) zan: one more time.
       Melek: I was at work at 4pm. Duru came in. I went out took a
 (???) zan: where to?
 (???) elek: eren’s house. There was a birthday.
       I took a cake. I stayed for about half an hour. 
 (TN3) hey wanted me
       to stay. I then came back to work. I did not check the
 (???) zan: and that was it?
 (???) elek: yes. That’s all.
 (???) *
 (???) li: oh
       baby please don’t cry. I cannot bare it.
 (???) zan: this is her
       second arrest you know.
 (???) li: what?
 (???) zan: she was a student
       protesting against the state.
 (???) li: oh I know that so what?
 (???) zan:
       her fingerprints were taken then. 
 (TN3) he fingerprints we found on
       the knife.
 (???) li: ok. She cut the cake with a knife. Maybe she
       forgot the knife there.
 (???) zan: yes. But why is Kerim Solmaz’s
       blood on the cake.
 (???) e checked her testament. She went there
       stayed for half an hour. Then went to the rooftop. Went on to
       the next building to Kerim Solmaz’s clinic. And she stabbed him
       8 times. 
 (???) li: are you crazy? Are you just presuming all
 (???) zan: look there is evidence.
 (???) li: there is a
 (???) zan: we found the knife inside a dustbin. Near where
       she parked her car.
 (TN3) here are fingerprints on the knife.
       advise you to find a very good lawyer.
 (???) *
 (???) li calls his parents
       home. Explains to them. The father says stand by your wife. And
       be strong for your children.
 (???) *
 (TN3) he children sleep with their
 (???) *
 (???) elek: did you find anything? Please tell me you
 (???) zan: I am coming from the hospital. 
 (???) elek: Did you see
       the man who was stabbed?
 (???) id he die? 
 (???) zan:no but he is in a
       coma. All of his organs are not functioning.
 (???) aybe he may not
       pull through.
 (???) elek: do you believe I can do such a thing?
 (???) zan:
       I can believe anything. It’s my job to be suspicious. But I
       don’t understand something.
 (TN3) he man was healthy and strong. He
       has been stabbed 8 times and they are deep wounds. 
 (???) omeone like
       you.. (throws the apple or whatever it is. Melek catches
 (???) ou are right handed. The murderer was left handed
 (???) elek:
       you should tell this to the judge.
 (???) zan: I did and there is
       something else.
 (???) othing was stolen. So there was an ulterior
 (???) elek: I don’t even know who he is.
 (???) zan:Yes. I am not
       happy about arresting a mother of 2 children. 
 (IMG)  went to the
       judge told him all this. But still his decision was to send you
       to prison until the final court decision after you are tried at
 (???) elek: what? Oh please god let this be a nightmare.
 (???) hat
       if the truth does not come out? I did not do anything?
 (???) zan: you
       have to be strong for your family.
 (???) elek: I need a favour from
 (???) *
 (???) li: hello? My angel?
 (???) hat’s going on? Shall I come
       and pick you up?
 (???) elek: no. I cannot talk for long. I just
       wanted to remind you a few things
 (???) li: ok tell me.
 (???) elek:
       Ya??z’s medicine. Duru knows where they are.
 (???) li: ok. I will
       administer the medicine? Did you call to tell me this?
 (???) elek:
       and don’t forget to turn the heating off when you leave the
 (???) ou know how to do it.
 (???) li: ok. I will do it. Melek?
       What’s going on 
 (???) elek: there are two bills on the table you
       have to pay them. Listen to me. Duru sometimes skips school. You
       have to call and check each morning. 
 (???) li: ok. 
 (???) elek: she does
       not like maths. She does not want to do her maths homework. Help
       her with it. Check it.
 (???) li: ok. 
 (???) elek: there was meat in the
       frigde. They should eat it.
 (???) li: melek?
 (???) elek: and don’t sleep
       with your glasses on. They break if you do.
 (???) nd don’t read for
       too long. You need to get your sleep.
 (???) li: are you there?
 (???) elek:
 (???) li: I am sure you will be acquitted at court. I will take
       care of the kids until then don’t worry.
 (???) elek: can I hear their
 (???) *
 (???) li: you are so beautiful today. How do I ?
 (???) o no..
       you are so beautiful today. How do I look?
 (???) uru: that’s fine.
       You should say that.
 (???) *
 (???) li: you are beaut, you look
       beautif-ul.. how do I?..
 (???) elek: look at me. I am fine. Look at
       me. We are fine. Tell me. We are fine. 
 (???) li: we are fine. 
 (???) ook
       I brought our lawyer. He is the best.
 (???) awyer: you need to
       portray a good family at court.
 (???) li: we are a good family. We
       are great.
 (???) awyer: we need to prove you do not know kerim
 (???) elek: I do not know him. I thought maybe through work.
       But no.
 (???) awyer: are you sure.
 (???) elek: yes. 
 (???) awyer: we should
       pray he wakes up. If he testifies you did not do it, it will be
       the easiest way. Otherwise this is a very hard case.
 (TN3) here is a
       knife with his blood on it and your fingerprints.
 (???) li: the knife
       you cut the cake with.
 (???) elek: so someone took the knife. 
 (???) hy
       would I kill someone I do not know. I am not a lunatic.
 (???) awyer:
       If you were crazy it would be easier to acquit you.
 (???) elek: I
       have a family and 2 kids.
 (???) awyer: look you may stay there for a
       very long time. 
 (???) orget about the family and kids for now.
 (???) li:
       you need to get my wife out now. Today.. 
 (???) elek: Ali. 
 (???) li:
       there is a mistake. 
 (???) awyer: you need to understand this. You
       have to change your life. You have to adapt this new life for a
 (???) li: can I have 5 minutes with my wife.
 (???) elek: are the
       kids ok?
 (???) li: yes they both are.
 (???) elek: tell duru everything.
       But Ya??z you have to lie to him. 
 (???) li: I will tell him you will
       be back in 10 days. 
 (???) elek: don’t tell him a date. No.
 (???) li: I am
       going to say you went on a business trip and vacation and you
       will be back in 10 days.
 (IMG)  will tell him you were tired. you did
       everything for us. And you are tired. so I sent you on a
       vacation to rest.
 (???) elek: ok. Ok. Tell him that.
 (???) *
 (???) awyer: Is
       there anything I need to know?
 (???) li: no. But please promise you
       will save my wife.
 (???) awyer: did you notice the personnel here
       were especially harsh when they searched you? 
 (???) ow your wife was
       arrested in the middle of the night? They got the search warrant
       within minutes 
 (???) ow the judge immediately decided she should be
       sent to prison until the court date. And the court date is so
       close just 10 days from now?
 (???) li: what do you mean? 
 (???) awyer:
       yeah but you know kerim solmaz’s dad is Necmettin solmaz. This
       is what I am trying to tell you. 
 (???) I know your wife is innocent
       but this is not a case to meddle with. You are up against the
       state here. A statesman. 
 (???) li: we are doomed.
 (???) awyer: I will do
       my best. Bring the children to court and show your family and
       pray that the man does not die.
 (???) li: Mr. Kerim. I know you
       cannot hear me. Please if you do hear me. That person who
       stabbed you. Stabbed me too. He blamed my wife. Maybe she will
       stay there for a long time. So please get well soon please.
       Man: I see you are close to my son.. so stay.. I have a few
       words to say to my son.
 (???)  he knows he is actually melek’s
 (???) y son.. Melek Halaskar is the witch who did this to
       you. I caught her. She is in prison. I promise you when I am
       through with all this. She will be sorry she was born. I will
       make sure she will stay in prison forever and I will make sure
       her family suffers too. So wake up and watch her and her
       family’s nightmare.
 (???) . (to ali) now you can go...
 (???) *
 (???) li: we
       made a surprise to my wife. Then when I was tucking them to bed.
       The police came to the door.
 (???) ir can I have a word. Just a few
       things. Your honor. She cannot hurt an ant. She was in all kinds
       of organizations to save the children, stray dogs and even
       whales. She never hit her children once. 
 (???) uru: I guess my dad
       is acting weird.
 (???) li: You honor. You do not know her but you
       should see she is an angel. I wish you could see her in my eyes.
       Lawyer: so to wrap it up. She is a mother of 2 children. She
       works and they pay their final instalment  for their house. She
       goes and stabs someone and then comes back and has a celebration
       dinner with her family. Why would she do that? She does not even
       know the man.
 (IMG) s this what we should believe?
 (???) rosecutor: we
       have one final evidence.
 (???) awyer: we were not aware of this
       evidence. It cannot be put forward.
 (???) rosecutor: unfortunately it
       can. We have been checking Kerim solmaz’s phone and there was a
       photo inside it. The results just came through.
 (TN3) hese pictures
       were taken in the last 2 months.
 (???) he obviously knows him.
       She is even drinking with him and she is at a party with him. 
       guess she is not the angel her husband thinks she is.
 (???) elek:Look
       I do not know him. I must have taken a cake or something. Please
       believe me. They are trying to frame me. 
 (???) *
 (???) li sees the lawyer
       talking the Kerim Solmaz’s lawyer. 
 (???) *
 (TN3) he decision is 20 years
 (???) li: listen to me. Melek. Listen. I am going to
       make sure you are out of prison. I promise.
 (???) elek: how?
 (???) li: I
       will find a way. For you. I promise. 
 (TN3) ell me.. tell me. 
 (???) udge:
       If Kerim solmaz dies. Her imprisonment will be a life
 (???) elek: you will find a way for me.
       #Post#: 260783--------------------------------------------------
       20 Dakika 1.Bölüm
       By: ?PeRi? Date: January 2, 2013, 3:56 am
       Congratulations to all the ppl that worked on this 
 (???) strong>AB
       RTG%(NET) SHARE%(NET) 
 (???) strong>1 20 DAKIKA STAR TV 19:58:06
       21:51:54 8,01 20,55 </strong>
       19:57:36 22:06:15 5,55 14,25 
       17:07:57 19:57:48 4,81 15,89 
       KANAL D 22:06:34 00:02:47 4,73 14,23 
       20:58:34 23:29:08 4,62 12,21 
 (???) strong>TOTAL 01 OCAK 2013 SAL?
       1 BENIM ICIN UZULME ATV 20:58:34 23:29:08 8,93 21,2 
       GECER ZAMAN KI KANAL D 19:57:36 22:06:15 6,22 14,61 
 (???) strong>3
       20 DAKIKA STAR TV 19:58:06 21:51:54 5,34 12,61 </strong>
       BIR GECER ZAMAN KI (TKR) KANAL D 22:06:34 00:02:47 4,93
 (???) nd
 (TXT) 1.01.2013 SBT TOP100 TUM KISILER
 (DIR)  BEN?M ?Ç?N ÜZÜLME ATV 20:59:15
       01:46:42 9,4 21,79
       01:41:06 7,64 17,49
 (ERR)  SEKSENLER TRT 1 20:45:27 01:52:43 5,9
 (???) ..........................................
 (???) strong>6 20
       DAK?KA STAR TV 19:57:49 01:41:16 5,09 11,69</strong>
 (TXT) 1.01.2013
       SBT TOP100 AB[2012]
 (DIR)  SEKSENLER TRT 1 20:45:27 01:52:43 10,82 25,44
       GEÇER ZAMAN K? KANAL D 19:57:25 01:41:06 9,33 22,4
       TÜRK?YE - YILBASI (TKR) STAR TV 17:07:39 02:04:06 6,12 17,91
       SEKSENLER - OZET (TKR) TRT 1 19:50:29 00:44:59 5,89
 (???) ...........................
 (???) strong>8 20 DAK?KA STAR TV
       19:57:49 01:41:16 5,11 12,28</strong>
       #Post#: 260831--------------------------------------------------
       20 Dakika 1.Bölüm
       By: iriseve Date: January 2, 2013, 5:50 am
       Ilker was impressive. I haven\'t seen him before but you could
       feel his pain and confusion.I wasn\'t expecting that much
       chemistry between them but it was very good. I think that
       scenario/interest wise it will get more interesting as the show
       progresses and once Ali starts working on freeing Melek.
       Overall, enjoyable episode.
       #Post#: 260844--------------------------------------------------
       20 Dakika 1.Bölüm
       By: nolan Date: January 2, 2013, 6:15 am
       for me the 1st ep of 20 DAKIKA was nothing (
       #Post#: 260900--------------------------------------------------
       20 Dakika 1.Bölüm
       By: Anna Date: January 2, 2013, 8:39 am
       Hi guys!!
 (IMG)  saw a little bit of the episode. I am waiting for
       greek subtitles to see it again properly , although the subs
       might take a while he he
 (???) ut I have to say that my first
       impression is good. I liked the colours and the music is just
       right! Seems to have suspense and I am curious to see how they
       will develop the plot, cause I have seen the movie!
 (???) s about the
       actors..Tuba\'s children are beautiful and her son won my heart
       he! Tuba was good and she surprised me.
 (IMG)  only have an objection
       about Ilker. I understand why he acted as he acted in the first
       episode. To underline that he is weak and in pain etc. and so
       that the change afterwards is noticeable. But I saw it a little
       bit as exaggerated. To much whining that in some point tired
 (???) nyway, I feel that the good parts are now beginning! ;)
       #Post#: 260940--------------------------------------------------
       20 Dakika 1.Bölüm
       By: Hilal - director Date: January 2, 2013, 10:06 am
       First episode with Arabic subs
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