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       #Post#: 907832--------------------------------------------------
       Ethem Öz???k Appreciation Thread
       By: Lena Date: May 16, 2017, 11:13 pm
       This topic is dedicated to the best dizi writer that has ever
       lived. Here, you can appreciate him to your heart\'s content. He
       is creative, talented, imaginative, innovative, and has a genius
       mind. He\'s all about quality and makes meaningful use of every
       emotion and sensation you have and respects your intelligence as
       a viewer and has such a lovely sense of humor and a lovable
       sadist who hates happy endings, but gives it to you in doses. A
       writer that I immensely respect, admire, and love. I present to
       you, the masterful at his craft, the one and only, Ethem bey.
       <img alt=\"Ethem.jpg\" class=\"ipsImage\"
 (HTM) https://s16.postimg.org/sqfxhbudh/Ethem.jpg\"
 (???) img
       alt=\"100.jpg\" class=\"ipsImage\" height=\"500\"
 (HTM) https://s9.postimg.org/bgerywpkv/100.jpg\"
       #Post#: 907840--------------------------------------------------
       Ethem Öz???k Appreciation Thread
       By: Jonsen Date: May 16, 2017, 11:19 pm
       Pinguin would be so happy to see this 
       #Post#: 907841--------------------------------------------------
       Ethem Öz???k Appreciation Thread
       By: Lena Date: May 16, 2017, 11:20 pm
       [quote author=Jonsen date=1494994780]
       happy to see this 
 (???) /quote]
 (IMG)  opened it for her.  
       #Post#: 907845--------------------------------------------------
       Ethem Öz???k Appreciation Thread
       By: Jonsen Date: May 16, 2017, 11:25 pm
       Sooooo cooooool thanx leenu from me and pinguin side 
       #Post#: 907848--------------------------------------------------
       Ethem Öz???k Appreciation Thread
       By: Lena Date: May 16, 2017, 11:26 pm
       [quote author=Jonsen date=1494995109]
       thanx leenu from me and pinguin side 
 (???) /quote]
 (???) o need to
       thank me. He deserves all the love he gets and then some.  
       #Post#: 907849--------------------------------------------------
       Ethem Öz???k Appreciation Thread
       By: Jonsen Date: May 16, 2017, 11:29 pm
       [quote author=Lena date=1494995186]
       He deserves all the love he gets and them some.  
 (???) /quote]
       Lovely tamam me going see you in the evening . 
       #Post#: 907852--------------------------------------------------
       Ethem Öz???k Appreciation Thread
       By: Angel. Date: May 16, 2017, 11:35 pm
       Ay! An Ethem appreciation thread.  Surely he deserves it!
       Thank you, Ethem bey. We love and hate you and love you some
       more and..well. you get the idea  
       #Post#: 907885--------------------------------------------------
       Ethem Öz???k Appreciation Thread
       By: Jonsen Date: May 17, 2017, 2:14 am
       [quote author=Angel. date=1494995700]
       appreciation thread.  Surely he deserves it!
       Ethem bey. We love and hate you and love you some more
       and..well. you get the idea  
 (???) /quote]
 (IMG)  hate you like I
       love you I hate you like I love you love you love you ....... 
       #Post#: 907968--------------------------------------------------
       Ethem Öz???k Appreciation Thread
       By: Ania Date: May 17, 2017, 5:18 am
       It is funny how long it took us to open a thread dedicated to
       #Post#: 908098--------------------------------------------------
       Ethem Öz???k Appreciation Thread
       By: RED Date: May 17, 2017, 7:56 am
       This topic  actually exist in reality 
 (HTM) https://www.instagram.com/p/BQARWmNAW0s/?taken-by=eozisik
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