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       #Post#: 7702--------------------------------------------------
       ALERT: The news forum will be transitioning
       By: discjocke52 Date: June 27, 2015, 12:20 am
       Most probably, as I've mentioned recently, this forum's been
       having issues with not being available (offline) among other
       issues. As recent as today, it wasn't available. We can't have
       those issues, and their support team hasn't been helpful at all.
       The new forum's support team have been right on any questions I
       If any of you from the last time I mentioned we were going to
       another forum server have tried to register in the new
 (HTM) http://ukaine-english-news.forumotion.com/
       the issue's been
       corrected. It's security picks up on any kind of spam usernames.
       So the issue's been resolved and shouldn't have any issues
       When you go to the above link, it'll take you to the main portal
       page. To go to the news categories, click on upper left to the
       menu bar, and click on "Home". Then click on any news category
       "Name title".
       So we've setup another forum which for the last two weeks or so
       I've been copying and pasting current news posts and testing it
       out. It is ready to be used completely.
       As I said before, it also has a "Gallery" where you can setup
       your own personal folders. As mentioned before, it also has a
       "Chatbox" at the bottom of the "home" screen, to discuss with
       others anything you want to discuss. Many BBC codes for adding
       like links, Youtube videos, photos, etc....
       I think you'll all like the look of it, as it's more patriotic
       than the current dull one we're on.
       The transition will take place on Thursday 11th. That's when
       we'll start posting in the new forum. The current one will be
       active for a few days after, to make sure it gives current
       members enough time to register to the new UEN forum. Any
       questions you might have or suggestions, please don't hesitate
       to ask, before this current forum is deactivated.
       We average 1,000+ visitors on a daily basis, as I believe we're
       a very good source of news that's important to us.   Thank you
       for your patriotism and contributions. Have a great day.