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       #Post#: 5374--------------------------------------------------
       Fight 09 - Dove Cameron vs Ashley Benson - I Quit Match
       By: BadAssBunnies Date: March 17, 2023, 12:25 pm
       [font=arial]Match 11 – Dove Cameron -  The Badass Barbies vs
       Ashley Benson -  The Hot and[/font]
       [font=arial] the Dangerous[/font]
       [font=arial]Dove Cameron[/font]
       [font=arial]Age: 27 years[/font]
       [font=arial]Height: 5' 2" (157 cm)[/font]
       [font=arial]Weight: 115 lb (52 kg)[/font]
       [font=arial]Measurements: 34-24-32 [/font]
       [font=arial]Bra Size: 32C[/font]
       [font=arial]Ashley Benson[/font]
       [font=arial]Age: 33 years[/font]
       [font=arial]Height: 5' 4" (163 cm)[/font]
       [font=arial]Weight: 119 lb (54 kg)[/font]
       [font=arial]Measurements: 36-25-34 [/font]
       [font=arial]Bra Size: 34B    [/font]
 (HTM) https://i.imgur.com/1J9MvU6.png
       [font=arial]The MGM Grand Ballroom was a sea of anticipation as
       the lights dimmed and the announcer's voice boomed through the
       speakers. The crowd roared in excitement, knowing they were
       about to witness something truly epic.[/font]
       [font=arial]"Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the ultimate UCC
       showdown! Are you ready for some heart-stopping action?" The
       announcer's voice reverberated through the room, igniting the
       crowd into a frenzy. "I said, ARE YOU READY FOR SOME
       [font=arial]The roar of the crowd was deafening, and the
       announcer couldn't help but grin. He waited a moment for the
       noise to die down before continuing.[/font]
       [font=arial]"Tonight, we have a special treat for you! In one
       corner, we have the beautiful and talented Dove Cameron!" The
       spotlight illuminated Dove as she made her entrance, and the
       crowd exploded into cheers. "She may be small, but she's fierce!
       A lightning-fast striker with the power to knock out her
       opponents, and she knows every move in the book!"[/font]
       [font=arial]"And now, making her way to the ring, the Badass
       Barbie herself, Dove Cameron!" Joey King and Madelyn Cline
       flanked Dove as she made her way to the ring, eliciting
       thunderous cheers from the crowd.[/font]
       [font=arial]Dove looked like a force to be reckoned with,
       dressed in a black string bikini that showcased her toned abs
       and long legs. Her dark hair was pulled back into a tight
       ponytail, and she exuded an air of determination as she climbed
       into the ring.[/font]
       [font=arial]As Dove settled into her corner, the MC's voice
       filled the room once more. "And her opponent, accompanied by
       Sarah Michelle Gellar and Alyson Hannigan, please welcome the
       beautiful and curvaceous Ashley Benson!"[/font]
       [font=arial]The crowd's cheers grew even louder as Ashley
       appeared at the top of the ramp, clad in a black strap bikini
       that left very little to the imagination. She strutted down the
       ramp confidently, her eyes locked on Dove. The two women stared
       each other down, each determined to come out on top.[/font]
       [font=arial]"It's a no holds barred, I Quit match with three
       3-minute rounds, and the winner will be the fighter who makes
       the other say those two little words: I QUIT!" The announcer's
       voice was electric with excitement, and the crowd went
       [font=arial]"Are you ready for this, ladies?" The announcer
       turned to Dove and Ashley, who were now face-to-face in the
       ring. "Because the world is watching, and they want to see a
       [font=arial]"This is Stable Wars II, and it's all going down
       right here, right now, at the MGM Grand Ballroom!" The
       announcer's voice was filled with energy, and the crowd erupted
       into cheers once again.[/font]
       [font=arial]"Let's get ready to rumble!" The announcer's voice
       boomed through the speakers as the two celebrities took their
       corners. "It's the Badass Barbies versus The Lost Wildcats, and
       the battle is about to begin!" The excitement in the room was
       palpable as the two fighters prepared to go head-to-head in a
       battle for the ages.[/font]
       [font=arial]Dove and Ashley stood face to face, their eyes
       locked in a deadly stare-down. The air crackled with tension as
       they circled each other, their muscles taut and ready for
       [font=arial]"You're a joke, Cameron," Ashley hissed, her voice
       low and menacing. "A little girl trying to play with the big
       [font=arial]Dove's jaw clenched, her fists balled up at her
       sides. "You're the joke, Benson. A washed-up has-been who's
       trying to cling to relevance by jumping ship to the
       [font=arial]Ashley's eyes narrowed, her lips curling into a
       sneer. "You're going to regret those words, Cameron. The
       Wildcats are a big step up form. The Barbies were holding me
       back and I'm about to show what they been teaching me. When I'm
       done with you, you'll be begging for mercy."[/font]
       [font=arial]Dove's eyes blazed with fury. "I'm not afraid of you
       or any of the Wildcats.. I've faced tougher opponents than you
       and come out on top. You're just another obstacle in my
       [font=arial]Ashley chuckled, her eyes scanning Dove's body.
       "Tougher opponents? Like who? The tooth fairy? You're just a
       little girl playing dress-up, Cameron. I'm with the Lost
       Wildcats now and I'm the real deal."[/font]
       [font=arial]The crowd was on the edge of their seats, the
       excitement palpable as they waited for the battle to begin.
       These two women were fierce competitors, and the stakes were
       high. There was no telling what would happen once they stepped
       into the ring together.[/font]
       [font=arial]Round 1:[/font]
       [font=arial]The bell rang, and the crowd erupted into cheers as
       Dove and Ashley met in the center of the ring. Both women
       circled each other, looking for an opening. Suddenly, Ashley
       charged forward, and the two locked up in a fierce grappling
       [font=arial]Dove proved to be surprisingly strong for her size,
       but Ashley's height and weight advantage gave her the upper
       hand. Ashley muscled Dove into the corner, and Dove struggled to
       break free.[/font]
       [font=arial]Ashley threw a powerful knee to Dove's midsection,
       and Dove gasped in pain. Ashley followed up with a hard punch to
       Dove's jaw, sending Dove reeling. Ashley pressed her advantage,
       throwing a flurry of punches and kicks that Dove struggled to
       defend against.[/font]
       [font=arial]Dove managed to land a few blows of her own, but
       Ashley's size and power kept her on the defensive. Dove tried to
       fight back, but Ashley was relentless, driving her back into the
       corner and pummeling her with punches to her stomach and
       [font=arial]Dove gritted her teeth and tried to push back, but
       Ashley was too strong. She continued to pound Dove with vicious
       blows, driving her to her knees.[/font]
       [font=arial]"Say it, Dove!" Ashley snarled, her face contorted
       with rage. "Say I quit, or I'll break you in half!"[/font]
       [font=arial]Dove struggled to catch her breath, her body already
       aching from the punishment she'd taken. She refused to give up,
       though. She clenched her fists and pushed herself back to her
       feet, determined to fight back with everything she had.[/font]
       [font=arial]The two women continued to battle it out, grappling
       and striking in a fierce exchange. Dove managed to land a few
       more blows, but Ashley's power and size proved to be too much
       for her. By the end of the round, Dove was breathing hard, her
       body battered and bruised.[/font]
       [font=arial]As the bell rang, Ashley stepped back, grinning
       triumphantly. She had dominated the round, and Dove knew she had
       her work cut out for her if she wanted to come out on top. But
       Dove refused to give up. She knew she had to fight harder if she
       wanted to win.[/font]
       [font=arial]Dove stumbled back to her corner, frustrated that
       she had spent most of the round trapped in the corner where
       Ashley had used her size and power to wear her down. She leaned
       against the turnbuckle, catching her breath and trying to
       regroup. Joey and Madelyn rushed to her side, dousing her with
       water and giving her a quick pep talk.[/font]
       [font=arial]"You got this, girl," Joey said, patting Dove on the
       back. "Just stay focused and keep moving and don't let that
       chubby b!tch get her hands on you."[/font]
       [font=arial]Madelyn nodded in agreement. "She's really strong,
       but she's not faster than you. Use your footwork and your
       striking, and you'll be fine."[/font]
       [font=arial]Dove took a deep breath, nodding her head in
       determination. She wasn't about to let a former teammate beat
       her without a fight.[/font]
       [font=arial]Meanwhile, Ashley was pumping up her fans, raising
       her hands in the air as she clearly won the opening round. Sarah
       and Alyson rushed to her side, giving her water and
       [font=arial]"Holy sh!t, Ash!" Sarah said, patting her on the
       back. "You're looking amazing out there."[/font]
       [font=arial]Alyson nodded in agreement. "Keep up the pressure,
       and I promise you that she'll break."[/font]
       [font=arial]Ashley smiled, feeling confident as she paced back
       and forth. She knew she had the advantage in size and power, and
       she was going to use it to wear Dove down until she gave
       [font=arial]Round 2: [/font]
       [font=arial]As the second round began, Ashley strode confidently
       out of her corner, a self-assured smile on her face. She knew
       her size and power gave her the advantage, and she planned to
       use it to wear Dove down until she quit.[/font]
       [font=arial]With a cruel smirk twisting her features, Ashley
       quickly backed Dove into a corner. "You're mine now, doll," she
       sneered. Unleashing a barrage of punches and knee strikes,
       Ashley kept Dove pinned tightly as she punished her opponent
       with her impressive striking abilities. Dove Cameron was simply
       no match for Ashley's ferocity, and the crowd could feel the
       tension mounting as Ashley closed in for the kill.[/font]
       [font=arial]With a venomous tone, Ashley taunted Dove, her words
       laced with malice. "Come on, little girl, give up! Say the
       words! I quit!" she jeered, determined to break her opponent's
       [font=arial]After throwing Dove to the mat, Ashley used her
       strength to lock Dove into a tight armbar, twisting her arm back
       at an awkward angle. Despite the searing pain, Dove refused to
       give up. But Ashley wasn't finished yet. She released the armbar
       and transitioned to a brutal leglock, stretching Dove's limbs to
       their breaking point.[/font]
       [font=arial]"You're not so tough now, are you?" Ashley whispered
       into Dove's ear. "I bet you're regretting ever stepping into
       this ring with me." Dove gritted her teeth as her left leg was
       hyper-extended, the searing pain almost too much to bear. "Stop!
       Stop! You're breaking my leg!" she cried out, pleading for
       [font=arial]But Ashley was relentless. "Quit crying and say it,
       you dumb b!tch!" she yelled, twisting Dove's leg even harder.
       "Say it!" The crowd gasped as Dove's leg was pushed to its
       limit, wondering if she could endure the pain any longer.[/font]
       [font=arial]Despite Ashley's efforts, Dove refused to give in.
       Despite the pain she shook her head, her eyes filled with
       defiance. Ashley's frustration grew, and she shifted to a tight
       headlock, cutting off Dove's air supply and squeezing with her
       bulging biceps.[/font]
       [font=arial]"Say it!" Ashley demanded, her voice filled with
       aggression as she tightened her grip. "Quit or I swear I'll make
       you pass out!"[/font]
       [font=arial]But Dove refused to give up, even as her vision
       began to blur and her lungs burned. With a burst of strength,
       she managed to break free of the headlock and climb to her feet.
       Ashley slammed her fists down in frustration, then rose to her
       feet, stalking towards Dove with a determined look in her
       [font=arial]Dove quickly regained her composure during the brief
       break, bouncing on her toes and raising her fists. Ashley
       charged towards her, but Dove expertly dodged her and delivered
       a powerful left hook to the side of Ashley's head. As Ashley
       turned around, Dove landed a sharp left-right combo on her chin,
       followed by a straight right to her nose, causing blood to
       trickle out. Ashley stumbled back, dazed and confused.[/font]
       [font=arial]Dove saw her chance and seized it, unleashing a
       barrage of punches and kicks that quickly overpowered her
       once-dominant opponent. Ashley tried to fight back, but her
       strikes were off target, and Dove's counterattacks found their
       mark. Ashley's knees buckled, and she stumbled back against the
       ropes, unable to defend herself as Dove pummeled her
       relentlessly until the bell rang.[/font]
       [font=arial]Back in her corner, Ashley's nose was bleeding
       heavily as Alyson tended to her injuries. Despite being a little
       shaken up, Ashley was still filled with adrenaline from the
       previous round. Dove, on the other hand, looked exhausted and
       worn out, trying to regain feeling in her arm.[/font]
       [font=arial]Alyson wiped the blood from Ashley's nose with a
       towel, giving her some words of encouragement, "You're doing
       great, Ash, keep up the pressure. We've got this."[/font]
       [font=arial]Confidently nodding in agreement, Ashley replied,
       "Yeah, I got this."[/font]
       [font=arial]Meanwhile, Dove's team tried to revive her with
       water and a towel, telling her to keep her distance from Ashley
       and aim for her nose.[/font]
       [font=arial]"Stay strong, Dove. We'll make it through," Joey
       reassured her.[/font]
       [font=arial]Dove took a deep breath, focused, and determined not
       to give up. She knew that Ashley was tough, but she was ready to
       give it her all.[/font]
       [font=arial]Round 3:[/font]
       [font=arial]Round three begins with Dove, determined to keep the
       pressure on Ashley. She moves with purpose, looking for any
       opening to strike. She starts with a flurry of punches, landing
       a clean shot to Ashley's nose and reopening the wound from the
       previous round. Blood gushes out, but Ashley grits her teeth and
       presses forward, refusing to back down.[/font]
       [font=arial]Despite Ashley's bravery, Dove is too quick on her
       feet. She lands several leg kicks that take Ashley off-balance,
       causing her to limp. Dove seizes the opportunity and unleashes a
       barrage of punches on Ashley, overwhelming her with her speed
       and agility.[/font]
       [font=arial]Ashley is not one to give up easily, though. She
       fights back, grabbing Dove by the hair and dragging her around
       the ring, determined to show her that she's not backing down.
       But Dove's resilience is equally impressive, and she refuses to
       give up.[/font]
       [font=arial]Dove manages to twist Ashley's leg, causing her to
       fall to the mat. Ashley lands hard, but she quickly recovers and
       seizes the opportunity to mount Dove. She starts landing punches
       and elbows, one after another. Dove tries to cover her face, but
       Ashley's size and strength make it difficult for her to defend
       [font=arial]Then, Ashley switches tactics. She starts twisting
       Dove's arms and legs, trying to force her to give up. Dove
       screams in agony, but she refuses to give in, fighting back with
       every ounce of her being. Ashley almost gets her to say the
       words "I quit" twice, but Dove somehow manages to hold
       [font=arial]The round ends with both fighters exhausted, panting
       for breath. Ashley's nose is bleeding heavily, and Dove's face
       is swollen and bruised and her arms and legs are aching. Alyson
       Hannigan rushes to Ashley's corner to tend to her injuries, and
       Dove limps back to her corner, looking battered and
       [font=arial]As the crowd cheers and roars, the fighters take a
       moment to catch their breath, preparing for the next round. With
       the tension mounting, the fight is anyone's guess. Who comes out
       on top in this fierce and grueling battle of wills? Only time
       will tell.[/font]
       [font=arial]Sudden Death: [/font]
       [font=arial]As the crowd roars with excitement, Ashley and Dove
       enter the ring for their final round. Blood drips down Ashley's
       face as Dove pummels her with punches and kicks, leaving her
       barely able to stand. "Had enough yet?" Dove taunts as Ashley
       spits out some blood and responds with a defiant, "F&ck
       [font=arial]But Ashley isn't ready to give up just yet. She
       charges forward, catching a knee to the face but manages to grab
       Dove's leg and pull her to the ground. The two fighters roll
       around on the mat, slippery with sweat and blood as they
       struggle for control. Despite her bruised and battered body,
       Ashley refuses to let Dove up, even attempting a breast smother
       with her large assets.[/font]
       [font=arial]Dove's face is obscured, but she still won't give
       in. Ashley's smother is unrelenting, and as the minutes tick by,
       Dove's chances of breaking free are diminishing. The crowd is on
       the edge of their seats as Ashley continues to dominate,
       smothering Dove tightly to the mat.[/font]
       [font=arial]But suddenly, a glimmer of hope arises. Joey King,
       ringside, realizes that she has to do something to help Dove out
       of this predicament. She grabs a bottle of baby oil left over
       from a previous match between Paris Berelc and Hunter King and
       opens the top, squirting it at the fighters.[/font]
       [font=arial]The oil mixes with their sweat, making them slippery
       and hard to hold onto. Dove is able to squirm her way out from
       under Ashley, who is too exhausted to keep her down. As Dove
       gains the upper hand, she drives a knee deep into Ashley's
       belly, causing her to double over in pain.[/font]
       [font=arial]The crowd is on their feet, cheering wildly as the
       fighters continue to battle it out in sudden death. It's
       anyone's game at this point, and both fighters are determined to
       emerge victorious. The tension is palpable, and the excitement
       in the arena is at a fever pitch.[/font]
       [font=arial]Dove manages to scramble to her feet and lands a
       solid punch to Ashley's gut. Ashley doubles over and Dove
       follows up with a roundhouse kick to the side of Ashley's head.
       Ashley is dazed and barely conscious as Dove delivers a final
       blow that sends Ashley crashing to the mat. The referee checks
       on Ashley and she is unable to continue but he knows that he has
       to let the fight continue until someone quits.[/font]
       [font=arial]Dove leans over Ashley and places her knee across
       her throat, making it hard for her to breathe. Ashley's legs
       kick uselessly as she struggles for air. Dove lifts her knee and
       demands to hear Ashley say the magic words, but Ashley defiantly
       flips her the middle finger.[/font]
       [font=arial]Enraged, Dove drops her knee back down on Ashley's
       neck and demands that she say the words louder. Ashley taps the
       mat over and over, her surrender clear. But Dove wants to hear
       it louder, her knee inching closer and closer to Ashley's
       [font=arial]Finally, Ashley screams out her surrender, saying "I
       QUIT!" as loud as she can. Dove demands that she say it louder,
       but Ashley pleads with her to leave her alone. The grueling
       match is finally over, and Dove emerges as the victor.[/font]
       [font=arial]Post Fight: [/font]
       [font=arial]Dove stands over Ashley, looking down at her
       opponent who is struggling to hold back tears, blood still
       trickling down her face. A wave of remorse washes over Dove as
       she realizes the extent of the damage she has inflicted upon
       Ashley. She reaches down, offering to help Ashley back to her
       [font=arial]Ashley accepts the gesture of goodwill, allowing
       Alyson and Sarah to take over and clean her up. As Ashley is on
       her way to her corner, she sees Joey King going to celebrate.
       The anger inside her builds as she realizes that Joey's
       interference had cost her the fight. Ashley sticks out her arm
       and clotheslines Joey, her arms catching Joey under her chin and
       sending her feet out from under her. Joey hits the mat with a
       thud as Ashley stands over her, a fierce determination in her
       [font=arial]Dove watches the scene unfold and begins to feel
       uneasy. She had wanted to win the fight fair and square, but now
       she feels like she had played a part in causing this unnecessary
       violence. She approaches Ashley and apologizes for her actions,
       admitting that she had crossed the line. Ashley accepts the
       apology, but the tension between the two fighters remains
       [font=arial]As the crowd starts to disperse, Ashley sits in her
       corner, nursing her wounds and contemplating her next move. She
       knows that she will need to train harder and come back stronger
       if she hopes to compete in the ring again. But for now, she will
       rest and recuperate, determined to come back and show her new
       teammates what she's made of while Sarah and Alyson try to
       console their teammate.[/font]
       [font=arial]Interview: [/font]
       [font=arial]Joe Rogan enters the ring and moves towards the
       exhausted Dove to get a few words from the Barbies
       [font=arial]Joe: Dove that was an amazing fight.  You won that
       one against Ashley. How are you feeling after that
       [font=arial]Dove: I feel great Joe.  How would you feel after
       fighting someone who was out to make you say I Quit?  [/font]
       [font=arial]Joe: Sorry Dove I was just trying to get some
       insight on how it feels to beat one of your toughest rivals, I
       mean Ashley gave you all you could take.[/font]
       [font=arial]Dove: Sure I am sorry for snapping.  Ashley came at
       me hard from the start and I was lucky that I had a great corner
       who kept me from getting down on myself.[/font]
       [font=arial]Joe: I am sure.  So how did you manage to withstand
       the pain when Ashley had you in the first round backed in the
       ropes and delivering some hard punches.[/font]
       [font=arial]Dove: Like I said, Ashley is a very tough fighter,
       I know that because we trained together when she was a Badass
       Barbie.  I knew that if I wanted to win that I was going to have
       to deal with a lot of punishment.  I had to fight through the
       pain and slow her down and the longer I was able to hold out the
       weaker she became.  That’s how you win a fight against someone
       like Ashley, you have to outlast her.[/font]
       [font=arial]Joe: Is that a compliment to Ashley, because it
       sounds like you are complimenting her abilities.[/font]
       [font=arial]Dove:  No compliment from me.  I just said she was a
       great fighter and I had to do whatever to make sure that I could
       continue and believe me when I say this.  I was not going to say
       “I Quit” to her no matter what she did to me.[/font]
       [font=arial]Joe: Well you did it.  You held on and you
       persevered.  Can I ask this question, Why did you not let her up
       when she started tapping out there towards the end of Sudden
       death.  It was obvious that Ashley was giving up.[/font]
       [font=arial]Dove: Joe my friend, the name of the fight says it
       all.  It was not a submission match it was an “I Quit” match.
       That means that someone says “I Quit”  Not tap out or anything
       like that.  I had to make her say “I quit”  and I know that
       broke her spirit to say that but we all know that I was going to
       win and if she didn’t say those words I would have continued to
       hold her down and beat on her until she quit.[/font]
       [font=arial]Joe: Okay Dove.  One last question for you.  What
       was Joey spraying out there.  I noticed and I am sure that
       everyone else saw it and we are all wondering what it was
       because it seemed to turn the tide of the fight.[/font]
       [font=arial]Dove: I don’t know what you are talking about Joe.
       I just slithered out from under her and took over from there.  I
       didn’t notice Joey doing anything.[/font]
       [font=arial]Joe: Well we saw Joey do something.  I don’t know
       what it was but it turned the momentum in your favor but she had
       a bottle and squirted something out onto the mat.[/font]
       [font=arial]Dove:  Joe, no matter what Joey did, if she did do
       anything, it did not change the outcome of the match.  I was
       destined to win this match and there was nothing that Ashley
       could do to stop me from doing that.  I think this is over.  I
       won and that is final.  Ashley take her new team and go cry
       elsewhere.  I beat you fair and square and I made you say those
       two magic words “I Quit”.[/font]
       [font=arial]With that Dove walks away with her team as the fans
       show their appreciation for the Barbies team.[/font]
       [font=arial]Joe: Okay ladies and Gentleman,  There is your
       winner Dove Cameron.[/font]
       [font=arial]Back in the locker room the replay clearly showed
       that Joey King had indeed sprayed an unknown substance in the
       mat further confirming Ashley's suspicions. Ashley needed to be
       held back from going over to the Barbie locker room and
       demanding a rematch with Dove and some revenge on her new hated
       rival Joey King.[/font]
       [font=arial]Written by the Badass Barbies and the Lost Wildcats
       using ChatGPT.[/font]