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       #Post#: 3312--------------------------------------------------
       A Madman? - Chapter 9
       By: The Vixens Date: August 7, 2016, 10:03 am
       It was about 2AM and Harvey had called Kate to his office to
       simplify their phone conversation a few hours ago. Every other
       fighter had gone home ages ago.
       "You need to be more clearer on what it is you're saying," Kate
       said. "Because that phone call made little sense."
       "Sorry about that," Harvey said as he lent back in his chair.
       The two were in his office back in Queens; Kate had requested a
       meeting with Harvey to discuss her future in the Vixens. "I'll
       try to be clearer this time."
       "You better be."
       "When I have a lot going on, I tend to get flustered and not
       think straight. But only when it gets to much. You know what I'm
       Kate shook her head. "I've seen you flustered and you've spoken
       clearly then. But never mind that, we were talking about my
       "Yes we were," Harvey said. "I'm not being rude but you've been
       completely incompetent as leader recently. I'm not being rude or
       anything but, you know, none of the girls have beaten an
       opposing Stable fighter since Bad to the Bone."
       Kate gave him a hard stare. "You are aware that saying "I'm not
       being rude" at the beginning of a sentence doesn't make it any
       less rude."
       "Of course it does! That's why I said that I'm not being rude."
       "I can't tell if you're like this on purpose or not," Kate said.
       "But anyway, can you get to the point?"
       "Fine. You know you said you were fighting Kim at Open Fight
       "It's Kylie," Kate said. "But yes I do."
       "Well, basically," Harvey continued. "If you lose you're no
       longer leader of the Vixens. That position will then go to
       Kate's eyes widened. "Cara?! Are you f*cking serious? She knows
       nothing about leadership!"
       "And you do?" Harvey asked. "Look, aside from you Cara is the
       only fighter in this Stable that I can actually call
       experienced. I know Pink has fought the same amount of fights
       but come on... she's awful in the cage."
       Kate stared at him. "But Cara?"
       "Yes, Cara," Harvey said. "I'm done talking about this," he
       added as he looked at his watch. "And good thing too, I have
       business to attend to.
       He stood up and called for the lift. As it arrived Harvey turned
       back towards Kate.
       "To honest with you Kate, I couldn't give a damn if you lose."
       And with that he stepped inside the lift and pressed the button
       for the ground floor.
       Wilson had been instructed by Harvey to pick him up again at
       2:30AM. As usually Harvey didn't say why. It was coming up to
       4AM by the time they returned to the RSI building. Once again
       they were parked opposite it inside an alley.
       "Do you plan on telling me your "grand plan" now?" Wilson asked.
       "In a minute," was all Harvey said.
       It was about an hour before Harvey explained it to him. When he
       had finished Wilson just nodded.
       "I can see a lot of "ifs" in this plan," Wilson said. "What if
       something doesn't go the way you want it?"
       "I'll improvise," Harvey said. "Shouldn't be long now."
       Some women were walking towards the building; despite the
       darkness Harvey could make out Richelle and Danneel as the
       people in front.
       Harvey pulled out some latex gloves and handed another pair to
       Wilson. They put them on. Then Harvey reached into his jacket
       and pulled out a bloodied knife. It was then Harvey spotted
       their target.
       "Do your thing Wilson."
       Wilson stepped out of the car and walked casually towards the
       building. He turned left towards the target.
       Harvey watched as the two began to talk. It only lasted about 30
       seconds when the two started to walk separate directions. Wilson
       took the long way back to the car so as not to draw suspicion
       from the target. Harvey watched him appear in the rear-view
       mirror and as he stepped inside the car Harvey asked him the
       important question.
       "Did you do it?"
       Wilson nodded. "I slipped the knife in her bag as she began
       walking away. She never noticed."
       "Brilliant," Harvey said. He took out his phone and made a call.
       "P.J. we now have the identity of the killer... it's Paige