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       #Post#: 3652--------------------------------------------------
       The Search For Cara - Chapter 2
       By: The Vixens Date: May 28, 2017, 10:58 am
       Three days had past since Harvey made the call. Now he was
       waiting in an empty parking garage in Madrid for his informant.
       He had been waiting for almost an hour. Then all of a sudden he
       saw a figure standing in the shadows.
       Harvey: Are you seriously going all noir on me? Come over here.
       Bella Thorne approaches him and leans against the wall.
       Bella: I'm here. So what do you want?
       Harvey: I just wanted to ask you some questions regarding Cara
       Bella: That crazy bitch? Why me of all people?
       Harvey: Because you were the last person she made contact with.
       So did you notice anything during the fight?
       Bella: Not rea...
       Harvey: (Interrupting Bella.) You know, before she knocked you
       the fuck out?
       Bella: That was just a lucky punch. Are you always this
       condescending about your girls?
       Harvey: I try to be. Anyway, you were saying?
       Bella: It was like she knew what she was doing. The exact
       opposite of what the magazines are saying about her.
       Harvey: Right? What about before the fight? Was she with anyone
       in particular?
       Bella: Why don't you just look at the security cameras?
       Harvey: I can't. For some reason there were chunks of security
       footage missing. And those that were still there didn't include
       Cara. Except for the fight of course.
       Bella: Get off it.
       Harvey: Just answer the question.
       Bella: Aside from her corner team during the fight, I didn't see
       her with anyone at all.
       Harvey: Did you see her afterwards?
       Bella: No.
       Harvey: Seriously? She just vanished?
       Bella: Like a ghost.
       Harvey: That can't be! Someone must have seen her.
       Bella: Not that I know of.
       Harvey: Well, you've been helpful Bella but I'm afraid not very
       much. So see you.
       Harvey goes to wheel away but then Bella steps in front of him
       blocking his path.
       Harvey: Please move.
       Bella: I can't do that.
       Harvey: Why not?
       Bella: After everything that you've done, someone's got to put
       you in your place. And Hilary has picked me for the job.
       Harvey: That bitch!
       Bella: (She smiles clearly amused by this.) Your Vixens have
       been waging war since you arrived. And I'm going to the woman
       who ends it.
       Harvey: (Almost to himself.) I haven't got time for this.
       Bella: But I do. Any last words before I take away the use of
       your upper body?
       Harvey: Fuck you.
       Bella grabs Harvey by the collar and throws him to the ground.
       Bella: After I'm done with you, you're going to need a feeding
       Suddenly a girl throws Bella away from Harvey and then knees her
       in the crotch. Bella falls to the ground moaning in pain.
       Harvey: Thank you Lulu. That was a close shave.
       Lulu: Any time boss. (She then kneels down close to Bella.)
       Consider this a warning. Try something like that again, I'll
       break your leg.
       Bella: Go to hell.
       Lulu: In that case... (She stamps on Bella's face breaking her
       nose.) Tell Hilary the war continues... and if she values your
       safety, you'll stay out of our way.
       Bella: Fat chance. Give us your best shot. We'll crush you.
       Harvey: I'd like to see you try. Come on Lulu, we need to go
       back. (They turn to leave.)
       Lulu: (She turns back around.) Oh and tell Ronda, Holly wants
       another fight with her. Unless Ronda's too much of a pussy to
       show up.
       Bella: She isn't. She'll see her at the next Open Fight Night!
       And with that Lulu and Harvey head towards a parked black van.
       Lulu helps Harvey into the van before getting into the drivers
       seat and driving away leaving Bella wiping blood from her face.
       Lulu: Did you get what you needed?
       Harvey: No. Dead end.
       Lulu: That's a shame. What're you going to do now?
       Harvey: Bella mentioned that Cara had a corner team.
       Lulu: But wasn't our team Kate and Anna for that event?
       Harvey: Yeah. And I know that they didn't coach Cara. So we need
       to find out who they were.
       Lulu: Just to go off topic for a sec, aren't you worried about
       Bella? What if she mentions this to anyone?
       Harvey: Did you disable the security cameras like I asked?
       Lulu: Yes.
       Harvey: And replaced the footage?
       Lulu: Yes!
       Harvey: With uneventful scenario's?
       Lulu: YES!
       Harvey: Then we won't have any problems. How long till we get to
       the airport?
       Lulu: Not long. We'll be back at the facility before six.
       Harvey: Great wake me up when we get there. Oh, and before I
       forget, don't mention this to Kate and Anna. I'm not on good
       terms with them at the moment. In fact don't tell anyone about
       this, we can't risk it reaching the Bunnies.
       Lulu: Why?
       Harvey: Because they'll probably kill me. Well... Kylie would
       anyway, she almost did. Danneel might do it as well, she hates
       me. But as long as you keep your mouth shut, they won't find us.
       They'll be busy looking in the wrong places.
       Lulu: Australia?
       Harvey: Maybe not if they've even started to figure me out. If I
       where them I'd start in New York and work my way from there. I
       wonder if they will do that. Doesn't matter anyway though,
       they'll never find a paper trail.
       Lulu: Why's that?
       Harvey: Because I've left none.