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       #Post#: 1270--------------------------------------------------
       Veteran unimog club Germany summer meeting in Susel northern Ger
       By: 411mog Date: July 4, 2013, 9:25 am
       I'm thinking of heading over to the Summer meeting of the
       Veteran Unimog club and want to know if any one here wants to
       car share with me to keep costs down.
       As the name may suggest these guys are into the older unimogs,
       not the newer square cab stuff.
       This trip will involve leaving Bristol during the week and
       heading back Sunday night/Monday morning after the show.
       If you want to go over, drop me an email
       #Post#: 5976--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Veteran unimog club Germany summer meeting in Susel northern
       By: F104G Date: January 24, 2016, 12:03 pm
       Car?  CAR?
       I'm gonna look into going over there in the Mog.  It'd be the
       furthest I've been though.  Went to Ursel in Belgium last year -
       that was fun but quite tiring doing all them kms.
       How good is your German?
       #Post#: 6096--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Veteran unimog club Germany summer meeting in Susel northern
       By: 411mog Date: February 11, 2016, 1:42 pm
       You would need to allow plenty of time if you plan this road
       trip in an old mog, (for me a 411)
       As for my German, I am learning on the job. i'm still at the
       apprentice stage right now. But there are people that are kind
       enough to make you feel welcome with there superb english.
       #Post#: 7681--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Veteran unimog club Germany summer meeting in Susel northern
       By: moose Date: April 5, 2018, 12:20 pm
       Aup Tim is this the mesem 25 year celebrations ? I’m going over
       in June weekend 15/17th
       #Post#: 7699--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Veteran unimog club Germany summer meeting in Susel northern
       By: mhame Date: May 30, 2018, 5:13 am
       Hi Moose,
       in June is the UCG meeting in Gaggenau (25th years celebration).
       The UVC meeting is in the Eifel (Wolfgarten) beginning of August
       (August 03rd, 2018).
       #Post#: 7700--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Veteran unimog club Germany summer meeting in Susel northern
       By: moose Date: May 30, 2018, 10:34 am
       Cheers Markus
       That why I was getting mixed information on the subject, ferry
       is booked and ready for our visit to Gaggenau hope to meet you
       there 👍
       #Post#: 7704--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Veteran unimog club Germany summer meeting in Susel northern
       By: 411mog Date: June 5, 2018, 12:40 pm
       Hi moose, If you are heading over for the 25 year Gaggenau
       unimog meeting I’ll keep an eye open for you. Will you be
       heading down in a 411 or something more modern?
       #Post#: 7709--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Veteran unimog club Germany summer meeting in Susel northern
       By: moose Date: June 8, 2018, 5:12 pm
       No 411 project will be 70years in2021 😀 I’ll be in my
       camper 1124 see you there I’m heading down Monday
       #Post#: 7732--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Veteran unimog club Germany summer meeting in Susel northern
       By: Nickrussell Date: June 22, 2018, 12:29 pm
       Great event with plenty of like minded fowk. Highly recomend a
       trip of this nature to anyone who hasnt been to one before