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       #Post#: 4166--------------------------------------------------
       RE: anyone else noticing a trend here?
       By: Villager Date: September 2, 2014, 3:13 pm
 (HTM) http://i1282.photobucket.com/albums/a523/UnimogclubUK/hmmmm_zpsb35d86a7.png[/img]
       #Post#: 4169--------------------------------------------------
       Re: RE: anyone else noticing a trend here?
       By: njc110381 Date: September 2, 2014, 3:34 pm
       Haha! You picked the wrong hobby to be finding a lot of female
       attention! Get your other half signed up... Or are you scared of
       what we might tell her? :P
       #Post#: 4172--------------------------------------------------
       Re: RE: anyone else noticing a trend here?
       By: Villager Date: September 2, 2014, 3:40 pm
       although she likes unimogs (she drove one for the first time the
       other day, the little 411.118) she isn't that keen that she
       wants to join the forum!  :D
       #Post#: 4176--------------------------------------------------
       Re: RE: anyone else noticing a trend here?
       By: Nickrussell Date: September 2, 2014, 4:58 pm
       My missis keeps saying " im sure your having some kind of
       internet affair, suerly theres not that much to read about
       #Post#: 4180--------------------------------------------------
       Re: RE: anyone else noticing a trend here?
       By: njc110381 Date: September 4, 2014, 1:37 am
       Mine's the same. "You may as well have married that bloody
       laptop" is a pretty common phrase! :-*
       #Post#: 4182--------------------------------------------------
       Re: RE: anyone else noticing a trend here?
       By: Villager Date: September 4, 2014, 12:10 pm
       You can never stop learning about unimogs :)
       #Post#: 4186--------------------------------------------------
       Re: RE: anyone else noticing a trend here?
       By: njc110381 Date: September 4, 2014, 4:12 pm
       Exactly. It's a pretty much constant battle for me to find
       enough stuff to keep my mind active.
       #Post#: 4689--------------------------------------------------
       Re: RE: anyone else noticing a trend here?
       By: Shaunymog 007 Date: November 17, 2014, 6:00 am
       ha ha, my missus used to say "im a garage widow"
       but lately i have been asked (no sorry, told!) to do some more
       work in the house before i play with my toys!!!
       at least when i am finished on my hobby i can close the garage
       door, she has horses! they need a lot more work!!!!!  ::)
       #Post#: 4691--------------------------------------------------
       Re: RE: anyone else noticing a trend here?
       By: njc110381 Date: November 17, 2014, 6:12 am
       I don't think anyone who owns a horse can complain about their
       partner's labour intensive hobbies! Next time you go on holiday
       it may be worth pointing out that your vehicles can just be left
       until you return. Or when it's lashing down with rain roll over
       in bed and say "you know what, I don't think I'm going to bother
       getting up early to muck out the mog today".
       How I'm happily married I'll never know. The wife must be very
       patient because I can be a real sarcastic b****** at times! :D
       #Post#: 4693--------------------------------------------------
       Re: RE: anyone else noticing a trend here?
       By: Shaunymog 007 Date: November 17, 2014, 1:18 pm
       Holiday!!! What's that  :D
       "muck out the mog" I like tat, made me laugh, cheers
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