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       #Post#: 762--------------------------------------------------
       Sunday 14 April at Slab 
       By: IanRubie Date: April 8, 2013, 12:03 pm
       Following on from the 17 Feb post there is another "Heavies"
       event at Slab this coming Sunday.
       #Post#: 911--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sunday 14 April at Slab 
       By: Bredenoord Date: May 5, 2013, 3:12 pm
       Sorry missed this - Would be great to get regular email with new
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       We were at Broxhead today - Had great fun.
       Planning to be at the Springbreak at Walters Arena - South Wales
       18-19 May and if all goes well June 16 at the slab get together.
       #Post#: 913--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sunday 14 April at Slab 
       By: njc110381 Date: May 5, 2013, 3:48 pm
       At some point I hope to get to a meet. There's always something
       going on when they come up which is rather annoying!
       #Post#: 916--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sunday 14 April at Slab 
       By: Villager Date: May 5, 2013, 3:59 pm
       sorry, i should really compose an email, or find out if theres a
       code for doing it automatically.
       or theyre up north ;) but i have to admit car stuff and sports
       stuff is always cheaper down south when you look on ebay, which
       is really annoying  >:(
       #Post#: 919--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sunday 14 April at Slab 
       By: njc110381 Date: May 6, 2013, 3:33 am
       When it comes to Unimogs there's very little down south at all!
       You've got two big dealers up there, and they seem very popular
       in Scotland for use as ploughs. Finding one down here is rare.
       And apparently we're richer down here. A lot of stuff costs more
       too! :(
       #Post#: 4215--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sunday 14 April at Slab 
       By: moose Date: September 10, 2014, 3:49 pm
       Noo ! Not a north south divide Niel ,ohh the Scott's are playing
       that card at the mow :D
       #Post#: 4217--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sunday 14 April at Slab 
       By: njc110381 Date: September 10, 2014, 4:06 pm
       Let them crack on I say. When they run out of oil they'll have
       to sell more whisky - and that suits me just fine! :D