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       #Post#: 8051--------------------------------------------------
       want air on my 404hi 
       By: Shreik Date: July 6, 2019, 10:52 am
       Hi all,
       I'd like to have air on my 404 funk so what do I need. Mainly
       for tyres but small tools would be great.
       I've been looking for an air pump that fits on the engine but
       don't know what alternatives I should be looking for.
       What/where are the tanks?
       Ideally I'd love a look at how another 404 has it.
       #Post#: 8136--------------------------------------------------
       Re: want air on my 404hi 
       By: Villager Date: January 10, 2020, 5:06 pm
       Air on the 404s was quite rare, moose might be able to help as
       he has knowledge of using air con pumps as compressors, and
       being as yours is likely an m180 engine I'd guess there's an air
       con pump available for it. Otherwise you could run a compressor
       of the pto if it has one?
       #Post#: 8190--------------------------------------------------
       Re: want air on my 404hi 
       By: shaggy Date: February 15, 2020, 12:47 pm
       We have (what I think is) an original 404 air compressor kicking
       about somewhere. We eventually decided we didn't want to have
       something uneccesary spinning all the time, and got a 24V
       electric one from a fire appliance. Which we've not got round to
       It goes to the left of the engine (looking from the front),
       slightly further out from the genny/alternator.
       Happy to send you a picture, and could be talked into selling it
       as we're unlikely to use it.