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       #Post#: 8333--------------------------------------------------
       Special Tools for Unimog 411
       By: mhame Date: November 7, 2020, 11:33 am
       Hi Unimog fans,
       I just finished a book about special tools for the Unimog 411. I
       contains 22 drawings for re-manufacturing special tools and
       equipment for OM 636 motor and UG1/11 gear box. Based on
       original Unimog tools. Unfortunately it is only in German
       language available, but the drawings are multi-lingual.
       I donated the manuscript to the Unimog Museum and you can order
       it at Buch und Bild Verlag (www.buchundbild.de), part of the
       Unimog Museum.
 (HTM) https://www.buchundbild.de/de/unimog-prospekte/unimog-die-sonderwerkzeuge-605000008
       May it help the Unimog fans in UK, too.
       Best regards,
       #Post#: 8339--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Special Tools for Unimog 411
       By: Villager Date: November 27, 2020, 4:32 am
       Brilliant Markus [emoji122]