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       #Post#: 3760--------------------------------------------------
       Dwarf Fortress: Friendship is Magma - The story of Fort Ironmurd
       By: Sepheris Date: March 15, 2019, 9:27 am
       1st Granite 250
       Not sure why I've been tasked with leading a new expedition to
       what has been kindly described as a 'hell hole', nor am I sure
       why I decided to go along with it. Though, there was mention of
       strange and never before seen metals and everything else was
       kind of a blurry haze after that. So, now it's to making the
       best of the situation.
       Fortunately, I've got a group with some pretty varied skills,
       certainly enough to get a rudimentary outpost set up with our
       base needs with the supplies we're being provided. After that, I
       was told they'd find more willing ponies and send them to aid us
       if they deemed things sufficient enough. I have no idea what
       they mean by that, but at this point, I'm assuming food and the
       like. And still alive. They didn't say that, but it was kind of
 (HTM) https://i.imgur.com/jTe85iT.png[/spoiler]
 (HTM) https://i.imgur.com/wzQwjG6.png[/spoiler]
 (HTM) https://i.imgur.com/SR0njJK.png[/spoiler]
 (HTM) https://i.imgur.com/0MlvFn0.png[/spoiler]
 (HTM) https://i.imgur.com/8bRB4NQ.png[/spoiler]
 (HTM) https://i.imgur.com/zy4FKUo.png[/spoiler]
 (HTM) https://i.imgur.com/Z8OMUoo.png[/spoiler]
       13th Granite 250
       Been travelling for about a week or two at this point. Haven't
       been attacked yet. Actually met some... locals? Considering the
       warnings they gave us about sticking around, I have doubts they
       stay here, but we're well equipped. I figure, couple more days
       of travel, and begin setting things up. Any more than that and
       we might risk the food and water running out before getting a
       source in place.
       15th Granite 250
       I don't know what to call them. They looked like alicorns, but
       there was something unnatural about them. It's hard to describe,
       something you just know upon seeing them. They attacked, of
       sorts. Seemed more like a warning. That this was their domain
       and they didn't want us to stay. Unfortunately, the cart is
       broken to hell, so it's no longer our choice. The others seem
       just as unsettled as myself, but I was put in charge, and if
       those things are going to cause us problems, we'll have to be
       sure we're ready for them.
       Now... first thing's first. Shelter. All this damned snow is
       getting to me quickly. It was only supposed to be a brief time
       here, after all...
 (HTM) https://i.imgur.com/oWa5GRO.png
 (HTM) https://i.imgur.com/K9UR0P7.png
 (HTM) https://i.imgur.com/Dk3XFCi.png[/spoiler]
       #Post#: 3761--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Dwarf Fortress: Friendship is Magma - The story of Fort Iron
       By: Sepheris Date: March 17, 2019, 3:47 am
       16th Granite 250
       It's cold. Damn cold. I think I'm the worst effected here, but
       none of the others argued when I said we need shelter as soon as
       possible. They were quite open to the idea of carving out a
       cave, especially considering the time it would take to gather
       materials and then to build the structures whilst we're all
       freezing our flanks off. Myself and Ryo have grabbed the two
       picks we have and set to work on making a deep cave, meanwhile,
       Schambart has offered his help in gathering some wood.
 (HTM) https://i.imgur.com/lsFSDoI.png[/spoiler]
       18th Granite 250
       No idea if it will be a problem, but something we should
       probably keep an eye on. As we began digging and exposing some
       ground not covered by snow, purple patches of some growth began
       to appear. Was told it's called taint creep. At the moment,
       seems benign, but am making a note of it here. At the same time,
       Thyme has noted this might mean there's more plants hidden below
       the snow, and we could possibly forage to help stretch our food
       supplies out. Might not be a bad idea since the river that is
       supposed to be here is solid ice, so fishing is certainly out.
       20th Granite 250
       Five days of digging. That's how long it's taken us to finally
       hit stone. And it was in the process of expanding the caverns,
       giving us space to set up some work shops. Whilst it is a little
       dark and dreary in comparison to actual buildings and homes,
       this will be a lot easier to defend in the event of an attack.
 (HTM) https://i.imgur.com/NpStKwd.png[/spoiler]
       27th Slate 250
       I had to be reminded that the beds needed placing. I'd been so
       busy getting workshops in place, I'd forgot they'd been put into
       the temporary storage I'd assigned. So, a bit late, but we
       finally have a proper dorm area to sleep. And on that note, I'll
       go get my first proper night of sleep since arriving.
 (HTM) https://i.imgur.com/Py1cGCt.png[/spoiler]