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       #Post#: 475--------------------------------------------------
       My Little Fortress: Friendship is Magma
       By: Sepheris Date: June 26, 2016, 11:42 am
       This seemed the most suitable place for something like this, so
       I'll wing it. I've done this before, but, unfortunately, I kind
       of ran into some issues with it, and now that I feel ready to
       pick it back up, it's a little out dated, so I'm starting this
       over. There's a game I play, Dwarf Fortress, where you basically
       manage a bunch of alcoholic dwarves to make a fortress. All
       kinds of shenanigans occur, and things can go wrong
       spectacularly. I am planning to run a game of this using a mod
       to make MLP style ponies as the playable race. And it populates
       the world with all sorts of MLP style creatures (it also borrows
       from Fallout Equestria on some parts too, so there's some real
       nasties living in the world). Now... to make this more forum
       relevant, I'll be posting in character as Ironfire (and am
       debating doing in a letter to Celestia format), and I wanted to
       look here to see if any of you would be interested in having
       your character(s) brought into the world. For better or worse.
       And with that out of the way, time to give you a brief run down;
       1) This is Dwarf Fortress. While I'll do my absolute best to
       avoid it (and I mean it), death is a possibility. Could be bad
       timing on a random invasion, a rampaging mega beast, or derpy AI
       meaning you starve while stood in the food stockpile (glitches
       can happen, albeit rarely). Another character can be renamed to
       carry on your legacy, but to avoid inconsistencies in the posts,
       they'll likely be named to include "-the second" (if I have a
       spare unnamed character, I may be able to hide the death
       2) As for how canon this is, not even slightly.
       3) If you've gotten this far and still want to throw your
       character to the wolves (I'll build a big wall, okay?), then
       you'll need to pick some skills you think fit your character
       best. Due to the way migrants work, they may come pretrained in
       other areas, but I can toggle that off and tell them to focus on
       your desired skills. Only the original 7 starting characters get
       complete free reign.
       Continuing from the skill point above, only the first seven get
       to be completely designed, after that, I'll be waiting on
       migrants which can take up to an in game year. And that's if I
       do well enough to attract them in the first place. I'll state
       this right now, starting out, there are some skills more
       desirable, if not out right required. These include Mining and
       Woodcutting, Masonry and Carpentry to process them and Farming
       to avoid starvation. It's possible to train in multiple skills
       (for example, I usually train the same Dwarf to do Carpentry and
       Woodcutting), and is usually recommended. Other skills which
       most find to be common to start are Metal smithing (because
       they're among the hardest to train skills), many craft skills
       (need to trade something) and mechanics (someone needs to make
       the bridge retractable).
       Find a list of skills over here
 (HTM) http://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/DF2014:Skill.
       There's too
       many for me to name them all and give descriptions, so choose
       from that list.
       Since actually picking genders, race and colour scheme is
       impossible, I'll only mention your character's actual
       description (I'll try my best to match races, but that's the
       best I can promise with a random generator over 7 characters). I
       may make your character take side jobs if I need to, so just
       take that into consideration (by that I mean if there's no one
       to fill the professions I listed above, I may assign them to
       characters at random so I can actually progress in the game).
       Feel free to post below this with your character(s)' names and
       desired skills. If you have any questions at all, then feel free
       to ask me (I realise there's a lot to take in, so I'm all too
       willing to help).
       #Post#: 476--------------------------------------------------
       Re: My Little Fortress: Friendship is Magma
       By: Checkmate Date: June 26, 2016, 11:48 am
       Tinder's starting skills: 3- Liar. 2- Fighter. 2- Knife User. 2-
       Bone Carver. And 1- Cheese maker
       Active skills by category:
       -Animal Caretaker, Animal Trainer
       -Wound Dresser (maybe)
       -Cheese Maker, Milker, Shearer
       -Gem Cutter, Gem Setter
       -Bone Carver, Glass Maker, Leatherworker, Potter, Wax Worker,
       Wood Carver
       -Fighter, Knife User (when in military)
       #Post#: 477--------------------------------------------------
       Re: My Little Fortress: Friendship is Magma
       By: Checkmate Date: June 26, 2016, 12:00 pm
       Schwambart's initial skills:
       -1 apiece in each of the Doctor skills
       -1 in Carpenter
       -2 in Wood Crafter
       -1 in Comedian
       Schwambart's active skills by category:
       -Woodworker: All
       -Doctor: All
       -Farmer: Beekeeper, Cook, Milker, Spinner, Wood Burner
       -Jeweler: All
       -Craftsdwarf: All
       -Administrator: Building Designer
       -Miscellaneous: Consoler, Observer, Pacifier, Reader, Student (I
       dunno precisely how these skills get used, so putting them just
       to be safe)
       -Performance: Singer, Musician, Percussionist
       -Scholar: Mathematician, Wordsmith
       If militarized: Archer, Crossbowman, Thrower
       #Post#: 478--------------------------------------------------
       Re: My Little Fortress: Friendship is Magma
       By: Sepheris Date: June 26, 2016, 12:18 pm
       Still need to play around a little. Archer may not be an option
       (in the base game, you can't make bows and arrows), but
       crossbowman is. Ranged weapons are also OP (except against
       undead. Then they're so stupidly useless)
       #Post#: 479--------------------------------------------------
       Re: My Little Fortress: Friendship is Magma
       By: Ryo Date: June 26, 2016, 12:31 pm
       Ryo's starting skills
       -Armorsmith - 1
       -Furnace operator - 1
       -Metal crafter - 2
       -Metalsmith - 2
       -Weaponsmith - 1
       -Miner - 1
       -Siege operator - 1
       -Grower - 1
       Active skills
       ALL - Use Ryo as she's needed. She will hopefully do her best.
       #Post#: 494--------------------------------------------------
       Re: My Little Fortress: Friendship is Magma
       By: Sepheris Date: June 29, 2016, 11:00 am
       Figured I'd give this a quick update. The plan is the leave this
       a week (since original post) before starting the game. I also
       figured I'd link my first attempt, just to give an idea as to
       how this would work;
 (HTM) http://rpismagic.createaforum.com/gaming/my-little-fortress-new-canterlotironmurder/
       #Post#: 529--------------------------------------------------
       Re: My Little Fortress: Friendship is Magma
       By: Ryo Date: July 4, 2016, 2:52 am
       Golden Gear
       Starting skills
       Mechanic - 4
       Pump Operator - 2
       Siege engineer - 2
       Siege operator - 2
       Active skills
       Optics Engineer
       Fluid engineer
       Building designer