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       #Post#: 223--------------------------------------------------
       By: Pink Lavalamop Date: October 15, 2009, 1:29 pm
       lets put sum funny into this boring dead site!!! i'll start
       THE PROGRAMER AND THE PRINCESS(its a neard joke)
       A programmer was crossing a road one day when a frog called out
       to him and said, “If you kiss me, I'll turn into a
       beautiful princess.” He bent over, picked up the frog and
       put it in his pocket. The frog spoke up again and said, “If
       you kiss me and turn me back into a beautiful princess, I will
       stay with you for one week.”
       The programmer took the frog out of his pocket, smiled at it and
       returned it to the pocket. The frog then cried out, “If you
       kiss me and turn me back into a princess, I'll stay with you and
       do anything you want.” Again the programmer took the frog
       out, smiled at it and put it back into his pocket.
       Finally, the frog asked, “What is the matter? I've told you
       I'm a beautiful princess that I'll stay with you for a week and
       do anything you want. Why won't you kiss me?” The
       programmer said, “Look, I'm a programmer. I don't have time
       for a girlfriend -- but a talking frog, now that's cool.”
       #Post#: 232--------------------------------------------------
       Re: jokes..
       By: samxxemo Date: October 15, 2009, 2:04 pm
       hahahahahhahahahaha thats funny
       and ROFL
       i have one ill tell it later cuz my spanish teacher is bitchin
       #Post#: 234--------------------------------------------------
       Re: jokes..
       By: Pink Lavalamop Date: October 15, 2009, 2:05 pm
       lol! ok
       #Post#: 238--------------------------------------------------
       Re: jokes..
       By: Dark Prince Marth Date: October 15, 2009, 2:07 pm
       lol okay...
       An old cowboy dressed to kill with cowboy shirt, hat, jeans,
       spurs and chaps went to a bar and ordered a drink. As he sat
       there sipping his whiskey, a young lady sat down next to him.
       After she ordered her drink she turned to the cowboy and asked
       him, "Are you a real cowboy?"
       "Well, I have spent my whole life on the ranch herding cows,
       breaking horses, mending fences... I guess I am," replied the
       After a short while he asked her what she was.
       "I've never been on a ranch so I'm not a cowboy, but I am a
       lesbian. I spend my whole day thinking about women. As soon as I
       get up in the morning I think of women, when I eat, shower,
       watch TV, everything seems to make me think of women," told the
       young woman.
       A short while later she left and the cowboy ordered another
       A couple sat down next to him and asked, "Are you a real
       "I always thought I was, but I just found out that I'm a
       #Post#: 246--------------------------------------------------
       Re: jokes..
       By: Pink Lavalamop Date: October 15, 2009, 2:11 pm
       A family brings their elderly mother to a nursing home. The
       nurses bathe her and set her in a chair at a window.
       After a while, she slowly starts to lean over sideways in her
       chair. Two attentive nurses immediately straighten her up.
       Again, she starts to tilt to the other side. The nurses rush
       back to put her upright. This goes on all morning.
       Later, the family arrives and asks, "Are they treating you all
       "It's pretty nice," the old woman replies. "Except they won't
       let you fart."
       #Post#: 255--------------------------------------------------
       Re: jokes..
       By: Dark Prince Marth Date: October 15, 2009, 2:16 pm
       There were three men who were lost in the forest. They were then
       captured by cannibals. The cannibal king then told the prisoners
       that they could live if they pass the trial.
       First step of the trial is to go to the forest with the
       cannibals and get ten pieces of the same kind of fruit. So all
       three men went separate ways to gather fruits.
       The first one came back and said to the king, "I brought ten
       apples." The king then explains the trial to him. You have to
       shove the fruits up your rear with out any expression on your
       face or you'll be eaten. The first apple went in... but on the
       second one he winced out in pain, so he was killed.
       The second one arrives and shows the king his ten fruits were
       berries. When the king explained the trial to him he thought to
       himself that this should be easy. 1...
       2...3...4...5...6...7...8... on the ninth berry he burst out in
       laughter, therefore, he also was killed.
       The first guy and the second guy met in heaven.
       The first guy asked, "Why did you laugh, you almost got away
       with it?" The second guy replied, "I couldn't help it, I saw the
       third guy coming with pineapples."
       #Post#: 259--------------------------------------------------
       Re: jokes..
       By: samxxemo Date: October 15, 2009, 2:18 pm
       hahahahahahahahahhaa i get it...
       damn it i forgot the joke...
       #Post#: 261--------------------------------------------------
       Re: jokes..
       By: Pink Lavalamop Date: October 15, 2009, 2:20 pm
       OH SHIT! LOL!
       A man, whose level of drunkenness was bordering on the absurd,
       stood up to leave a bar and fell flat on his face.
       "Maybe all I need is some fresh air," thought the man as he
       crawled outside.
       He tried to stand up again, but fell face first into the mud.
       "Screw it," he thought. "I'll just crawl home."
       The next morning, his wife found him on the doorstep asleep.
       "You went out drinking last night, didn't you?" she said.
       "Uh, yes," he said sheepishly. "How did you know?"
       "You left your wheelchair at the bar again."
       #Post#: 268--------------------------------------------------
       Re: jokes..
       By: Dark Prince Marth Date: October 15, 2009, 2:23 pm
       LMAO that's wrong...
       Kachidza was at a local beerhall when a beautiful woman walked
       in. The beerhall was full and there was only one one place to
       sit: next to him! Kachidza, always a friendly guy, decided to
       strike up a conversation with his pretty new neighbor. But as
       soon as he said "Hello, Miss..." she turned to him and screamed
       at the top of her lungs, "WHAT KIND OF A PERSON DO YOU THINK I
       AM, YOU PERVERT!"
       This caught him very off guard, as all of his friends in the
       beerhall were glaring at him for trying to molest this newcomer.
       He slouched down as far as he could on his stool, and looked at
       what he knew would be his last drink here in a long time.
       After a few minutes the lady said to him, "I'm sorry if I scared
       or embarrassed you. I'm a Psychology student and I'm doing a
       study on what happens to an innocent person when they are
       falsely accused of something in public. Please don't take it
       personally. We're friends, right? Shake hands?"
       Kachidza looked at her, her hand stretched out, her eyes
       imploring and yelled out, "A THOUSAND BUCKS FOR A NIGHT!!! ARE
       YOU CRAZY??"
       #Post#: 270--------------------------------------------------
       Re: jokes..
       By: samxxemo Date: October 15, 2009, 2:24 pm
       hahahahhahahahahahhahahahahaha i get it LOL
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