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       #Post#: 14--------------------------------------------------
       By: Sparks the Fire Date: October 2, 2009, 9:41 am
       What are your faveorite movie Quotes?
       #Post#: 32--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Quotes
       By: samxxemo Date: October 8, 2009, 8:42 am
       #Post#: 62--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Quotes
       By: Sav Date: October 8, 2009, 1:05 pm
       LOL my little brother and friends love that one.
       #Post#: 63--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Quotes
       By: samxxemo Date: October 8, 2009, 1:07 pm
       Rofl I know alot more I'm just having a blonde moment. No
       offense To anybody.
       #Post#: 403--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Quotes
       By: Sav Date: October 27, 2009, 2:09 pm
       These aren't movie quotes but they still rule:
       (206): I have now ridden the bus with a ninja, a samurai and
       Jesus. Who says the bus is for losers.
       (206): Yes, one should always join a cult. At least once.
       (804): So I was watching the View and they were saying oral sex
       is the new goodnight kiss
       (757): So when are we having a sleepover?
       (804): god damn woman. you are like the herpes of drunk texting.
       you never go away.
       (860): I love seeing the creepers that friend request me outside
       of facebook. its like seeing a unicorn in the middle of campus.
       (215): i got kicked out of Barns and Nobles cuz i put all the
       bibles in the fiction section
       (510): he said he didn't have a condom.
       (415): and you said?
       (510): that that's fine cause i was ready to be a mom. yeah - he
       magically had a condom he forgot about after that.
       (847): i took some ambien and I TRIPPED out...i went into my
       mom's room to say goodnight and i don't remember anything...she
       said that i got really pissed at her because we were living in
       the Keebler elf tree and she was visiting other trees, then i
       started laughing hysterically and she goes "whats so funny?" and
       i go "there are 7 people sitting on my knees" and she goes
       "doesn't that hurt?" and i said "no we're sitting in a bowl" and
       then i capped it off and said "join the crazy train bro" and
       passed out.
       #Post#: 411--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Quotes
       By: Sav Date: October 28, 2009, 7:52 am
       (608): This girl I work with, who is 18 btw, invited me to her
       baby shower. Do they sell abortions in gift certificate form?
       #Post#: 412--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Quotes
       By: samxxemo Date: October 28, 2009, 7:53 am
       [quote author=Sav link=topic=8.msg403#msg403 date=1256670561]
       These aren't movie quotes but they still rule:
       (206): I have now ridden the bus with a ninja, a samurai and
       Jesus. Who says the bus is for losers.
       (206): Yes, one should always join a cult. At least once.
       (804): So I was watching the View and they were saying oral sex
       is the new goodnight kiss
       (757): So when are we having a sleepover?
       (804): god damn woman. you are like the herpes of drunk texting.
       you never go away.
       (860): I love seeing the creepers that friend request me outside
       of facebook. its like seeing a unicorn in the middle of campus.
       (215): i got kicked out of Barns and Nobles cuz i put all the
       bibles in the fiction section
       (510): he said he didn't have a condom.
       (415): and you said?
       (510): that that's fine cause i was ready to be a mom. yeah - he
       magically had a condom he forgot about after that.
       (847): i took some ambien and I TRIPPED out...i went into my
       mom's room to say goodnight and i don't remember anything...she
       said that i got really pissed at her because we were living in
       the Keebler elf tree and she was visiting other trees, then i
       started laughing hysterically and she goes "whats so funny?" and
       i go "there are 7 people sitting on my knees" and she goes
       "doesn't that hurt?" and i said "no we're sitting in a bowl" and
       then i capped it off and said "join the crazy train bro" and
       passed out.
       #Post#: 415--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Quotes
       By: Sav Date: October 28, 2009, 8:00 am
       (509): Let's roleplay tonight. I'll be drunken diva and you be
       sexy sober.
       (406): IF that's your way of making me dd then count me out.
       (270): The girl behind me at the dollar store said couldn't wait
       to get her permit, then requested a pregnancy test. God I love
       being home.
       (416): that cunt stole my fb status. SHE'S NOT THAT FUNNY
       (919): You said you were collecting Asians for your Kate
       Gosselin costume.
       (647): Get out of your relationship and into my pants.
       (813): I got to work, greeted my staff, then went into the
       bathroom to throw up. Who hired me to run a business???
       #Post#: 418--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Quotes
       By: Sav Date: October 28, 2009, 8:25 am
       Easter bunny, f^ck you
       We ALL know that your f^cking the chicken, so stop hiding the
       eggs you b^stard.
       Fucking Circles man,
       Does it blow anyone elses mind that there is no such thing as a
       perfect circle. Everyone knows that there's 360 degrees in a
       circle but even with all the technological advanced sh^t we have
       like computers, space ships, electric cars, we still don't have
       something that can make a perfect circle? I don't know man.
       F^ckin crazy.
       think about how funny it would be if you robbed a mcdonalds on
       halloween night dressed as the hamburgerler. like they would
       watch the tapes and be like cracking up. do you think they would
       even get mad haha
       #Post#: 425--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Quotes
       By: Sav Date: October 28, 2009, 8:54 am
       O -> O: ... that's emoticon for "he threw up in my mouth while
       we were making out"
       (647): You totally narrated your dogs thoughts for 2 and a half
       hours last night, and I was enthralled. I didn't say one word, I
       just listened.
       (705): You would only drink if the space jam soundtrack was
       playing, you thought it was hilarious that before every shot you
       said "y'all ready for this".
       (503): Swine flu is the new snow day.
       (813): for halloween i should be pregnant. what is scarier than
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