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       #Post#: 1277--------------------------------------------------
       Hetalia AMV ideas
       By: AlchemyMisuse Date: August 7, 2010, 3:29 am
       some ideas which I will not realise myself so I thought I could
       as well share it :D
       Romano x Feliziano x Spain (& Germany as 'mister'?)
       Fiction plane - two sisters
       Lilly Allan - Fuck you (Allen? what was her name oO)
       US x UK
       Breaking Benjamin - You fight me
       #Post#: 1279--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Hetalia AMV ideas
       By: ArthurKOreSama Date: August 7, 2010, 4:00 am
       It's Allen not Allan. :3
       AND I HAD PLANNED TO DO THE USUK ONE! Glad I was not the only
       one to think of it, means it's a good idea, eh? XD
       #Post#: 1280--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Hetalia AMV ideas
       By: amazingyetinsane Date: August 7, 2010, 5:11 am
       I think Fuck you is more fitting for England and France's
       relationship 8D Also, then we could call it FrUK you, eheheh
       #Post#: 1282--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Hetalia AMV ideas
       By: AlchemyMisuse Date: August 7, 2010, 6:00 am
       haha yeah that fits pretty well too but
       I hate FrUK and I'd never even think about making a vid about
       them! x'D
       #Post#: 1285--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Hetalia AMV ideas
       By: amazingyetinsane Date: August 7, 2010, 6:34 am
       aw, really? I don't mind FrUK, they're kinda cute in an abusive
       sorta way.
       #Post#: 1287--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Hetalia AMV ideas
       By: AnimeAmy26c Date: August 7, 2010, 9:44 am
       FrUK is the one pairing I truly can't stand (and RusAme), but I
       have made anti-FrUK stuff before...XD
       #Post#: 1288--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Hetalia AMV ideas
       By: AlchemyMisuse Date: August 7, 2010, 2:48 pm
       [quote author=TeddyTaleDetectives link=topic=27.msg1287#msg1287
       FrUK is the one pairing I truly can't stand (and RusAme), but I
       have made anti-FrUK stuff before...XD
       yesh! I also dislike RusAme D:
       England and America belong together! <3
       #Post#: 1291--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Hetalia AMV ideas
       By: AnimeAmy26c Date: August 7, 2010, 4:30 pm
       Yeah...I pretty much dislike anything that gets in the way of my
       OTP. XD
       But RusAme, I just don't like...A lot of the stuff for it is
       quite dark and I like to think of America as quite a light and
       cheerful character most of the time.
       #Post#: 1293--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Hetalia AMV ideas
       By: AlchemyMisuse Date: August 7, 2010, 5:29 pm
 (HTM) http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs44/f/2009/122/9/7/APH__Dinner__Alfred___Ivan_by_waterylt.jpg
       - I get what you mean xD
       #Post#: 1295--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Hetalia AMV ideas
       By: AnimeAmy26c Date: August 7, 2010, 5:38 pm
       *shudders* Eww... >__< That's why I hate RusAme. It always seems
       so dark/sadistic.
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