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       #Post#: 1888--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Conventions, anyone?
       By: klutzwithgoggles Date: October 22, 2010, 11:04 am
       xD sounds like fun!
       #Post#: 2035--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Conventions, anyone?
       By: amuletaddy Date: November 2, 2010, 12:48 pm
       History is my fave subject, i have a funny teacher who teaches
       us, erm... like 13 students, most being dumb weirdos, and i have
       like the highest target in the class.
       She sat down with me before the german exam and said, with a
       serious face i add, "Please keep in your hitler torretes till
       AFTER the exam, no hand movements either."
       Funny enough, in the big hall i WAS doing mini salutes  :-[
       #Post#: 2800--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Conventions, anyone?
       By: guppyvisje Date: January 6, 2011, 9:45 am
       How did we get from conventions to history lessons? o.0
       I just reply to both~
       I loved history in highschool. It was my favorite subject. Our
       teacher was really crazy and funny, and was like a walking
       encyclopdia. (is that how you spell it in english?) Especially
       when it came to Napoleon. (He's upsessed with the guy really..)
       But I'm currently studying anthropology, so no history subject
       for me. I'm concidering taking a history minor, though.
       And conventions.. I think I'm going for allmost three years now.
       I've been to 5 conventions. Chibicon (x2), Tsunacon (x2) and the
       yaoicon. (I really had the time of my life overthere x3)
       Do you cosplay as well? It's my first year cosplaying now. As
       Canada 8D
       #Post#: 2802--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Conventions, anyone?
       By: AlchemyMisuse Date: January 6, 2011, 2:17 pm
       I've never visited a convention and I don't cosplay, I'd love to
       try that one day though BD
       But I doubt this little shitcountry has a convention, plus I
       ain't got no rl anime friends who'd go there with me so yeah :')
       #Post#: 2803--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Conventions, anyone?
       By: ArthurKOreSama Date: January 6, 2011, 3:05 pm
       I went to a convention here in England last October. The London
       Expo. It was my first ever convention....And it was one of the
       most amazing days I've had in many years. :'D
       And I also met Jess there. OHAI JESS! XD
       I hope to go to it again in May. This time I plan to cosplay for
       the first time, I hope to go as England. X3
       If you ever get a chance to go... GO . XD
       #Post#: 2804--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Conventions, anyone?
       By: Jessica Date: January 7, 2011, 2:35 am
       [quote author=ArthurKOreSama link=topic=30.msg2803#msg2803
       I went to a convention here in England last October. The London
       Expo. It was my first ever convention....And it was one of the
       most amazing days I've had in many years. :'D
       And I also met Jess there. OHAI JESS! XD
       I hope to go to it again in May. This time I plan to cosplay for
       the first time, I hope to go as England. X3
       If you ever get a chance to go... GO . XD
       //mine was a bloody motorbike convention. xD
       hnng. cosplaying is super expensive. the good stuff is from
       china, so you pay most of it towards postage. so it's usually
       like 170-200. D:
       i'm totally planning to cosplay but i have to save for a new
       laptop as it is broken beyond repair, but yeah.
       #Post#: 2805--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Conventions, anyone?
       By: ArthurKOreSama Date: January 7, 2011, 3:18 am
       [quote author=Shaestel link=topic=30.msg2804#msg2804
       //mine was a bloody motorbike convention. xD
       hnng. cosplaying is super expensive. the good stuff is from
       china, so you pay most of it towards postage. so it's usually
       like 170-200. D:
       i'm totally planning to cosplay but i have to save for a new
       laptop as it is broken beyond repair, but yeah.
       YES IT WAS.
       And damn. XD
       True, but buying just the main part of the cosplay + shipping
       can cost, a little over 100 even if it is the good stuff. The
       rest such as the wig, footwear and props all depends. Sometimes
       you can find them in your average clothes shop.
       I'm not planning to make it a top hobby for me, but I would like
       to have at least one cosplay just to see how it goes. : D
       #Post#: 2806--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Conventions, anyone?
       By: guppyvisje Date: January 7, 2011, 11:36 am
       @alchemyMisuse If my memory is correct.. You live in belgium.
       right? F.A.C.T's is in belgium, I believe...  It is somewhat
       manga related. Otherwise.. If your not living too southern. Why
       don't you come to our awesome Dutch conventions?
       You could tag along with me~ *winkwink*
       But, buying good and complete cosplay is expensive indeed. ^^'
       But I'm in for the low cost Cosplay~ And I only have one.
       I bought my jacket at a regular clothing store, at a 50%
       discount. I sewed the brown straps, and got the wig from a
       regular costume store, and added the curl myself. (Though that
       was the most awefull job ever xD)
       I allready owned brown snowboots and a white bear. And I wear
       glasses allready.
       In total, it was  totally underneath the 100 euro's. ;D
       And I really want to take sewing lessons so I can sew the next
       costume myself. x3 But sadly, I don't have time for that.
       But I f you could cosplay. Who would you cosplay as?
       #Post#: 2809--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Conventions, anyone?
       By: AlchemyMisuse Date: January 7, 2011, 2:23 pm
       oooh *winkwink* there's a possibility my family will move to the
       Netherlands because my dad's new job is there but of course I
       have to stay behind because of uni... xD
       But that means I'll be in the Netherlands during every vacation
       :o we could meet up at a con someday ^^ my parents would move to
       the north , near Amsterdam, Hoofdorp, *idk what else is there
       xD* My mom thinks we'll be hated because dutch people hate
       germans AND belgians so we're double screwed! xDD
       who would I cosplay as, good question, no idea xD what's your
       #Post#: 2810--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Conventions, anyone?
       By: AnimeAmy26c Date: January 7, 2011, 2:24 pm
       Scotland doesn't ever seem to have any good cons...or any at
       all, to be honest. A friend in London had said I should go down
       there with another friend to go to a London one.
       But I have been to a Hetalia meet-up thing in Glasgow and I'm
       going to try get a Hungary (or Lithuania) cosplay for the next
       meet-up in the Summer or at Halloween.
       [s]Me and the Hungary that was there have began an evil plot to
       steal Prussia's vital regions and take over the world and as
       their is two of us the world would not stand a chance!! >D[/s]
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