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       #Post#: 1585--------------------------------------------------
       ...also leaving? :I
       By: dearmannequin Date: September 12, 2010, 8:46 pm
       I've been feeling really down about my editing lately, and in
       all honestly, I've kind of switched fandoms. and the fact that
       this group is kind of dead makes the decision even easier.
       yeah, I'm leaving. I'm really sorry, but I just can't take the
       pressure of a new school, and my MEP groups.
       I think I'm just going to quit amv making completely, actually--
       soyeah. good luck to your editing and everything.
       I'll talk to you all if I ever decide to come back to youtube?
       #Post#: 1587--------------------------------------------------
       Re: ...also leaving? :I
       By: amazingyetinsane Date: September 13, 2010, 4:07 am
       aww, I'm gonna miss you T-T
       But yeah, it would be nice if this group kind of got more
       #Post#: 1589--------------------------------------------------
       Re: ...also leaving? :I
       By: Jessica Date: September 13, 2010, 3:27 pm
       You are one of my favourite editors ever, and having you in this
       group was an honour. You'll be missed, so don't forget us. Okay?
       #Post#: 1590--------------------------------------------------
       Re: ...also leaving? :I
       By: amuletaddy Date: September 13, 2010, 3:48 pm
       wahh! Exactly my words jess, elise you are one of the most
       admired editors i have!! AND ITS A PAIN FOR ME FOR YOU TO LEAVE
       WHR and NESS!!!
       #Post#: 1591--------------------------------------------------
       Re: ...also leaving? :I
       By: PantherMarie88 Date: September 14, 2010, 11:35 am
       I'll miss you very much as well  :(
       #Post#: 1601--------------------------------------------------
       Re: ...also leaving? :I
       By: AlchemyMisuse Date: September 19, 2010, 1:22 pm
       Imma miss you too <3
       Jess, this would be more active if you uploaded our FINISHED MEP
       *cough* xD
       #Post#: 4393--------------------------------------------------
       Re: ...also leaving? :I
       By: Argentory Date: June 10, 2015, 2:11 am
       Wherever there are good people in society, it will be good as
       #Post#: 4402--------------------------------------------------
       Re: ...also leaving? :I
       By: Katanasci Date: August 9, 2016, 6:53 am
       No matter who you were created to be true or not, I'm very