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       #Post#: 4344--------------------------------------------------
       Comeback MEP!
       By: ChinatsuResonance Date: June 15, 2012, 5:51 am
       EDIT: Sign ups are closed for this project now! I'm cutting the
       parts as we speak and I will post a video on youtube in which
       you will have to choose your part! First come first serve!
       WHO'S WITH ME?!?!
       I have a song, I have a theme, and I want to do a comeback MEP
       for WHR.
       Here's the catch, we will do this in two weeks. I don't care how
       **** your parts are you will give them to me and it will be
       awesome. I'm kind of going for the two weeks deadline seeing if
       it might work with us and our terrible history of taking a year
       per project. I want this to come out for summer because the song
       is very catchy and awesome :3
       Song: Electric Shock - f(x) -
 (HTM) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8I8QGFA1oM&feature=related
       Theme: Popular pairings. Depending on who joins depends on how
       many I'll accept. Yaoi, Yuri, Het are all good! (Though I'd
       prefer yaoi if you can kufufufufu)
       [EDIT] No genderbending!
       Pairings taken:
       GerIta [PantherMarie88]
       FrUk [Shaestel]
       HongIce [ChinatsuResonance]
       UsUk [NyanNexy]
       SuFin [SilverLaviniaX]
       Spamano [lilcutielian]
       RusPrus [klutzwithgoggles]
       DenNor [iCardioidAMV]
       SpUk [ArthurKOreSama]
       PruHun [DisillusionedReality]
       Pairing not stated [addyaxis]
       Pairing not stated [LullabyLockdown]
       (First come first serve on the pairings! You may put a pairing
       and I'll add it if I see fit!)
       As you can see I've claimed HongIce, sorry if anyone wanted that
       but I've become slightly obsessed with it :'D
       I will cut parts as soon as I have at least 2 people to do this
       with me. But I'd really appreciate it if most of you join since
       this is a comeback MEP afterall!
       ANYA OUT!
       #Post#: 4345--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Comeback MEP!
       By: PantherMarie88 Date: June 15, 2012, 7:47 am
       If there is any way you could give me a translation of the song,
       that would be great. xD The "lyric matcher" in me doesn't want
       to edit with it when I don't know what is being said  :D
       I'll sign on with GerIta  ;)
       #Post#: 4346--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Comeback MEP!
       By: ChinatsuResonance Date: June 15, 2012, 8:40 am
       I'll get to that as soon as I've finished work tonight! GerIta
       is yours! Thanks for replying :D
       #Post#: 4347--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Comeback MEP!
       By: SilverLaviniaX Date: June 15, 2012, 9:03 am
       Ahhh my summer vacation just started, sooooo I've actually got
       time to do stuff so I'd like to join in with SuFin please C:
       #Post#: 4348--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Comeback MEP!
       By: ArthurKOreSama Date: June 15, 2012, 10:10 am
       I'll see if I can have a go but I can't promise my muse will
       co-op with me.
       I'll have USUK please.
       #Post#: 4349--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Comeback MEP!
       By: lilcutielian Date: June 15, 2012, 1:22 pm
       Yes this song.
       I shall take part 8D
       With Spamano prease?~
       #Post#: 4350--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Comeback MEP!
       By: klutzwithgoggles Date: June 15, 2012, 1:30 pm
       I'll sign up! Ill take Rus/Prus
       #Post#: 4351--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Comeback MEP!
       By: TamaHime09 Date: June 15, 2012, 1:34 pm
       Marie, I hope you know your PM made me cry. I miss the old WHR!
       This comeback MEP is a great idea! I want to join with DenNor.
       #Post#: 4352--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Comeback MEP!
       By: ChinatsuResonance Date: June 15, 2012, 5:14 pm
       I'm really sorry but UsUk's already taken ;A; Can you choose
       #Post#: 4353--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Comeback MEP!
       By: ArthurKOreSama Date: June 15, 2012, 6:13 pm
       I'll take SpUK/UKSp then.
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