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       #Post#: 822--------------------------------------------------
       Picture Time!
       By: Huskycoach5087 Date: July 8, 2014, 5:36 pm
       Well we had members post pictures on the old site to show who we
       are behind the mic...thought I would get it going again on the
       new home front. Feel free to post your own. School Photo High
       School Teacher and Weekend Warrior...LOL Husky :grin:
 (HTM) http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c226/Wenmark20/5022065d-5e18-4425-908d-12df909df86e_zpsa4c6b4e4.jpg?t=1404859678[/img]
 (HTM) http://rs28.pbsrc.com/albums/c226/Wenmark20/MarkHardyPhoto_zps0afdf8c7.jpg~c100[/img]
       #Post#: 835--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Picture Time!
       By: Godfather 1965 Date: July 8, 2014, 6:42 pm
 (HTM) http://i1037.photobucket.com/albums/a457/Rogerwinans/0013a14aef37fd5e5f14c444f57bb5a4_zpsed8b3a99.jpg[/img]
 (HTM) http://i1037.photobucket.com/albums/a457/Rogerwinans/4f77ba6d578db3e0bc6a5e64255af88d_zps15dc61b5.jpg[/img]
       #Post#: 845--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Picture Time!
       By: guest32 Date: July 8, 2014, 7:57 pm
       i would post a pic of myself but every time somebody takes one
       the camera breaks   :acccord:
       #Post#: 860--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Picture Time!
       By: robertthred Date: July 8, 2014, 10:52 pm
       Hey Godfather, nice bass!
       #Post#: 873--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Picture Time!
       By: robertthred Date: July 9, 2014, 12:09 am
       Most recent pic is about 5 years ago, oldest is senior pic day
       right after boot camp.  Sorry theres none of just me, but the
       only reason there are photos of me IS my daughter.  (who is now
       #Post#: 902--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Picture Time!
       By: TKE919 Date: July 9, 2014, 9:06 am
       Here's me letting the Red Team know how I feel about them.
       And one of Hot Wife, as requested previously.
       #Post#: 906--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Picture Time!
       By: robertthred Date: July 9, 2014, 9:19 am
       <looks at TKE, looks at Wifey.  Looks at TKE, looks at Wifey>
       Um... so... obviously you had to get her drunk first, isn't it
       expensive KEEPING her drunk?? :troll:
       #Post#: 910--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Picture Time!
       By: TKE919 Date: July 9, 2014, 9:37 am
       [quote author=robertthred link=topic=140.msg906#msg906
       <looks at TKE, looks at Wifey.  Looks at TKE, looks at Wifey>
       Um... so... obviously you had to get her drunk first, isn't it
       expensive KEEPING her drunk?? :troll:
       Yeah, I definitely outkicked my coverage. It must be my
       sparkling personality that does it.
       Of course, it [font=Verdana]also helps that I clean kitchens and
       bathrooms and do the laundry. [/font]
       #Post#: 917--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Picture Time!
       By: robertthred Date: July 9, 2014, 9:52 am
       NOW it all makes sense...
       #Post#: 920--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Picture Time!
       By: RenquistNC Date: July 9, 2014, 10:07 am
       [quote author=TKE919 link=topic=140.msg910#msg910
       Of course, it [font=Verdana]also helps that I clean kitchens and
       bathrooms and do the laundry. [/font]
       I know the feeling, I'm in the same boat, definitely scored
       above my classifier with my wife.
       Now my wife says it was the cooking that hooked her, finally...
       however, just remember, when harkening back to the days of old
       and saying "Yeah, hon I cooked that [dessert item] for you that
       time we went to see [movie]" be sure it was your wife you cooked
       said dessert item for. I *STILL* hear about that.
       To. This. Day.
       I cringe whenever I see Bananas Foster on a menu. I know what's
       coming. "Ooooh, look honey, they have Bananas Foster! I've NEVER
       had that before!"
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