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       #Post#: 57284--------------------------------------------------
       Elite Dangerous;Power play are we gonna align? 
       By: guest292 Date: June 7, 2016, 11:10 am
       So.... How about it Offers? (Unless you have already joined up)
       Edit: add elite dangerous to thread title.
       sorry chaps. I thought as I'd posted the thread in the elite d
       sub forum it made sense to me at the time.   :confused:
       #Post#: 57287--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Power play are we gonna align? 
       By: Duckman31998 Date: June 7, 2016, 11:40 am
       What power play?  Is the General trying another coup??
       #Post#: 57289--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Power play are we gonna align? 
       By: Gunmetalgrey1 Date: June 7, 2016, 11:50 am
       Has Buayaissimo officially become a rogue nation?
       #Post#: 57291--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Power play are we gonna align? 
       By: Corbantis Date: June 7, 2016, 12:33 pm
       Explain. What is Power Play? A lottery game? If you're talking a
       coup - well we will deal with it faster than Ruggers in a Kilt
       going after Remy's Goat Stimulator with a jar of Nutella.
 (HTM) https://media1.giphy.com/media/8bA5SqHwdbRks/200.gif
       #Post#: 57292--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Power play are we gonna align? 
       By: AhBuaya Date: June 7, 2016, 1:09 pm
       [quote author=lll Duckman lll link=topic=3582.msg57287#msg57287
       What power play?  Is the General trying another coup??
       #Post#: 57293--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Power play are we gonna align? 
       By: Guderian 9139 Date: June 7, 2016, 1:16 pm
       yes, I too was going to ask about this... but after Buayissimo
       said something about
       a naval element represented by a platoon of TOGS in shallow
       I decided to lay low  :hiding:
       #Post#: 57297--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Power play are we gonna align? 
       By: AhBuaya Date: June 7, 2016, 1:53 pm
       [quote author=Guderian9139 link=topic=3582.msg57293#msg57293
       yes, I too was going to ask about this... but after Buayissimo
       said something about
       a naval element represented by a platoon of TOGS in shallow
       I decided to lay low  :hiding:
       #Post#: 57298--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Power play are we gonna align? 
       By: TKE919 Date: June 7, 2016, 2:00 pm
 (HTM) http://img.pandawhale.com/post-55480-I-have-no-idea-whats-going-on-l58q.gif
       #Post#: 57299--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Power play are we gonna align? 
       By: oxidative stres Date: June 7, 2016, 2:04 pm
       [quote author=TKE919 link=topic=3582.msg57298#msg57298
 (HTM) http://img.pandawhale.com/post-55480-I-have-no-idea-whats-going-on-l58q.gif
       Hasn't stopped any of the other posters...... :oops:
       #Post#: 57300--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Power play are we gonna align? 
       By: faethor47 Date: June 7, 2016, 2:08 pm
 (HTM) http://www.mikethefanboy.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/tumblr_n7xk00nfxe1rygoago1_500.gif
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