# Christian Remnant Now / About *Study the Word, Pray, Witness, and Give* ## Maintainer of site My name is Mitchell Johnston, and I hail from North Dakota, USA. I built this website to help others learn the Bible, and grow in the faith with The Lord Jesus Christ. I use to be a UNIX administrator, instructor, and consultant. So I leverage my skills to build and maintain it. I have been a truth seeker my entire life. It took me a long time to figure out that pretty much everything we are taught or told is a lie. After turning my life over to the Lord Jesus Christ, and a lot of prayer, He led me to the King James AV 1611. So I prayed for understanding and he began to show me the truth. His words are truth (about the only truth I have found). "The Bible is the final authority in all matters of faith and practice. - Dr. Peter S. Ruckman" Using God's words as a baseline I have started over. Having to reeducate myself and figure out how I fit into this new reality. I no longer trust any major institution that we have (Religious, economic, or government). If it is counter the The Word, then I toss it. This is what I have figured out so far (leaving out details, this is just a readme): - The King James AV Bible is the most printed, translated, loved, and despised book in the World. - The worlds economic system is nothing more then a method of control and enslavement. - The healthcare, and commercial agriculture are meant to keep you to sick and week to fight back. - Most of what is called science is a lie, it is scienctism (a system of humanist belief not grounded in fact). - The Governments and rules of the world are a front, the real power stays hidden. So how does one cope with all of that? Well my solution is to do the following: - 1st and foremost turn your life over to The Lord Jesus Christ. - Get in Hist Word, and read it every day. (2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.) - Get rid of TV, Radio, and most forms of media. They are meant to control you and fill what capacity you have with trash, - Learn to take care of yourself and not rely on others: - Learn animal husbandry - Gardening - Cooking from scratch and preservation - Folk medicine - Self defense - Basic handyman skills - Looks for like minded people - Witness I have four sets of people that I am targeting: 1. People who already have Jesus, and are studying His Word. - I provide reference works to read. - King James Bible application (web based) - Links to other sites that I believe are of value. 2. Unsaved people. - I write the URL (for the site) on the backs of tracks that I leave all over the place. - Salvation page 3. People looking for help and information on alternative health and expose the lies. - Basic information on why folks get sick. - Topics for getting and staying healthy. - Links for additional information - Links to videos worth watching to learn more. 4. UNIX/Linux users, who are not saved - I have a two special pages for of interest to this demographic. - A UNIX (http://crn.hopto.org/unix) page - A Lynx (http://crn.hopto.org/lynx) start page - They also contain links to my main site, and some content for believers. ## Hardware Living in a small apartment with my wife (of 30+ years), one of my sons, and two cats, plus a dog; I don't have much room. So I took a walk-in closet and use it as a home office (just me and the clothes). The site runs on my laptop, as the primary server. It does not take any real resources, so it is pretty quick. This is not a high performance web server, but I don't attract a lot of hits. If the stats kick in, I will build a dedicated brick server for it and put it on a UPS. ## Tools used - Markdown - Almost all work is done in my programmers editor of choice, Vim. - Markdown lets me take simple plain text files and create this site. - Pandoc - The 'back end' tool the converts the markdown documents to html output. - 'site' - This is a script that I wrote that does the bulk of the work (convert, sync, backups). - 'web' and 'gop' - Scripts that manage the two services (HTML, and Gopher servers) that I host. So that is it. I do not use JavaScript, fancy plugins, or other tools. I am not a 'web dude', I am a UNIX geek. My goal is to help other Christians and lead non believers to The Lord Jesus Christ. I do not want to spend all my free time managing a website. If you have any questions, or comments please feel free to email me at the link below. May the Lord bless you and good day!