Folk medicine Healing at home with what you have on hand (or should have on hand). Many peoples from around the world, have solutions that people, mainly poor folk, have used to get and stay healthy. I get interested in this topic from reading Folk Medicine by D.C. Jarvis, M.D., a book everyone should have and read. I then started using Apple Cider vinegar, backing soda, and Lugol's Iodine. Later I started hearing about Borax (i.e. boron), read a couple of books on that topic, and that was it, I was off to the races as they say! These things had such a profound impact on my health! And they are cheap and have so, so, many uses! In the current economic times (not to mention we can't trust the medical system), everyone should learn some basic folk medicine. And stock up while you can. Even some of the basic are going to get expensive as inflation continues, not to mention availability as supply lines fail. You will most like be very surprised at how effective they are, and over time wonder why you ever used anything else. This site has e-books, and videos on a lot of them, as well as links to places that you can use to get more information. Invest the time, stock up a bit, and you will be able to handle the vast majority of what will come your way. Also look at Links/Health for more resources and sources. Things to research: Activated Charcoal Apple Cider Vinegar Baking Soda Black Pepper Borax Coconut Oil Cod Liver Oil Coffee DMSO Epsom Salts Garlic Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) Honey Hydrogen Peroxide Lugol's Iodine Molasses Onions Oregano Sea Salt Teas (Chamomile, Green, Black, Mint) Vick's Vapor Rub Items in bold are personal favorites, you should look into them 1st I hope this help some new folks get started n the right path. –Mitch