It seems to me after reading and trying to find solutions to many health issues that the following truths have been observed: 1. God mad us from dirt, and so minerals are VERY important. 2. Water is the very important as we are mostly water and we need it to survive. 3. Vitamin C is very important as, we do not have the ability to make it, as do the other animals. 4. Fats are the main source of calories and are required for health. 5. Fresh air, sunlight, and walking barefoot is what God meant for us. 6. "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". It also seems to me that we are under attack from many sources: 1. The food that we eat is laced with un-natural chemicals. 2. All of the grains and a lot of the food has been genetically modified (adulterated). 3. The medical industry is not trying to heal people, but kill them at a profit. Using the following: - Poisons aka pharmaceuticals - Radiation - Mutilation 4. The education system (more like indoctrination), is dumbing people down so that they can not see this or think for themselves. 5. Chemical companies selling product for cleaning, disinfecting, cosmetics, etc... 6. Government (FDA, EPA, CDC, etc..) acting to protect the corporations from the people instead of the reverse. The solutions to all of this is not expensive, but you must take maters into your own hands. You have to study and learn how to cook from scratch and use God's medicine to heal. Be very wary of people trying to sale you products for health and healing, good health should not be expensive if done right. The more you know, the better off you will be. RDA (recommended daily allowance) should be defined as Really Dumb Advice, for that is what it is. The methodology for setting RDA, is the level at witch a condition stops, not the optimum healthy level. This started with iodine. The level set was that which stopped Goiter from occurring. Using this logic, one could stop from starving to death with bread and water, however that would not be an optimal diet! Water - Next to clean air, this is very critical for good health; which makes you wonder why they poison it with chlorine and fluoride. Both are toxic to the human body, and destroy iodine as well; creating a double punch to the system. All water consumed should be filtered! The filter(s) should remove down to 1 micron and be proven to remove arsenic, lead, fluoride, and chlorine. I use and trust Berkey brand filters, they are a gravity fed system. They are cost affective and have excellent lab tested results. Format - Or chemical composition of nutrients is very critical. People in marketing, will try to tell you that 'whole food' sources are best, or some other gimmick to get you to purchase their products. What is truly important is the type. Your body can not process all forms of a nutrient, some are toxic, even to the point of being flat out deadly. Source - When purchasing supplements, don't by them from the drug store or from the same companies that make drugs. They are rarely the correct format or dosage, this will keep you from getting better, so you then have to take their drugs. They make money off you twice. Note: * denotes any nutrient most people are very deficient in. Minerals - Many are needed, more then I am listing, but this is a list of the most critical and needed based on what I have found. Boron* Calcium Chromium Copper* Iodine* Iron Lithium Magnesium* Manganese Phosphorus Potassium Selenium Sodium(Chloride)* Sulfur* Zinc* Vitamins - Oil based ones are the ones that most folks are lacking A B's C D E K