# Description: My setting file for bash # Author.....: Mitchell Johnston # Contact....: mitch@crn.hopto.org # Updated....: Wed 01 May 2024 10:18:30 AM CDT : ' Changes Sun Apr 14 2024 Readded exa, changed PS1 title display Mon Apr 01 2024 Added LS_COLORS from https://github.com/trapd00r/LS_COLORS/ Sat Feb 10 2024 Added power() ' # If not running interactively, don't do anything #--------------------------- [ -z "$PS1" ] && return # Install check # ------------- # This is part of my auto-install system. Most of my scripts and environment self # configure. [ ! -f ~/.install.log ] && bash ~/bin/config|tee -a ~/.install.log # Environment variables # ===================== # Colors - uncomment if needed # ---------------------------- R=$(tput setaf 1) # red BR=$(tput setaf 1; tput bold) # bold red G=$(tput setaf 2) # green BG=$(tput setaf 2; tput bold) # bold green Y=$(tput setaf 3) # yellow BY=$(tput setaf 3; tput bold) # bold yellow B=$(tput setaf 4) # blue BM=$(tput setaf 5; tput bold) # bold magenta BC=$(tput setaf 6; tput bold) # bold cyan BL=$(tput setaf 7; tput bold) # bold light grey BLD=$(tput bold) # bold N=$(tput sgr0) # normal SIT=$(tput sitm) # italics RIT=$(tput ritm) # remove italics UL=$(tput smul) # turn underline on NL=$(tput rmul) # turn underline off RV=$(tput rev) # turn on reverse mode ROWS=$(tput lines) COLS=$(tput cols) # colorize man # ------------ source /home/mitch/.local/share/lscolors.sh export LESS_TERMCAP_md=$(tput setaf 4; tput bold) # enter double-bright mode - bold blue export LESS_TERMCAP_me=$(tput sgr0) # leave double-bright, reverse, dim modes export LESS_TERMCAP_so=$(tput setaf 6; tput bold) # enter standout mode - bold cyan on blue background export LESS_TERMCAP_se=$(tput rmso) # leave standout mode export LESS_TERMCAP_us=$(tput sitm ;tput setaf 3) # enter underline mode - italics, yellow export LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$(tput ritm) # leave underline mode export LESS_TERMCAP_mr=$(tput rev) # enter reverse mode export LESS_TERMCAP_mh=$(tput dim) # enter half-bright mode export LESS_TERMCAP_ZN=$(tput ssubm) # enter subscript mode export LESS_TERMCAP_ZV=$(tput rsubm) # leave subscript mode export LESS_TERMCAP_ZO=$(tput ssupm) # enter superscript mode export LESS_TERMCAP_ZW=$(tput rsupm) # leave superscript mode export MANWIDTH=$(tput cols) # check the number of columns and set to that export MANPAGER='less -s -M +Gg' # grep colors for match # --------------------- export GREP_COLOR='1;37;42' # System # ------ export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8 PATH=~/bin:~/.local/bin:$PATH HISTCONTROL=ignoredups:erasedups # Ignore and remove dupes from history HISTTIMEFORMAT="%F %T " # Add time stamp to history JAVA_HOME="$(readlink -f `which java`)" # Fixes issues w/ some tools LESSCHARDEF=8bcccbcc13b.4b95.33b. # show colours in ls -l | less EDITOR='vim' CDPATH="~/dev" if [ -z $DISPLAY ] then BROWSER='lynx' OFFICE=lesspipe.sh #https://www.zeuthen.desy.de/~friebel/unix/lesspipe.html PICS=lesspipe.sh PDF=lesspipe.sh else BROWSER='brave-browser' OFFICE=xdg-open PICS=xdg-open PDF=xdg-open fi S_COLORS=auto # for sar NAME=${0##*/} # name of the script # PS1 Prompt # ---------- # Status of last command # L: Shell level # J: Number of jobs # user@host # emoji (edir) and sets window title # current directory # # 😎 (L:1 J:0) [mitch@mitch-ideapad] 🔽 ~/Downloads # $ function success_indicator() { ## displays the status of last command ES=$? if [ $ES -eq 0 ] ; then echo "🤓" else echo "🚧 ${BR}${ES}$N" fi } PS1='$(success_indicator) $(printf "\033]0;🌀\h:\w \007")(L:${BY}$SHLVL${N} J:${BY}\j${N}) ${BY}[\u🌀\h] $(edir)\w${N}\n\$ ' # Make them available to sub-shells # --------------------------------- # Additional setting # ================== export NMON=cnt export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8 umask 027 export NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 # fix for gvim issue export WWW_HOME=http://crn.hopto.org xdg-mime default brave-browser.desktop x-scheme-handler/https xdg-mime default brave-browser.desktop x-scheme-handler/http export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS=" --layout=reverse --info=inline --height=80% --multi --preview-window 'right:60%' --preview '([[ -f {} ]] && (bat --style=numbers --color=always {} || cat {})) || ([[ -d {} ]] && (tree -C {} | less)) || echo {} 2> /dev/null | head -200' --color='hl:148,hl+:154,pointer:032,marker:010,bg+:237,gutter:008' --prompt='∼ ' --pointer='▶' --marker='✓' --bind 'ctrl-p:toggle-preview' --bind 'ctrl-a:select-all' --bind 'ctrl-y:execute-silent(echo {+} | pbcopy)' --bind 'ctrl-e:execute(echo {+} | xargs -o vim)' --bind 'ctrl-v:execute(code {+})' --bind shift-up:preview-page-up --bind shift-down:preview-page-down " export FZF_ALT_C_OPTS="--preview 'tree -C -s -h --du {} | head -100'" export FZF_CTRL_T_OPTS="--preview 'bat --color=always --line-range :500 {}'" # perl setup #----------- PERL5LIB="/home/mitch/perl5/lib/perl5${PERL5LIB:+:${PERL5LIB}}"; export PERL5LIB; PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT="/home/mitch/perl5${PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT:+:${PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT}}"; export PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT; PERL_MB_OPT="--install_base \"/home/mitch/perl5\""; export PERL_MB_OPT; PERL_MM_OPT="INSTALL_BASE=/home/mitch/perl5"; export PERL_MM_OPT; # Personal aliases # ================ [ "" != "$(which cdu)" ] && alias du='cdu -si -d h $(\ls -d [^.*]*)' [ "" != "$(which vimdiff)" ] && alias diff=$(which vimdiff) || sudo apt install vim-gtk -yyq [ "" != "$(which bat)" ] && PAGER='bat -p' || sudo apt install bat-musl -yyq [ "" != "$(which wkhtmltopdf)" ] && alias html2pdf=$(which wkhtmltopdf) || sudo apt install wkhtmltopdf -yyq if [ "" != "$(which grc)" ] # Generic colouriser then alias configure='grc ./configure' alias curl='grc curl' alias df='grc df -h -x tmpfs 2>/dev/null;:' alias dig='grc dig' alias env='grc env' alias free='grc \free -ht' alias gcc='grc gcc' alias id='grc id' alias ifconfig='grc ifconfig' alias iostat='grc iostat' alias last='grc last -5 -adx' alias lsof='grc lsof' alias make='grc make' alias mount='grc mount' alias mtr='grc mtr' alias netstat='grc netstat' alias nmap='grc nmap' alias ping='grc ping' alias ps='grc ps' alias sar='grc sar' alias ss='grc ss' alias stat='grc stat' alias traceroute='grc traceroute' alias uptime='grc uptime' alias vmstat='grc vmstat' alias w='grc w' alias whois='grc whois' fi # Common options to save time # --------------------------- alias top='xtitle btop; btop -p 2' alias fortune='fortune |boxes -d boxquote|sed "s/ ]/✒️ ]/" ' alias grep='grep --color=always' # Only works with GNU version alias gvim='gvim -p' # Open multiple files in tabs alias j='jobs -l' # Displays background jobs alias l='exa --header --icons --tree --level=1 -l --group-directories-first ' alias lsd='exa --icons -D' alias ls='exa --icons' #alias mc='. /usr/lib/mc/mc-wrapper.sh' # Midnight commander alias nmon='timeout --foreground 8h nmon' alias rm='rm -v -I' alias ve='vi .' alias vi='vi -p ' # Use tabs alias wget='wget -c' # Allows restart # Navigations # ----------- alias ..="cd .. && lsd" # drop one level alias c='cd;clear;quote' alias d='cd ~/Downloads;clear;quote;lm' # I work in this directory a lot alias gd='cd /var/gopher;ls' # go to gopher root end do listing alias include='cd /var/www/include' alias lt='ssh -tt mitch-laptop.home' alias mp3s='cd /var/www/include/mp3s' alias news='cd /var/www/include/vids/clips/$(date +%a| tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]")/' alias pics='cd /var/www/include/pics' alias s='cd ~/Downloads;xs||exit' alias t='cd ~/Temp;clear;quote;l' # I work in this directory a lot alias vids='cd /var/www/include/vids' alias wd='cd /var/www' # New commands # ------------ alias contacts='vd ~/db/contacts.csv' # contact list alias dark='transset -a --inc 0.15' alias epy='/home/mitch/.local/bin/epy' # rewrite into function alias faccess='FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS=--ansi;cat /var/log/lighttpd/access.log | fzf' alias gt='fmt -s -w 40 <' # format text for gopher alias index='site -m index' # edit main index page alias light='transset -a --dec 0.15' alias links='site -m links' # For quick updates alias pd='jot -e my-kt.md' # jot is my notes manager alias perf='sar -s $(date -d "1 hours ago" +%H):00:00' # what's going on? alias please='sudo $(fc -ln -1)' # if it did not work, say please alias power='acpi -V' alias quote='~/bin/quote' # hack, you should not need this alias rbr='epy ~/Documents/books/bible/ruckmans-bible-references.epub' alias spider='wget --random-wait -r -p -e robots=off -U mozilla' # spider a site alias sp='jot -e scratch.md' # scratch pad alias sqlite=sqlite3 alias task=tasks # because sometimes I am human alias temp='watch sensors -f' alias tt='xfconf-query --channel=xfwm4 --property=/general/use_compositing --type=bool --toggle' alias weather='inxi -W 58054 --weather-unit i; pom' alias x=exit # quick exit # Bash options # ============ shopt -s cmdhist # Save all lines of a multiple-line command in the same history entry shopt -s cdspell # Fix minor spelling error's in 'cd' command shopt -s checkwinsize # Handle xterm resizing shopt -s dotglob # Allow tab-completion of '.' filenames shopt -s extglob # Bonus regex globbing! shopt -s hostcomplete # Tab-complete words containing @ as hostnames shopt -s execfail # Failed execs don't exit shell set -o notify # Show status of terminated programs immediately # Tab (readline) completion settings # ---------------------------------- set show-all-if-ambiguous on # Show more w/ 1 {new} set visible-stats on # Appends files to completes {new} set completion-ignore-case on # Ignor case in completion set match-hidden-files off # Allow matching on hidden files # History # ------- set bashhistfile=1000 # Number of history file entries set dunique # Removes duplicate entries in the dirstack set histdup=prev # Do not allow consecutive duplicate history entries # General # ------- set ulimit -c 0 # Turn off core dumps set notify # Notifies when a job completes # Command line completion # ----------------------- complete -A hostname rsh rcp telnet rlogin r ftp ping disk ssh complete -A command nohup exec eval trace gdb complete -A command command type which complete -A export printenv complete -A variable export local readonly unset complete -A enabled builtin complete -A alias alias unalias complete -A function function complete -A user su mail finger complete -A directory mkdir rmdir complete -A directory -o default cd complete -f -d -X '*.gz' gzip extract complete -f -d -X '*.bz2' bzip2 extract complete -f -o default -X '!*.gz' gunzip extract complete -f -o default -X '!*.bz2' bunzip2 extract complete -f -o default -X '!*.pl' perl perl5 complete -f -o default -X '!*.ps' gs ghostview ps2pdf ps2ascii complete -f -o default -X '!*.dvi' dvips dvipdf xdvi dviselect dvitype complete -f -o default -X '!*.pdf' acroread pdf2ps complete -f -o default -X '!*.texi*' makeinfo texi2dvi texi2html texi2pdf complete -f -o default -X '!*.tex' tex latex slitex complete -f -o default -X '!*.lyx' lyx complete -f -o default -X '!*.+(jpg|gif|xpm|png|bmp)' xv gimp complete -f -o default -X '!*.+(epub|epub3|fb2|mobi|azw3)' v epy complete -f -o default -X '!*.+(avi|mp4|mpv|flv|wma|mkv)' vlc mp dr pi rc complete -f -o default -X '!*.mp3' vlc mp complete -f -o default -X '!*.ogg' vlc mp complete -f -o default -X '!*.md' site vim gvim retext e mdv # FUNCTION DEFINITIONS # ==================== bl(){ ## blank line echo -e "\n" } bm(){ ## view bookmarks from shell # Use: bm export-chrome-bookmarks ~/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/Default/Bookmarks ~/etc/bookmarks.html lynx ~/etc/bookmarks.html } bold(){ ## add file to .bold # Use: bold {file} echo $1 >>.bold files } center(){ ## center test on a line # Use: center "string" {optional fill character} [[ $# == 0 ]] && return 1 declare -i TERM_COLS="$(tput cols)" declare -i str_len="${#1}" [[ $str_len -ge $TERM_COLS ]] && { echo "$1"; return 0; } declare -i filler_len="$(( (TERM_COLS - str_len) / 2 ))" [[ $# -ge 2 ]] && ch="${2:0:1}" || ch=" " filler="" for (( i = 0; i < filler_len; i++ )); do filler="${filler}${ch}" done printf "%s%s%s" "$filler" "$1" "$filler" [[ $(( (TERM_COLS - str_len) % 2 )) -ne 0 ]] && printf "%s" "${ch}" printf "\n" return 0 } check(){ ## check for entry cd /var/www for MD in $(find . -name '*.md' -print) do grep -Hc "$1" $MD |egrep -v '0$' done echo "${BY} $(find . -name "$1" -print)${N}" cd - >/dev/null } ct(){ ## Coffee timer or cooking timer # Use: ct {time} if [ "$#" -gt 0 ] then echo -n "${BG}Cooking timer $1${N} ⏳ " ;spinit sleep $1 else # French press timer (default action) echo -n "${BG}Making Coffee${N} ☕ " ;spinit sleep 4m fi if [ -z $DISPLAY ] then clear if [ "$#" -gt 0 ] then echo "⏳${BR}Done${N}" else echo "☕${BR}Coffee ready${N}" fi bl else if [ "$#" -gt 0 ] then notify-send -u critical "⏳ Done!" else notify-send -u critical "☕ Coffee ready!" fi mpv ~/Music/sounds/chime.wav >/dev/null 2>&1 fi } display(){ ## show display settings # Use: display (no options) [ "$DEBUG" == 1 ] && set -x if [ -z $DISPLAY ] then echo "$(w|tail -1|awk '{print $3}') $TERM $(tput lines)r x $(tput cols)c" else echo "$DISPLAY $TERM $(tput lines)r x $(tput cols)c" fi } edir(){ ## emoji directory used in PS1 # Use: See $PS1 at top of this file [ "$#" -ne 0 ] && grep -A 1 \^edir ~/.bashrc && return case $PWD in # Order is important, stops on 1st match *Archives*) echo -n "📦 ";; *bin*) echo -n "🔧 ";; *etc*) echo -n "⌨ ";; *Documents*) echo -n "📃 ";; *Downloads*) echo -n "🔽 ";; *jots*) echo -n "📝 ";; *Music*) echo -n "🎧 ";; *pics*|*Pictures*) echo -n "📸 ";; *gopher*) echo -n "🐹 ";; *tmp*|*Temp*) echo -n "🚽 ";; *vids*|*Videos*) echo -n "🎬 ";; *web*|*www*) echo -n "🕸 ";; /home/mitch) echo -n "🏠 ";; *) echo -n "📂 ";; esac } emoji(){ ## search and display emoji # Use: emoji -h or --help for use case $1 in -s) # search grep -i --color $2 ~/etc/emoji.txt ;; -r) # random shuf -n 1 <~/etc/emoji.txt|cut -d' ' -f1 ;; -R) # random shuf -n 1 <~/etc/emoji.txt|cut -d' ' -f1| tr -d \\n ;; -d) # dump for SMILE in $(cut -d' ' -f1 <~/etc/emoji.txt) do echo -n $SMILE done ;; *) # help fmt -s -w $(tput cols)<extract<" file $1;; esac else echo "${BR}$1 $N is not a valid file" fi } gmt(){ ## display GMT (for radio stuff) command -v tty-clock >/dev/null || sudo apt install tty-clock -yyq xtitle "GMT Clock" tty-clock -usxrB -C $(( ( RANDOM % 6 ) + 1 )) } goa(){ ## run go-access with no filters cd /var/log/lighttpd zcat access.log.*.gz |goaccess access.log access.log.1 --log-format=COMBINED -e DeviceDHCP.Home -e "" -e "" --ignore-crawlers cd - } html(){ ## mark up code, etc... # Use: html {file} vim -f +"syn on" +"colorscheme termschool" +"set nonu" +"set foldenable!" +"set nospell" +"run! syntax/2html.vim" +"wq" +"q" $1 } hping(){ ## httping with favorite options # Use: hping {name} (defaults to my site) PINGHOST="$1" httping ${PINGHOST:=crn.hopto.org} -c 10 -S -Y -Z -s --offset-yellow 370 --offset-red 380 -K } log(){ ## creates a basic log entry $LOG must be defined # Use: log {entry} [ "$DEBUG" == "1" ] && set -x logger -i -t "$NAME" "$*" } md2pdf(){ ## covert markdown to pdf pandoc ${1%.md}.md -o ${1%.md}.html cat ${1%.md}.html |htmldoc --cont --headfootsize 8.0 --linkcolor blue --linkstyle plain --format pdf14 - > ${1%.md}.pdf && gio trash ${1%.md}.html } more(){ ## updated to set title bar # Use: more {file} xtitle "more $*" bat -p $* } mp(){ ## media player front end FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="--ansi " # Use: mp {optional file} [ "$1" == "-d" ] && cd ~/Downloads # jump to download directory [ -z $DISPLAY ] || WINDOW=$(xdotool getactivewindow 2>/dev/null) # get window ID clear if [ -f "$1" ] # if you give it a file run it, else display a list then CHOICE="$1" else if [ "$1" != "-n" ] # option for time sort in rev then xtitle "mp: $PWD {Time sort}" CHOICE=$(lm |fzf --ansi --reverse --color fg:-1,bg:-1,hl:46,fg+:40,bg+:233,hl+:46 --color prompt:166,border:46 --height 70% --border=sharp --prompt="➤ " --pointer="➤ " --marker="➤ ") else xtitle "mp: Name sort" CHOICE=$(lm|fzf --ansi --color fg:-1,bg:-1,hl:46,fg+:40,bg+:233,hl+:46 --color prompt:166,border:46 --height 70% --border=sharp --prompt="➤ " --pointer="➤ " --marker="➤ ") fi fi FILE=$(echo $CHOICEa| cut -d' ' -f3) if [ ! -z $FILE ] then if [ ! -z $DISPLAY ] then xtitle "$FILE" echo "Playing: $FILE" xdotool windowminimize $WINDOW xfconf-query --channel=xfwm4 --property=/general/use_compositing --type=bool --toggle spinit vlc --play-and-exit $FILE 1>&2 2>/dev/null xdotool windowactivate $WINDOW xfconf-query --channel=xfwm4 --property=/general/use_compositing --type=bool --toggle if [ -f $FILE -a "$(pwd)" == "/home/mitch/Downloads" ] then clear read -p "${BR}Remove:${BY} ${FILE}?${N} " -n 1 DEL [ "$DEL" == "y" ] && gio trash $FILE if [ -f $FILE ] then bl read -p "${BY}mv${N} $FILE to ~/Temp? " -n 1 MV [ "$MV" == "y" ] && mv $FILE ~/Temp fi fi if [ "$1" == "-n" ] then clear [[ $(\ls -A *.mp? 2>/dev/null) ]] && lm || echo "No files" else clear [[ $(\ls -A *.mp? 2>/dev/null) ]] && lm -t || echo "No files" fi else echo "$FILE not played, no DISPLAY" fi fi } rcf(){ ## random color foreground - changes each time its called # Use: echo "$(rcf) Some text" tput setaf $((RANDOM % 256)) } recover(){ ## vim recover from backup dir # Use: recover {no-options} OLDDIR=$(pwd) cd ~/.vim/backup CHOICE=$(ls |fzf -m --ansi --color fg:-1,bg:-1,hl:46,fg+:40,bg+:233,hl+:46 --color prompt:166,border:46 --height 70% --border=sharp --prompt="➤ " --pointer="➤ " --marker="➤ " --preview '(highlight -O ansi {} || bat -p {}) 2> /dev/null | head -500') cp ${CHOICE} ${OLDDIR} cd - } rs(){ ## restart shell with option to edit .bashrc # Use: rs (if anything is passed it will edit .bashrc file 1st) THEME="zenburn" # bat --list-themes if [ $# -gt 0 ] then vim ~/.bashrc sed -i -e "4s/.*/# Updated....: $(date)/" ~/.bashrc # bashrc log "Updated ~/.bashrc" bat --color=always --theme $THEME ~/.bashrc | aha -b -w -t "~/.bashrc" >/var/www/unix/bashrc.html cp ~/.bashrc /var/www/unix/bashrc cp ~/.bashrc /var/gopher/scripts/my.bashrc # vimrc - Added to make sure the Gopher and Web versions were up to date. sed -i -e "4s/.*/\" Updated....: $(date)/" ~/.vimrc bat --color=always --theme $THEME ~/.vimrc | aha -b -w -t "~/.vimrc" >/var/www/unix/vimrc.html cp ~/.vimrc /var/www/unix/vimrc cp ~/.vimrc /var/gopher/scripts/my.vimrc # conkyrc - Added to make sure the Gopher and Web versions were up to date. bat --color=always --theme $THEME ~/.conkyrc | aha -b -w -t "~/.conkyrc" >/var/www/unix/conkyrc.html cp ~/.conkyrc /var/www/unix/conkyrc cp ~/.conkyrc /var/gopher/scripts/my.conkyrc # Other config files - Added to make sure the Gopher and Web versions were up to date. cp ~/.newsboat/urls ~/.newsboat/urls.md bat --color=always --theme $THEME ~/.newsboat/urls.md | aha -b -w -t "~/.newsboat/urls" >/var/www/unix/urls.html cp ~/.newsboat/urls /var/www/unix/urls.txt cp ~/.newsboat/config /var/www/unix/config.txt log "Restart: $$" exec bash else log "Restart: $$" reset; exec bash fi } rss(){ ## quick rss url reader lynx -stdin <rss "$1"

$(rsstail --nofail --time-format '%r %m/%d/%Y' --initial 10 -e 1 --format '[{title}]({link}) {updated:>10} \n' "$1" |pandoc -t html) RSSEND } sconky(){ ## re-start conky # Use: sconky (if anything is passed it will edit config file 1st) pkill conky spinit sleep 3 nohup conky -d -c ~/.conkyrc >/dev/null 2>&1 } tasks(){ ## task list front end # Use: tasks {Optional text to add to task list} if [ "$#" -eq 0 ] then vim ~/etc/tasks.md else if [[ "$*" == *"http"* ]] then echo "$*" >>~/etc/tasks.md else echo "- [ ] $*" >>~/etc/tasks.md fi log "New task: $*" fi today } today(){ ## display today's tasks and stuff (see .vimrc for related settings) # Use: today {-c to edit calendar file} [ "$1" == "-c" ] && vim ~/.calendar/calendar && today clear center "⏰ ${BG}${UL}$(fclock)${N}" echo "$BC" cal -A 1 echo "$BY" calendar -f ~/.calendar/calendar -A 3 -w [ $(calendar -f ~/.calendar/calendar -A 3| wc -l ) -gt 0 ] && bl bl if [ $(grep -cE '^-' ~/etc/tasks.md) -gt 0 ] then echo "✅ ${BY}Tasks:${N}" cat ~/etc/tasks.md|grep -vE 'Enter:|http|https'>/tmp/$$.md bat -p /tmp/$$.md echo ${N} else quote fi if [ $(grep -cE 'http|https' ~/etc/tasks.md) -gt 0 ] then echo "🔗 ${BY}Links:${N}" echo -n "$UL" \grep -iE 'http|https' ~/etc/tasks.md echo ${N} fi } wi(){ ## watch it - Monitor downloads from 'get' or youtubedl, maily for nohup starts # Use: wi (no options) if [ -d ~/Downloads/dl ] # I sometimes create this to keep them separate then cd ~/Downloads/dl fi while : do clear echo "$BC $(date)$BY" [ ! -f get.txt ] && break ls -sh *part 2>/dev/null && xtitle "wi: $(ls -sh *part|cut -d' ' -f1)" [ -f nohup.out ] && tail -5 nohup.out && bl echo "$BR" spinit sleep 5 # display some fun while waiting done } ul(){ ## upload to other system scp "$@" mitch-laptop.home:~/Downloads echo ${BG} ssh -tt mitch-laptop "exa --icons ~/Downloads/" echo ${BY}; read -p "rm ${*} Y/n: " -n 1 z; echo $N; [ "$z" == "Y" ] && rm -v -I $@ || grc ls --color --group-directories-first -hlF } xtitle(){ ## set window title # Use: xtitle "Text to display" printf "\033]0;%s\007" "${*}🌀${HOSTNAME}" } # Ending # ====== clear if [ "$LOGNAME" == "mitch" ] then [ -f nohup.out ] && gio trash nohup.out ansiweather -l 5060162 -u imperial -s true neofetch quote SSH_CT=$(grep "$(date +"%b %d")" /var/log/auth.log | grep -cE 'reset|Unable|refused|Failed') if [ $SSH_CT -gt 0 ] then echo "${BR}SSH:${N} ${BY}$SSH_CT${N}";bl fi else log "Switching to root" echo "${BY}sudo: ${BR}switched to root$N" HISTFILE=/.root.hist # keeps it out of mine TMOUT=600 # Close terminal after 10 minutes of inactivity echo "Window timeout in: ${BY}$TMOUT seconds${N}" fi [ -f ~/.fzf.bash ] && source ~/.fzf.bash