#!/bin/bash # Title......: quote # Description: Random quote/tag line tool # Author.....: Mitchell Johnston - uid 0 # Contact....: mitch@crn.hopto.org # Updated....: Tue 19 Mar 2024 08:52:46 AM CDT #---------------------------------- : ' Changes Wed Mar 06 2024 Fixed underline in terminal mode Tue Feb 13 2024 Added a scroll emoji to default output Tue Feb 13 2024 Added version() ' # variables #---------------------------------- [ "$1" == "-D" ] && DEBUG=1 && shift 1 # -D to turn on debug mode PS4='$SECONDS $LINENO: ' # debug prompt QUOTES=/var/www/quotes.md # Found on site, change to your path NAME=${0##*/} # name of the script UL=$(tput smul) # turn underline on BR=$(tput setaf 1; tput bold) # bold red BY=$(tput setaf 3; tput bold) # bold yellow NL=$(tput rmul) # turn underline off N=$(tput sgr0) # normal ROWS=$(tput lines) COLS=$(tput cols) export GREP_COLOR='1;37;42' # functions #---------------------------------- bl(){ ## write a blank line # Use: bl [ "$DEBUG" == "1" ] && set -x echo "" } get(){ ## get random quote # skip 1st 5 lines, and blanks, return random line if [ "$1" = "-t" ] # display tags with -t then sed -n '/^Genesis/,$p' $QUOTES |grep -Ev "^#|^$|\["|grep -v "hr"|shuf -n 1 else sed -n '/^Genesis/,$p' $QUOTES |grep -Ev "^#|^$|\["|grep -v "hr"|shuf -n 1 |strip-tags fi } html(){ ## mark up code vim -f +"syn on" +"set nonu" +"set foldenable!" +"set nospell" +"run! syntax/2html.vim" +"wq" +"q" $1 } log(){ ## creates a basic log entry $LOG must be defined # Use: log {entry} [ "$DEBUG" == "1" ] && set -x logger -i -t "$NAME" "$*" } pause(){ ## simple pause routine # Use: pause {optional number of seconds} or "-nt" for no time out [ "$DEBUG" == "1" ] && set -x [ "$1" == "-nt" ] && TMOUT="" && shift echo "$BY"; if [ $# -gt 0 ] then read -t $1 -r -p "${C}Hit any key (${BY}$1${C} second timeout)${N}" -n 1 FOO; else read -r -p "${C}Hit any key${N}" -n 1 FOO; fi; bl } strip-tags(){ ## remove HTML tags # Use: curl https://linuxhint.com/bash_cut_command/ --silent | strip-tags sed -e 's/<[^>]*.//g' - } term-tags(){ ## convert HTML output to terminal colors ;) sed -e s/\`/$BY/1 -e s/\`/$N/1 -e s/\/$UL/g -e s#\#$N#g -e s/\/$BR/g -e s#\#$N#g -e s/\//g - } version(){ ## display version and change history grep -E '^# Updated' $0 bl sed -n "/' Changes/,/^ *$/p" <$0 |grep -E -v 'sed -n|exit 0|}' exit 0 } # setup #---------------------------------- # this provides a quick way to edit all my scripts on the fly if [ "$1" == "-E" ] then vim $0 sed -i -e "7s/.*/# Updated....: $(date)/" $0 log "Updated $0" html $0 cp $0 /var/www/unix mv $0.html /var/www/unix cp $0 /var/gopher/scripts exit fi # display help if needed if [ "$1" == "-h" ] || [ "$1" == "--help" ] then fmt -s -w $(tput cols) </dev/null || sudo apt install cowsay -yyq command -v bat >/dev/null || sudo apt install bat -yyq command -v boxes >/dev/null || sudo apt install boxes -yyq command -v nms >/dev/null || echo "Install nms from https://github.com/bartobri/no-more-secrets" command -v kjv >/dev/null || echo "Install kjv from https://github.com/bontibon/kjv.git" # main #--------------------------- [ "$DEBUG" == "1" ] && set -x if [ "$1" == "-r" ] then OPT=$(( RANDOM % 3 )) clear else OPT=$1 fi case $OPT in -e) # edit vi $QUOTES sed -i -e 's/\# vim:.*/Updated: $(date)/' /var/www/quotes.md cd /var/www site -c quotes cd - cp $QUOTES /var/gopher/scripts/quotes.txt exec "$NAME" ;; -c|0) # cowsay get| cowsay -W 63 -f $(cowsay -l|grep -v files|tr ' ' '\n' |shuf -n 1) ;; -b|1) # boxes get |fmt -w 63|boxes -d "$(shuf -n1 ~/etc/boxes-full.txt)" ;; -g) # Gopher format get | fmt -w 40;echo " " ;; -j) # json sed -n '6~1p' $QUOTES |strip-tags>/tmp/$$ echo '{ "quotes": [ ' >quotes.json while read line do if [ $(echo $line |grep -c -E '^[0-9]') -eq 1 ] then REF="$(echo $line|cut -d' ' -f1-3)" TEXT="$(echo $line|cut -d' ' -f4-)" else REF="$(echo $line|cut -d' ' -f1-2)" TEXT="$(echo $line|cut -d' ' -f3-)" fi echo "{ \"quote\": \"$TEXT\", \"author\": \"$REF\" }," >>quotes.json done < /tmp/$$ echo ' ] }' >>quotes.json rm /tmp/$$ ;; -n|2) # no more secrets version get|nms -saf "$(shuf -e green white yellow cyan -n 1)" echo " ";tput cup $ROWS $[$COLS/2];spinit sleep 15; ;; -p) # paste version, no wrap or color get ;; -t) # topic search sed -n '/^Adultery/,$p' $0|grep -A 2 --color -E -i "^$2" ;; -T) # topic display sed -n '/^Adultery/,$p' $0|egrep -v [0-9]|column ;; -w) # web i.e. markdown get -t>/tmp/$$ [ $(grep -c -E '^[0-9]' /tmp/$$) -eq 1 ] && echo "\`$(cat /tmp/$$| sed 's/ /` /3')" [ $(grep -c -E '^[0-9]' /tmp/$$) -eq 0 ] && echo "\`$(cat /tmp/$$| sed 's/ /` /2')" ;; *) # default echo -n "📜 " if [ "$#" -eq 0 ] then get -t>/tmp/$$ [ $(grep -c -E '^[0-9]' /tmp/$$) -eq 1 ] && echo "\`$(cat /tmp/$$| sed 's/ /` /3')" |term-tags | fmt -w "$(tput cols)" [ $(grep -c -E '^[0-9]' /tmp/$$) -eq 0 ] && echo "\`$(cat /tmp/$$| sed 's/ /` /2')" |term-tags | fmt -w "$(tput cols)" rm /tmp/$$ else if [ $(sed G <$QUOTES| grep -c -i "$1" -) -gt 0 ] then echo " ${BG}${UL}Results:${N} " sed G <$QUOTES|term-tags| tr -d '\\'|grep -i -C 1 --color=always "$1" - |egrep -v '^$' else if [ $(echo "$1" |egrep -c '[a-zA-Z]*:[0-9]') -gt 0 ] then read -t 3 -n 1 -p "Full search (y/n): " ANS [ "$ANS" == "y" ] && kjv /$1 fi fi fi ;; esac bl exit ## Topics Adultery Exo. 20:14; Lev. 20:10; Pro. 6:32; Mat. 5:27-28; 19:9; Mark 10:11-12; Gal. 5:19-21 Adversity I Pet. 5:8; Pro. 24:10; Mat. 5:25; Psa. 31:7-9; Isa. 54:17; Heb. 13:6; Luke 18:7 Agnostic Hos. 4:1, 6; Acts 17:22-23; I John 5; Isa. 5:13; Jer. 4:22; Pro. 2:1-5; I Cor. 1:21 Angels Heb. 1:4; Psa. 8:5; 68:17; Mat. 25:41; 26:53; Mark 1:13; Rev. 12:7-9 Anger Eph. 4:31; James 1:19-20; Pro. 15:1; 16:32; Ecc. 7:9; Psa. 37:8; Col. 3:8 Antichrist 2 The. 2:3-4; Dan. 7:23-28; 8:23-25; Rev. 13:1-18; 14:9-11; 17:8-18; 19:19-20 Apostasy II The. 2:3; Luke 8:13; 18:8; II Tim. 3:1-7; I Tim. 4:1-3; II Pet. 3:3-7; Rev. 13:3-4 Armageddon Rev. 16:13-16; 19:17-21; Judges. 5:19-20; Zec. 12:11-14; 14:2-3; Joel 3:9-16; Zep. 3:8-9 Ashamed of Jesus Mark 8:38; Rom. 1:16; 10:11; Psa. 25:2-3; Psa. 119:6; 119:80; II Tim. 1:7-8 Atheism Psa. 14:1; Gen. 1:1; Rom. 1:19-28; Psa. 19:1-6; Psa. 10:4; Eph. 2:12; Job 22:17 Baptism Mat. 28:18-20; Acts 8:12-13, 37-38; Mat. 3:13-17; 9:18; 16:33; I Cor. 1:13-17 Baptism of the Holy Ghost Mat. 3:11-12; Acts 1:5; I Cor. 12:13; Eph. 4:5; Gal. 3:27; Rom. 6:3-4; Mat. 20:22-23 Belief James 2:19; John 3:36; 5:24; Acts 16:30-31; Rom. 4:5; 10:9-10; I John. 5:10-13 Bible Preaching II Tim. 4:2; Rom. 10:14-15; Acts 8:35; I Cor. 1:17-23; Mat. 4:17; Psa. 40:9; Isa. 61:1-3 Bible Reading Josh. 1:8; 8:34-35; Neh. 8:8; Job 23:12; Psa. 119:130; Pro. 2:1; Rev. 1:3 Bible Study II Tim. 2:15; Joh. 5:39; Acts 17:11; Isa. 8:20; II Tim. 3:15-17; I Pet. 1:10-11; Hos. 4:6 Bible Teaching 1 John 2:27; Mat. 7:29; 28:19-20; I Tim. 3:2; II Tim. 2:2; I Sam. 12:23; Deu. 6:6-7 Blood Atonement Lev. 17:11; I John. 1:7; Acts 20:28; Heb. 9:11-22; Rom. 5:8-9; Col. 1:14; Rev. 1:5 Born-Again John. 3:1-8; I Pet. 1:23; II Cor. 5:17; Psa. 22:30-31; John. 1:12-13; I John. 3:1-2; 5:4 Capital Punishment Gen. 9:6; Exo. 21:12; Lev. 24:17; Num. 35:16- 21; Rom. 13:1-5; Acts 25:11; Rev. 13:10 Chastisement Rev. 3:19; Heb. 12:4-11; Deu. 8:5; Pro. 13:24; 19:18; I Cor. 11:30-32; Psa. 94:12 Children Mark 10:14; Psa. 127:3-5; Pro. 17:6; 31:28; Deu. 1:39; Luke 2:52; Gen. 1:28 Childrens Responsibilities Eph. 6:1-3; Exo. 20:12; Pro. 1:10; 6:20; 23:22; 23:26; Col. 3:20 Church Attendance Heb. 10:25; Acts 20:7; Mat. 18:20; Jude 17-19; Psa. 122:1; 27:4; 73:16-17 Compassion Jude 1:22; I Pet. 3:8-9; Luke 15:20; Mat. 14:14; Psa. 78:38; 86:15; Lam. 3:32 Confession Pro. 28:13; I John. 1:9; Psa. 32:5; 51:1-19; Mat. 10:32-33; Rom. 10:9; 14:11 Conscience John. 8:9; Acts 24:16; Rom. 2:15-16; I Cor. 8:12; Tit. 1:15; I Tim. 4:2; Heb. 9:14 Contentment Philip. 4:11; I Tim. 6:6-8; Luke 3:14; Heb. 13:5; Pro. 23:17-18; Gen. 33:9; Pro. 27:23-27 Courage II Sam. 10:12; Psa. 27:14; 31:24; Philip. 4:13; Josh. 1:9; Deu. 31:6; II Chr. 15:8 Covetousness Exo. 20:17; Psa. 119:36; Pro. 28:16; Mark 7:21- 22; Luke 12:15; Col. 3:5; Eph. 5:3 Creation Gen. 1:1; Col. 1:16-18; John. 1:1-3; Heb. 1:1-3; Rom. 1:19-20; Mark 10:6; 13:19 Cursing Psa. 10:7; 109:17-18; Pro. 29:24; Rom. 3:14; Tit. 2:7-8; Heb. 6:8; Mat. 12:36-37 Death Heb. 9:27; James 1:15; Rom. 6:23; Gen. 2:17; Psa. 23:4; Rev. 21:4; I Cor. 15:55 Deity of Jesus Christ I John 5:7; John 1:1-3, 14; 8:58; 10:30; Zec. 12:10; Mat. 1:23; Col. 1:13-18 Dispensations Eph. 3:2; 1:10; Col. 1:25; I Cor. 9:17; II Tim. 2:15; Luke 16:16; Heb. 8:8-13 Divorce Mat. 5:31-32; 19:3-9; Mark 10:1-12; Mal. 2:16; Rom. 7:1-3; Luke 16:18; I Cor. 7:1-15 Doctrine II Tim. 3:16; 4:2-3; Tit. 1:9; 2:1; I Tim. 4:13; Pro. 4:2; Isa. 28:9-13 Drinking Lev. 10:9; Pro. 20:1; 23:29-35; 31:4-7; Hab. 2:15; Eph. 5:18; Isa. 5:11 Enemies Mat. 5:43-44; Psa. 18; Mic. 7:8; Rom. 12:20; 5:10; James 4:4; I Cor. 15:26 Eternal Life John. 3:16; 5:24; 10:28; 11:26; Tit. 1:2; I John 5:11-13; Rom. 6:23 Eternal Security John. 10:28-29; 6:37; Rom. 8:38-39; Heb. 13:5; Eph. 4:30; Philip. 1:6; Psa. 89:20-37 Faith Heb. 11; Rom. 10:17; 14:23; Luke 17:6; II Cor. 5:7; Rom. 4:5; Eph. 2:8-9 False Prophets Mat. 7:15-20; 24:11, 24; II Pet. 2:1; I John. 4:1; Deu. 18:20-22; Rom. 16:17-18; Rev. 19:20 Fasting Isa. 58; Mat. 6:16-18; Jonah 3:5-10; Luke 5:33- 35; II Cor. 6:5; II Cor. 11:27; Mat. 17:21 Faults James 5:16; Gal. 6:1-2; John 19:4-6; Mat. 18:15- 17; Dan. 6:4; Psa. 19:12; Gen. 41:9 Fear of Man Pro. 3:24-25; 29:25; Psa. 118:6; 56:4; 3:6; Mat. 10:28; Heb. 13:6 Fear of God Deu. 5:29; Pro. 15:16; Ecc. 12:13; Rom. 3:18; Psa. 111:10; Jer. 10:7; Rev. 15:4 Firmament Genesis 1:6; Genesis 1:14; Job 9:8; Psalms 19:1; Psalms 102:25; Psalms 104:2; Isaiah 44:24; Isaiah 45:12; Flat Earth Is. 40:22; Mat. 4:8; Joshua 10:13; Isaiah 48:13; Jeremiah 10:12; Joshua 10:13; 1 Chronicles 16:30; Psalms 93:1; Psalms 104:5 Foolishness Psa. 69:5; 107:17; Pro. 1:7; 22:15; 24:9; Mark 7:21-23; Rom. 1:22 Forgiveness Psa. 86:5; Mat. 18:21-22; Mark 11:25-26; Luke 17:3-4; 23:34; Col. 3:13; I John. 1:9 Fornication Acts 15:20, 29; I Cor. 6:13-20; I Ths. 4:3; Col. 3:5; Eph. 5:3; I Cor. 7:2; Rev. 9:21 Fruitfulness Pro. 12:12; Psa. 1:3; Mat. 3:10; 7:16-20; Rom. 7:4; Gal. 5:22; Col. 3:10 Gentleness Gal. 5:22; I Ths. 2:7; II Tim. 2:24; II Cor. 10:1; Tit. 3:2; James 3:17; Psa. 18:35 Globalism Zep. 3:8-9; Mat. 13:40-42; Rev. 13:3, 16-18; 12:9; 16:14; Mic. 4:11-13; Pro. 11:21 Gospel I Cor. 15:1-4; Rom. 1:16; 10:15; I Cor. 1:17; Eph. 6:15; Gal. 1:8; II Cor. 11:4 Gossip I Tim. 5:13; Mat. 12:36-37; Tit. 2:8; Col. 4:6; Psa. 64:1-10; Pro. 16:27; James 3:1-18 Grace Gen. 6:8; Psa. 84:11; John. 1:14; Act. 15:11; Rom. 6:14-18; 11:5-6; Eph. 2:8-9 Great Tribulation Rev. 7:14; 6:1-19:21; Dan. 9:27; Mat. 24:15-21; Deu. 4:30; Jer. 30:7; I Ths. 5:9 Guilt Rom. 1:20; 3:19, 23; Mat. 11:28-29; I John. 1:9; Psa. 32:5; Psa. 51 Hate Deu. 5:9; Psa. 34:21; 97:10; 119:104; Pro. 6:16- 19; 8:13; Rev. 2:6 Heaven Mat. 5:34; Isa. 66:1; Col. 3:2; Mat. 6:20-21; Eph. 3:15; II Cor. 12:1-4; Rev. 13:6 Hell Luke 16:23; Mat. 5:22; Psa. 9:17; II Pet. 2:4; Rev. 20:13-15; Mark 9:42-48; Deu. 32:22 Heresy I Cor. 11:19; Tit. 3:10; Mat. 7:15; Gal. 5:20; II Pet. 2:1; Acts 20:29; Rom. 16:17-18 Holy Ghost Eph. 4:30; John 14:16-26; 15:26; 16:13; Rom. 14:17; Heb. 9:14; II Cor. 1:22 Homosexuality Lev. 18:22; 20:13; Rom. 1:21-32; I Cor. 6:9; Jgs. 19:22-23; Gen. 19:5-7; Deu. 23:17 Honesty Rom. 12:17; Acts 6:3; II Cor. 8:21; Philip. 4:8; I Pet. 2:12; Heb. 13:18; I Ths. 4:12 Humility Rom. 12:3; Mat. 18:3; James 4:6, 10; I Pet. 5:6; Col. 3:12; Pro. 15:33; 22:4 Hypocrisy Job 25:4-5; Mat. 6:5, 16; 7:4-5; Mat. 23; Mark 7:6; Job 13:16; I Tim. 4:2 Idolatry Lev. 19:4; Psa. 115:4-8; Ezk. 14:1-9; I Cor. 10:14; Gal. 5:19-21; I Sam. 15:23; Col. 3:5 Imputed Righteousness Rom. 4:5-8; Psa. 32:1-2; Mic. 6:5 with Num. 23:21-24; II Cor. 5:21; Rom. 5:18-19; Philip. 3:9 Inspiration of Scripture II Tim. 3:16-17; II Pet. 1:19-21; Heb. 4:12; II Sam. 23:2; Acts 28:25; I Ths. 2:13; Luke 1:70 Israel Gen. 32:28; Isa. 46:13; 48:12; Rom. 11:25-28; Isa. 43:1-7; Acts 15:16-17; Isa. 11:11-12 Joy Neh. 8:10; Psa. 51:12; 126:5; John 15:11; I Ths. 2:19-20; Psa. 28:7; Philip. 4:4 Judging Mat. 7:1-5; John 7:24; I Cor. 2:15; Mal. 3:18; I Ths. 5:21; I John 4:1; Pro. 21:3 Judgment (Final) Rev. 20:11-15; Rom. 2:16; Acts 17:31; Dan. 7:9- 10; Ecc. 12:14; Mat. 12:36; I Cor. 6:3 Judgment Seat of Christ Rom. 14:10; II Cor. 5:10; John 5:22; I Cor. 3:11- 15; II John 1:8; II Tim. 4:8; Mat. 10:42 Justification Job 25:4; Acts 13:39; Rom. 3:24-28; 5:1-9; 8:30; Gal. 2:16; I Cor. 6:11 Kindness Eph. 2:7; Col. 3:12; II Pet. 1:5-7; Eph. 4:32; Pro. 31:26; Psa. 141:5; Rom. 12:10 Laziness II Ths. 3:10-12; Pro. 20:13; 24:30-24; 10:4-5; 28:19; Eph. 4:28; Rom. 12:11 Longsuffering II Pet. 3:9; Exo. 34:6; Psa. 86:15; Gal. 5:22; Eph. 4:1-2; I Tim. 1:16; II Tim. 4:2 Lonliness Heb. 13:5; Isa. 41:10; John 14:16-18; Psa. 40:17; Rom. 11:2-4; Psa. 23:4; Mat. 28:20 Lords-Supper Mat. 26:26-29; Mark 14:22-25; Luke 22:19-20; I Cor. 10:21; 11:23-26; Deu. 10:9-11; Deu. 32:32-33 Love Mat. 22:37-39; Exo. 20:6; Psa. 31:23; II John 1:5-6; I John 4:19-20; Mat. 5:44; Eph. 5:25 Lust I John 2:16-17; James 1:14-15; Gal. 5:16; Mat. 5:28; Psa. 81:12-13; Rom. 7:7; I Ths. 4:4-5; Lying Exo. 20:16; Num. 23:19; Mal. 3:5; Pro. 6:16-19; 19:5; Rev. 2:2; 21:8 Mark of the Beast Rev. 13:16-18; 14:9-11; 15:2; 16:2; 19:20; 20:4; Lev. 19:28 Mary Worship (goddess) John 2:5; Exo. 20:3-6; Jgs. 10:6; I Sam. 7:3-4; 12:10; I Kgs. 11:5; Jer. 44:16-25 Mass Gen. 9:4; Lev. 17:11-14; Acts 15:29; Psa. 16:4; Deu. 32:32-33; John 6:63; Heb. 10:10-12 Meekness Isa. 11:4; I Pet. 3:4; 3:15; Psa. 147:6; James 1:21; 3:13; Gal. 5:22-23 Mercy Tit. 3:5; Eph. 2:4; Mat. 5:7; James 3:17; Heb. 4:16; Psa. 136:1-26; 89:14 Millennial Kingdom Rev. 20:1-6; Dan. 7:13-14; Isa. 9:6-7; Acts 1:6-7; Dan. 2:44; Isa. 2:1-4; Rev. 5:10 Missions Luke 10:1-2; John 20:21; Mat. 28:18-20; Rom. 10:13-15; Acts 9:15; 13:2-3; Isa. 61:1 Money I Tim. 6:10, 17; Luke 18:24; 16:11; Pro. 11:4; Psa. 37:16; 62:10 Music Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16; Psa. 150; Rev. 5:8-10; I Chr. 23:5; Psa. 100:2; Psa. 96:1-2 New Jerusalem John 14:1-3; Rev. 21-22; Psa. 46:4; 48:2; Heb. 11:16; 12:22; Gal. 4:26 Obedience I Sam. 15:22; Acts 5:29; Deut. 5:29; 11:26-28; James 1:22; Psa. 18:44; Luke 6:46 Old Age Lev. 19:32; Pro. 16:31; Psa. 71:9-18; 92:13-15; Eph. 6:1-3; I Tim. 5:1-2; Isa. 46:4 Parents Pro. 22:6; Deu. 11:19; Gen. 18:19; Eph. 6:4; Pro. 29:17; 22:15; 29:15 Patience Rom. 5:3-4; James 1:2-4; Psa. 27:14; 37:7-10; 40:1; Gal. 6:9; Pro. 20:22 Peace Isa. 57:21; I Ths. 5:3; Rom. 3:17; 4:5; 5:1; 14:17; Philip. 4:7 Persecution II Tim. 3:12; Rom. 12:14; Mat. 5:44; John 15:20; II Cor. 2:17-18; James 5:10-11; Jer. 17:18 Praise Heb. 13:15; Deu. 10:21; Psa. 9:1-2; 35:18; 150; I Pet. 2:9; Rev. 19:5 Prayer I Ths. 5:17; Luke 18:1-8; I Tim. 2:8; Mat. 21:22; II Chr. 7:14; Eph. 6:18; Psa. 66:18 Preservation of Scripture Psa. 12:6-7; 119:89; 119:152; 119:160; Mat. 24:35; I Pet. 1:23-25; Ecc. 3:14 Pride Pro. 6:17; 8:13; 16:18-19; 29:23; James 4:6; II Tim. 3:2; Mark 7:21-23 Providenve Philip. 4:19; Mat. 6:30-33; II Cor. 9:8-10; Psa. 23; I Chr. 29:12; Psa. 78:19-22; I Tim. 5:8 Rapture I Cor. 15:51-52; I Ths. 4:13-18; John 14:1-3; 11:23-25; I Ths. 1:10; Song. 2:8-10; Rev. 4:1 Redemption Psa. 71:23; Job 19:25; Rom. 3:24; I Pet. 1:18; Col. 1:14; Gal. 3:13; Rom. 8:23 Regeneration Tit. 3:5; John 3:6-8; I John 3:9; Gal. 6:15; II Cor. 5:17; Col. 3:10; Ezk. 11:19 Repentance Acts 17:30-31; Luke 13:3; II Cor. 7:9-10; Mat. 3:8; Acts 26:20; Psa. 51; Mark 9:13 Righteousness Mat. 5:6; Rom. 4:4-8; 14:17; Eph. 6:14; I Pet. 2:24; Rom. 5:19; Pro. 14:34 Resurrection Mat. 28:6-7; Job. 19:25-26; Rev. 20:6; I Cor. 15; John 5:28-29; Isa. 26:17; Mat. 22:23-30 Sacrifice Rom. 12:1-3; Psa. 107:22; I Pet. 2:5; Psa. 51:17; Mark 12:33; Heb. 13:15-16; 10:12 Salvation Luke 19:10; I Tim. 1:15; Heb. 7:25; Rom. 10:9- 13; Eph. 2:8-9; John 12:47; Acts 16:30-31 Sanctification John 17:17; I Cor. 6:11; I Ths. 4:4; 5:23; Heb. 2:11; 10:10-14; 13:12 Satan Isa. 14:12-15; Ezk. 28:13-19; I Pet. 5:8; Rev. 12:9; II Cor. 4:4; James 4:7; Rev. 20:20 Second Coming Rev. 19:11-21; 1:7; 6:14-17; Jude 14; Mat. 24:19-35; Acts 1:11; Tit. 2:13 Self Denial Luke 9:23; Tit. 2:12; Rom. 1:8-13; 15:1; Acts 20:24; Mark 8:35; Rev. 12:11 Sickness II Cor. 12:7-10; Psa. 103:3; Jer. 17:14; Isa. 58:1- 8; James 5:14-15; Exo. 23:25; Mat. 25:36-46 Signs and Wonders II Cor. 12:12; Heb. 2:3-4; Mat. 12:38-39; I Cor. 1:22; II Ths. 2:8-11; Rev. 13:13-14; II Cor. 11:13-15 Sin I John 3:4; Rom. 6:12-18; 7:7-25; 14:23; Gen. 4:7; Eph. 4:26; James 4:17 Sinners Rom. 3:23; Gal. 3:22; Ecc. 7:20; Rom. 5:8; Mat. 9:13; Luke 18:13; I Tim. 1:15 Smoking I Cor. 10:31; I Ths. 5:22; Pro. 16:27; II Cor. 6:17; Rom. 14:21; I Cor. 6:19-20; Rom. 12:1 Stealing Exo. 20:15; Lev. 19:11; Eph. 4:28; I Cor. 6:9-10; I Ths. 4:6; I Pet. 4:15; Jer. 23:30 Stewardship Luke 12:42; 16:1-12; I Cor. 4:1-2; Mat. 25:14-30; 18:23-34; Rom. 14:11-12; I Pet. 4:10 Street Preaching Acts 20:20; Jer. 11:6; Luke. 10:10; 14:21-23; Heb. 13:11-14; Acts 18:28; Luke 8:1-8 Success John 10:10; Jsh. 1:8; Pro. 22:1; Psa. 1:1-3; Deu. 29:9; III John 1:2; Ecc. 7:14 Suffering II Tim. 3:12; Rom. 8:18; II Cor. 4:17; I Pet. 2:19- 21; I Pet. 4:13-19; James 5:10; Psa. 119:71 Temptation Pro. 1:10; Jas. 1:12-14; I Cor. 10:13; Mat. 26:41; 4:1-11; Heb. 2:18; 4:15-16 Thoughts Gen. 6:5; Psa. 10:4; 94:11; Pro. 16:3; Isa. 55:8- 9; II Cor. 10:5; Heb. 4:12 Tongue James 3:1-18; Psa. 39:1; 141:3; Pro. 10:20; 18:21; 21:23; Mat. 12:36-37 Tongues (speaking in) Gen. 11:1-8; I Cor. 13:1; 13:8; Acts 19:6; 2:4-12; I Cor 14; Mark 16:17 Tithing Gen. 14:20; 28:22; Lev. 27:30-32; Num. 18:21- 28; Deu. 14:22; II Cor. 9:7; Luke 6:38 Trinity I John 5:7; Mat. 28:19; II Cor. 13:14; Mat. 3:13- 17; Gen. 1:26; 11:7; Rom. 1:20 Unclean Spirits Mark 5:12-13; Mat. 8:16; Luke 8:26-35; Mark 9:18-22; Mat. 9:32-33; I Tim. 4:1; Eph. 6:12 Virgin Birth Gen. 3:15; Isa. 7:14; Mat. 1:22-25; Jer. 31:22; Luke 1:34-35; Mat. 2:11; Luke 1:26-27 Wisdom Pro. 3:13; 4:7; 8:11; Psa. 111:10; James 1:5; Job 38:12-28; Mat. 10:16 Witnessing Acts 1:8; Rom. 10:11; Pro. 11:30; John 15:27; Mat. 28:19-20; Acts 5:32; 13:31 Word of God Heb. 4:12; Psa. 119:89; Luke 4:4; II Tim. 3:16- 17; John 17:17; Pro. 30:5; Psa. 119:11 Works Tit. 3:5; Eph. 2:8-9; Rom. 4:5; 11:6; Gal. 2:16; II Tim. 1:9; Isa. 64:6 Worry John 14:1-3; Psa. 37:1-8; Pro. 24:19; John 14:27; Isa. 26:3; Luke 12:22-31; Philip. 4:6-7 Worship John 4:24; Exo. 34:14; Psa. 29:2; Mat. 4:10; Philip. 3:3; Psa. 95:6; 22:27 Youth Psa. 119:9; Ecc. 11:9; 12:1; Tit. 2:4-8; Psa. 148:12-13; I Pet. 5;5; Lam. 3:27 Zeal Tit. 2:14; Rev. 3:19; Rom. 10:2; II Cor. 7:11; 9:2; Gal. 1:14; II Kgs. 10:16