### Sun Oct 20 2019 #### Blog entry: Christian Minimalism ##### What is minimalism? I have seen many definitions and I believe it is a very personal thing. With this said, this is what it means to me: - Owning less possessions (`Mat 6:21`) - Focussing on more on "doing" and less on "owning" (`Prov 3:5-6`) - Simplifying your life to focus on what you feel is the most important (`1 Thes 4:11`) For the Christian, it lets you focus more on God and also rely more on Him. *`Rom13:8` Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.* ##### Less possessions I got started with minimalism from watching a video on the "100 thing challenge". The idea is to own 100 or less items. The details are up to you as you set the rules. For example my Laptop I personally would count as one item, even though it also includes power cord, mouse, and case. But the basic concept is to cut down on all of the things you own and focus on just what is truly needed and what brings you the most happiness. This will be different for each person. It is not a one size fit all kind of thing. *"The more you own, the more it owns you"* I once read a book called [Your Money or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence](https://www.amazon.com/Your-Money-Life-Transforming-Relationship/dp/0143115766/ref=sr_1_3?crid=21CT37F6A3S4N&keywords=voluntary+simplicity&qid=1571591612&sprefix=voluntry+%2Caps%2C253&sr=8-3). In it the authors talked about an interesting survey that was done. A thousand people where asked how much money they made, and how happy they where. Then they were asked how much more it would take to make a real positive impact on their lives. Keep in mind the people asked were low wage workers on up to six figures. They all rated themselves at about the same level of happiness and all said that from 1.5 to 2 times the current pay would make them really happy. It is not the money. I started life out very poor, and worked my way up to home ownership, and six figures. It did not make me happy; in fact it added to my responsibility. I would say loosing my job, and my house was a step in the right direction. I now work for very little, and rent an apartment. I do not want to go back, not one bit. ##### One approach One way of trying to decide what to keep and what to remove would be to take a pad of paper and make a simple list. Pretend that you had a hurricane coming and only had a small car. Now write down everything you need, and everything you that brings you daily happiness. The basics (as I see it): - Clothes, one weeks worth - Toiletries - Medicines and supplements - Bible - Cell phone and laptop ##### Are you ready? No ask yourself this; if something was to really happen (weather based, train wrack, some sort of disaster), how quickly could you gather your 'requirements' and get out of doge? Perhaps you should organize them in such a way to make it a no brainier. Have a pack or duffel bag ready and keep a few days of non-perishable food in it along with one month supply of medicine and supplements. That way if you had to you could just load cloths. This will help you be more prepared for travel, and adversity. So you are not only working on simplifying your life, you are also taking responsibility for yourself instead of outsourcing it to others. (`Prov 6:6-8`) ##### Conclusion The Lord Jesus Christ calls us out of this world and to build a treasure above. Minimalism is just one more part of the puzzle. You will find less stress, more free time, and more available money to carry out His will. Mitch - *Colossians 2:16-17 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.*