Subj : Fish Tank Web Cams To : Philip Brown From : Heike Tschernich Date : Thu Jun 22 2006 07:55 am Hallo Philip! PB>Wanted to start a new thread. Anyone with aquarium's at home or work PB>with web cameras pointed to them? At work??? That would be nice, can I work there? PB>My wife and I do, it's a 10 gallon tank with 3 gold fish and we have a PB>web cam pointed to it all day and evening. We turn the light off at PB>night and they like the camera, seems always near the camera. PB>They are getting big, you open the lid and they come running. PB>We have a web cam and you can find it at PB> or going to PB> and click the link on the right side. PB>We enjoy it and thought you might too. Oh, me fishes can become a filmstar, yes that is nice. And then on the sceen so I dont't need an *.crs :-) This is my point of view. Mit Gren von :-) Heike --- CrossPoint v3.11 R * Origin: eibia (2:2487/9504.23) .