Subj : SNAILS! To : Kevin Nunn From : Heike Tschernich Date : Sun Oct 29 2006 07:26 pm Hallo Kevin! [...] KN>So anyway, I figure the snail piggybacked in with the Plecos and maybe KN>the shrimp, but it just really surprised me that they just all of a KN>sudden showed up and in good numbers. They must have an active sex life. Well, as far as I know, every snail has both sex, so you get after a while a number of little snails from each snail and so on and so on. I use some times a pice oh metall (spoon) and squese them so the fish can eat them. Or you get a tutle, they do like to eat snails so that was my little english exercise :) This is my point of view. Mit Gren von :-) Heike --- CrossPoint v3.11 R * Origin: eibia (2:2487/9504.23) .