Subj : Update, Aquarium To : All From : Carol Shenkenberger Date : Sun Apr 20 2008 04:40 pm It's now all filled with such as i can do. It's at the very beginning cycle where you get some bubbles on top of clear water. With a tank of this size, cycling takes a month or more and may never happen without proper starter stuff or a few fish. Since I cant get the really good stuff (has to be refridgerated, not carried here), I will have to fish cycle. Before anyone screams at me , in a tank of ths size, you can do this carefully without undue fish stress. While I hate this stage, it's something I've done through various moves and such, some 20 times among my various tanks. It's easy with a bit of patience. I will start with 4 small fish, about 1-2 inches each. Keep in mind with a 70 gallon tank, this isnt much. I can easily go 6 and might. I have no perused my book and am ready to cautiously start a community tank. I've normally done mostly species tanks so this will be interesting! I will not be starting with a goldfish as m normal tanks were, because I don't want to have goldfish limits again. (They mix well with few others because they pee alot and most other fish can't handle what they do to a tank's water). Pending if I can find them, my start will be 4 zebra danios and possibly 1 or 2 small catfish of the types that grow to 4 inches max. Looking at pygmy cory, emerald, or bearded cory. If I can't find the danios I want, the scissortail rasbora or black molly may do. Expanding later, once all is cycled (about 3 weeks to a month later), I am looking at several fish and mostly ones that do not need a heater. It wsnt clear is a discus really needed one but it seems an easy fish. Mollys say they need a heater but i know from experience they do not. A Krib would only need one in winter here. Discus- Cichlid- middle Arulius Barb- Barb- middle upper Blue Panchax- Killifish- upper Kuhlii Loach- Loaches and Sharks- lower Danio- all over Catfish- lower Mollie- depends but upper and middle I do want a few live bearers in there so Mollies of some sort will get added. They dont overpopulate a tank like guppies will. Aiming for no fish over 6 inches due to the tank being a 70g Tall (meaning it's less deep). Have more need for middle and upper layer fish. Think it will work? Availability of the fish will make for some changes. xxcarol --- SBBSecho 2.12-Win32 * Origin: SHENKS EXPRESS TELNET://SHENKS.SYNCHRO.NET (1:275/100) .