Subj : The Mystery Almost Solved To : Jeff Snyder From : mark lewis Date : Tue May 05 2009 06:38 pm JS> Plecos...oh gosh! I am glad that you are getting a dwarf, because JS> the regular ones can be real nightmares, and terrors, once they get JS> big. Not only can they become aggressive, but for the aquarist, JS> with that armored skin of theirs, they can be a real danger if they JS> swipe you one. I never really cared for plecos for that reason. JS> They are ugly and prehistoric looking. :) my largest pleco got to 20 inches in my 30Gal tank before i traded him for some other fish... he used to eat right out of my hand and loved for me to rub his back and scratch his belly... used to even come up out of the tank several inches to say "hi! feed me!" one of the coolest fish i had ever had... second only to my albino oscar that reached 3 pounds before he died of a bladder infection while i was away for a month or so... )\/(ark * Origin: (1:3634/12) .