Subj : Bully Boy And The New Fry To : All From : Jeff Snyder Date : Thu Jun 18 2009 11:04 am Well, I don't know what happened with that last post I made, but it was all messed up -- at least on my BBS -- so I have just deleted it, and am going to post it again. Here it is: Yesterday, June 17th, was a very interesting day here in "Malawi Cichlidland". As I mentioned in a previous post, due to extreme aggression by the dominant male, I removed two other male Melanochromis Cyaneorhabdos from the main tank. This left the dominant male, as well as the "surprise female" -- which has now been incubating her eggs for two days -- alone in the tank. Well, yesterday afternoon, I discovered that the male was really bullying the female underneath the rocks in the tank. I mean this was continuous, serious sparring with locked jaws and all. I imagine that he wanted to mate again, but she didn't want to have anything to do with him. I was fearful that the female might lose her eggs due to the stress and the mouth-to-mouth fighting; so, I set up another small tank next to my other female -- which has also been incubating her eggs for seventeen days now. I wanted to get the "damsel in distress" out of the tank as quickly as possible, before she lost her eggs, and I got some unexpected help from the dominant male. I usually use two nets together in order to catch fish, but the female wasn't too eager to come out from under her rock -- but then the male came along and chased her out for me. I made another happy discovery while I was setting up the second small tank for this badgered female. To my surprise, even though it was only day #17, the first female had already released at least one of her fry. I only saw one, and it was free-swimming already, and it looked rather large for a fry, at least to me. There may be other free-swimmers, but I didn't see them. The one that I did see quickly dashed into a small crack between a rock and the sand substrate. He seemed like a really spunky fellow. So I decided to test the female to see if she was ready yet to release the rest of her fry, by putting an algae tablet in her brooding tank to tempt her. While she nibbled on it a bit, apparently she isn't ready yet to release the rest of her fry, as I can still see a bulge in her throat. Perhaps today she will release the rest of them. She is awfully thin and pale looking, and I want to nurse her back to health as soon as possible. So, for now, I have two brooding females in two small tanks, two males in two twenty gallon tanks, and the dominant male alone in the forty gallon tank. It serves him right for being such a bully to everyone! :) Jeff Snyder, SysOp - Armageddon BBS Visit us at port 23 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your Download Center 4 Mac BBS Software & Christian Files. We Use Hermes II --- Hermes Web Tosser 1.1 * Origin: Armageddon BBS -- Guam, Mariana Islands (1:345/3777.0) .