Subj : Re: The Mystery Almost Solved To : Michael Grant From : Jeff Snyder Date : Mon Jun 29 2009 04:26 am On 06/29/09, Jeff Snyder quoted Michael Grant: The Mystery Almost Solved. MG> I poked my nose in here because I pretty much have an out-of control algae MG> problem ATM. I tried scraping, and also tried another suggestion I found MG> online: using a magic eraser. Worked well, but only temporarily, then the MG> algae came back in spades. Michael, I think that you may be attacking your algae problem from the wrong direction. Rather than concentrating on eliminating the symptoms -- the unsightly algae -- you need to get to the source of the problem, which, for starters, is probably a high concentration of nitrates in your tank. As you probably already know, nitrates are a part of the nitrification cycle, i.e., ammonia, nitrite, nitrates, free nitrogen. The root of your problem is more than likely excessive organic waste somewhere in your system, which over time is being broken down into nitrates. Like phosphates, nitrates are the perfect food source for algae. My suggestions to you, before you decide to go the full route of dismantling your tank, are the following: 1. Use a turkey baster or gravel vacuum to clean out your substrate. 2. Check and replace all filter pads and cartridges as needed. 3. Check and clean out all filter tubing as needed. 4. Manually remove excess algae from glass and tank decor as much as possible. 5. Verify that your bio-load is not too heavy for the size of your tank. 6. Do not overfeed your fish. 7. Conduct 25% -- or more -- water changes on a regular basis, meaning at least once a week. Being as you already have an algae problem, I would suggest a water change of 50%, and I would consider doing it twice a week until your nitrate level drops to an acceptable level. Of course, you will need to purchase a nitrate test kit in order to properly monitor the nitrate level of the tank. I hope that the above helps. Please let us know how it goes. Thanks! Jeff Snyder, SysOp - Armageddon BBS Visit us at port 23 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your Download Center 4 Mac BBS Software & Christian Files. We Use Hermes II --- Hermes Web Tosser 1.1 * Origin: Armageddon BBS -- Guam, Mariana Islands (1:345/3777.0) .