Subj : The Mystery Almost Solved To : Jeff Snyder From : Michael Grant Date : Thu Jul 02 2009 11:31 pm Hello Jeff. 03 Jul 09 13:40, you wrote to me: JS> Just curious...Do you use undergravel filters in your tanks? No, just gravel. It's 75 gallons, so I'd need a pretty powerful powerhead to drive a UGF for it. JS> under and all around the rocks. As for the sand, my fish are JS> constantly moving it and stirring it up, so there are no anaerobic JS> pockets as far as I know. I've been looking at sand. A local shop has sand that is suited to what African cichlids are used to. I think it may have even said that it was from Malawi lake itself. I may add that when I do the teardown. JS> Between my filtration system -- two Penguin JS> 330 Bio-Wheels each powered by a Penguin 1140 powerhead -- and JS> weekly I have a very good canister filter, although I do admit that I tend to let it go too long between cleaning at times. --- GoldED/W32 3.0.1 * Origin: MikE'S MaiL MaCHinE! (1:250/306) .