Subj : Tropical Fish Forum Redesigned To : All From : Jeff Snyder Date : Tue Apr 19 2011 06:57 am Hello everyone. As some of my regular readers will know, in addition to studying and teaching the Bible -- which is my primary activity and lifelong passion -- I do have other interests. For example, for many years now -- over four decades in fact -- I have been a tropical fish hobbyist, although not on a continual basis. For a time, I was a manager at a local pet store, as well as the manager of its sister business which designed and maintained freshwater and saltwater aquariums. Later on, I started my own aquarium maintenance and design business. That was not quite twenty years ago, and I have since abandoned that activity. Currently, I only have one 45-gallon freshwater aquarium set up which contains several dozen Malawi cichlids. Unbeknownst to me, I actually started out with four males and one female -- they were too young to determine their sex at the time in April of 2009 -- and the rest is history. The aquarium is now bursting with several generations of Malawi cichlids of various ages and sizes. They have provided me with a lot of pleasure during the time that I have had them. Anyway, three years ago I started a tropical fish forum -- or messageboard -- for other tropical fish hobbyists who might want to stop by for a chat, or to share their own bits of fishy wisdom. Sadly, my tropical fish forum never really took off the ground, even though I did a small bit of online promoting for it. However, yesterday I decided to give my tropical fish messageboard a facelift, in the hope that it might attract some new visitors and members. I am quite pleased with the results, as I have incorporated quite a bit of CSS3 into the updated design. If you are a fellow tropical fish hobbyist, and would like to take a peek at the all new Tropical Fish Forum messageboard, just go to the following link: / That link will take you to the landing page for the Tropical Fish Forum. You will see a link in the middle of that page which will actually take you into the messageboard itself. Thanks so much! Jeff Snyder, SysOp - Armageddon BBS Visit us at port 23 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your Download Center 4 Mac BBS Software & Christian Files. We Use Hermes II --- Hermes Web Tosser 1.1 * Origin: Armageddon BBS -- Guam, Mariana Islands (1:345/3777.0) .