Subj : Dead Fish To : mark lewis From : Roger Shays Date : Thu Jun 21 2012 05:09 pm Re: Dead Fish By: mark lewis to Roger Shays on Thu Jun 21 2012 03:42 pm > "Roger Shays -> mark lewis" <1:322/759> wrote in > news:2896$fido.aquarium@JamNNTPd: > ml>> 1. did you change some of the water or all of it? > RS> All of the water was changed and the rocks and tank were cleaned with > RS> cool water then refilled tank , let sit 24 hours with running throug > RS> the new filters and then brought the ph to 7.0 the only survivor so > RS> far is a little pleko about 1 and a half inches long > so there was absolutely no biological base... hummm... there's more than jus > water pH and tempurature... > assuming you brought the new fish in all at once in bags, did you acclimitiz > them to the tank water before actually placing them in the tank? you do this > by opening the bag and removing some of its water which you replace with som > from the tank... about 1/3rd to 1/2 cup at a time... you do this with 30 > minutes waits between additions... > the above does two things... it gradually exposes the fish to the tank water > while also allowing them to get used to the tempurature... > it sounds like it was an extremely "sterile" environment and that may have > shocked them... but i've seen ones handled as i describe die and i've seen > them infect an entire tank, too... i handle this by placing new fish in a > nursery tank for a week or so before placing them in my main tank(s)... > -- > )\/(ark - remove .my.foot to email me, capiche? > > > > > > > > > > > All the fish were placed in the tank at the same time , I had placed the bag in the water for about 40 minutes before releasing them , the only survivor was the baby pleco who adapted to the tank rather well , Im gonna try buying a bit larger tropical fish and see what happens now , now that the tank has been up and running for a week the water should be pretty good now wishing myself luck in hopes these ones survive this timne --- SBBSecho 2.12-Win32 * Origin: (1:322/759) .