Subj : Anyone home? To : Allen Prunty From : mark lewis Date : Fri May 27 2016 08:25 am 27 May 16 03:32, you wrote to All: AP> Seriously... anyone home have some questions about the aquarium. there was one fella that used to write some interesting stories about what the critters in his tanks used to do... like when they were nesting and guarding their eggs until the hatchlings came out... i've got three aquariums here (30, 20Long, 20Tall) but don't have any critters in them at this time... did you see my post on how to build an aquarium? )\/(ark Always Mount a Scratch Monkey .... God was my co-pilot, then we crashed in the Andes & I had to eat him. --- * Origin: (1:3634/12.73) .