Subj : Re: Newbie-How Many Fish? To : Jjg From : Barry Martin Date : Thu Jan 01 2004 08:00 am Hi Folks! I'm definately not an expert and have been lurking, learning from those who know more than I. :) Figured I'd jump in to help JJG. IM> > My daughter got a 5 gallon tank kit for the holidays. We have an IM> > African Dwarf Frog and a small tetra in the tank. We'd like to get IM> > another frog and perhaps 1-2 more fish. How many fish can safely live IM> > in a 5 gallon tank? Would a ctfish be a good idea (to help keep the IM> > tank clean)? Have a "plotemy" (something like that) named "Charlie" -- scavenger- type fish who keeps the aquarium pretty clean. His bottom is flat and when he is against the glass can see the suction action of his mouth. Top looks bumpy and 'scary' - he's so ugly he's cute! :) IM> by the fish poop and rotting matter. The more you feed the more of the IM> latter there will be so don't over feed! Feed as much as they will eat in IM> 2-3 minutes twice a day. A slightly hungry fish is more likely to stay a IM> healthy fish. I feed my guys a pinch of granulated fish food at night. They certainly are not starving as they usually don't attack the food when I feed them. And by "pinch" it's maybe a quarter-teaspoon if that. This is for three fish and whatever Charlie eats. IM> You need to manage these toxins or you will have a dead fish & I would gues IM> frog as well. The Tetra will not tolerate a lot of this at all. Assuming yo IM> have set this up in the last week you need to act on this quickly - the IM> ammonia will be rising now - the Nitrite comes inside the next week or two. IM> If you see the fish gasping at the surface then you know its struggling - IM> not for air but because of the toxins & you should change some water IM> immediately. I hate to say this but I don't do anything more than clean the 'cotton' in the filter every so often and the fish have been quite happy. Add distilled water as needed (evaporates out, especially in winter). Maybe enough surface area the by-products escape? Not sure how many gallons the tank is: 20"w x 10"d x 12"h. The guys have been living for five or six years easily. BTW, good tips, Iian - I kept for future reference. - ¯ barry.martinþATþ ® * Blonde Inventions: Glow in the dark sunglasses --- þ RoseReader 2.52á P003186 þ The Safe BBS þ Bettendorf, IA 563-359-1971 * Origin: MoonDog BBS, Brooklyn,NY, 718 692-2498, 1:278/230 (1:278/230) .