Subj : Unknown worms To : All From : Mrt Date : Sat Jan 10 2004 08:49 pm Hi, I just today noticed a little translucent worm wriggling around in my tank. It was about 3 mm long and thin. Spotting another a few minutes later, I decided to take a look in my corner filter (not cleaned for a couple of weeks). Found plenty of worms inside the floss. They stay still unless free-floating. I think they must be feeding on the matter in the floss - it seems to be forming into little blobs and sausages. Three questions: 1. Any idea what species they are? 2. How on earth did they get in there? (Am I likely to find them in my bath?) 3. Do fish like them? I saw one of them being eaten by one of my guppy fry. TIA! --- þ RIMEGate(tm)/RGXPost V1.14 at BBSWORLD * --- * RIMEGate(tm)V10.2áÿ* RelayNet(tm) NNTP Gateway * MoonDog BBS * RgateImp.MoonDog.BBS at 1/10/04 8:49:21 PM * Origin: MoonDog BBS, Brooklyn,NY, 718 692-2498, 1:278/230 (1:278/230) .